Part Three: What He Felt:


** Karl**


            The light in the bedroom is dim, but it doesn’t matter, all I see are the men before me. The sight of Harry and Craig kissing is shocking, but in a very very good way. I can’t move, I can’t think, I can’t breathe as I watch them. All I can do is absorb the stunning beauty they present, as hands begin to explore, tongues tangle together. I’m already hard, watching them touch, feeling their hands on my body is almost unbearably arousing.


            I must have made some noise, because Craig reaches out and pulls me even closer, pulling me into their kiss. And it’s confusing, I can’t tell what belongs to who, and it’s so amazing I can’t quite take it in. Clothes are falling away as if by magic, I’m too caught up in how it feels to be touching both Craig and Harry to even notice who’s doing what. All I can do is watch in rapture as skin is revealed, expanses here and there. The familiar planes of Craig’s chest that I know by memory, the less familiar ones of Harry’s that I want to learn.


            Craig steps back, grins as he shows me what he wants me to do, us to do. I look deeply into blue eyes and then hazel ones as I pull Harry closer. I press into him, feeling the raw heat of his mouth on mine, just letting myself sink lost myself in him the way I wanted to do so many times before. And it’s so much better than I ever could imagine it being, because I can feel Craig’s hands on my back, his fingertips trailing over my body, making me shiver. I can tell he’s doing the same to Harry, can feel the goosebumps on his skin, warm beneath my fingers as my hands roam over him.


            He tastes different then Craig, and yet at the same time, I can taste Craig on him. A mixture of the two that has me aching, needing more than just trailing touches. Harry seems to understand this and his hand slide farther down. I gasp into his mouth when it wraps surely around my cock. I press into his light touch, tingles shooting down my spine and throughout my entire body.


            I pull back, breathless from the light, teasing touch of his hand gliding over aching flesh. I watch hazily as Harry and Craig’s mouths come together once more, a slow lazy dance that makes my cock twitch beneath caresses that are still too light for my tastes, but I can tell that Harry loves this. Loves to tease me, the same way Craig does. They both love the slow torturous buildup, featherlight carresses that drive me wild, leave me aching, desperate for  more.


            I can feel both of their bodies against mine, a shifting sliding heat that sets my nerves on fire. Craig’s fingers trail down my back, playing gently at the base of my spine, knowing how it makes me gasp. He slides down, and fixes his mouth on that spot, suckling gently, making me arch into Harry, into the wet heat of his mouth against my neck.


            My hands can’t decide where they want to be, there is simply too many expanses of bared skin that make me ache to feel them beneath my fingers that I can’t make up my mind where I like them best.


              I realize then that Craig is moving back, settling himself on the bed, and I looked at him, slightly confused, unsure how he can move away from this. He smiles at me, a soft slow smile that sends my pulse racing.


He speaks, and his words are velvet in the air, the only sound apart from jagged breathing, and soft little moans.


“I want to watch you two,” he says, and the sound of his voice the image he creates makes my stomach flip flop again, a slow twisting slide, and all I can think of is Harry’s body against mine and steady blue eyes watching us both. The idea sends even more blood rushing straight to my cock, simple words arousing me almost to the point of climax.



** Harry **


            The soft words ring in my ears. I had never really thought much about how this would go, but I find the idea of Craig watching erotic to say the least. I pull Karl tight against my body, reading the dark message in hazel eyes.


            My lips slide along the contours of his jaw, the barest hint of stubble rough against sensitive skin. I move slowly, unable to get enough, and unwilling to rush. I kiss my way down his throat, feeling the long lines of it as his head falls just a little. The soft taste of his skin dazzles my tongue, and I want to know more. I want to know the was his shoulder tastes, his stomach, the way his hipbone feel beneath my mouth. Mostly though I want to know the dusky taste of his cock on my tongue, I want to feel the heated slide of flesh as he presses into my mouth, urging me on. I want to feel the way his muscles tense, his body slick with sweat when he comes, I want to hear the way he sounds then.


            His hands slide across my body, burning me, if I look down I should be able to see the path burned into my skin, marking me. And I want them to, I want to see every place their hands have touched me, I want to be able to see the proof of this. 


            I look up, meeting Craig’s eyes, find baby blue has deepened to a rich shade of cobalt as he watches us, his bottom lip caught between his teeth.


“Where’s the-“ But Craig is, as always, a step ahead of me, slipping a cool tube into my hand.


            Karl is right up against the bed now, my chest pressed against his back. I slick up a few fingers, and circle puckered flesh slowly, easing one finger inside of him. I can feel the soft moan he makes as I ease another finger inside of him, working them slowly in and out, trailing them over a spot that makes him jerk back into me, his breathing hard now.  I work in a third finger, mimicking with my hand what I want to do to him.


            When I can’t wait any longer, aroused to the point that it seems if I go another breath before I finally slide inside him, I will simply implode. I slick my cock, tossing the tube aside. The cool of it shocks my overheated skin, but after a few slick strokes with my hand, it warms to my skin. I position the head just against his body, using every last ounce of control to keep the pace slow as I press forward, not stopping until I’m fully inside him.


            And ohmygod, all I can feel is the tight heat surrounding my cock, as my hand slides around Karl’s waist, taking his cock in my hand as I move, pulling out almost all the way before thrusting completely forward once more.  I can feel cobalt eyes fixed on us both, taking in every muscle tensing, every flick of my fingers, and I groan, speeding up, needing more, needing it faster, just needing. I can’t look away from those eyes, the intimacy of the moment making my pulse race, but those eyes are locked onto mine.


Karl head falls back as I thrust into him, slippery hot slides of flesh against flesh. My mouth fastens on the nape of his neck, suckling greedily, tasting him.


I can tell that his eyes are fixed on Craig now, that he sees when Craig finally slides forward that tiny distance, unable to simply watch any more. I twist my wrist as I stroke Karl; my rhythm slipping as I feel the way his cock twitches in my hand. The low moan he makes is swallowed by Craig’s mouth, one of his hands on each of us. I can feel his tense on my body as I thrust deeper, harder into him, feeling the play of my muscles beneath sweat slicked skin.


And I’m so close now, my other hand tight on Karl’s hip, holding him steady as I push into him, my strokes wild and uneven now. I can’t get close enough, deep enough, I can’t get enough of the way he feels against me, the hot clasp of his body. I can feel his close he is too; his muscles are tensing with every jagged breath. I speed my hand up, feeling his desperation. A few more strokes and his whole body is jerking, I can feel the wet warmth as he comes on my hand, but it’s the breathless way he moans, low and rough, that pushes me over the edge. I sink into him once more, one last wild thrust before I’m crying out, wave after wave of pleasure coursing through my body as I come inside of him. The orgasm tearing through me with shocking intensity, droning me. I can hear my pulse roaring in my eras, and feel the rapid rise of Karl’s chest against me.



** Craig **


            Watching them together is the most exquisite agony I can imagine. The effortless way their bodies move together seems so natural, it’s hard to imagine they haven’t been doing this beyond reckoning, together so long, they know the rhythm of each other’s body. The look on Harry’s face when he slides inside Karl is almost too much to bear. I know so well how it feels, the tight heat surrounding my cock, and I have to reach down, trail my fingers across over-sensitized skin, doing nothing more than teasing myself. But its too much, it’s too much to watch them together, and I have to move forward, press into Karl, the familiar heat making me ache.


            The mingled scent of their skin mixes together, creating the most delectable aphrodisiac imaginable. Karl’s mouth is hard and sure against mine, his hand reaching down, wrapping around my cock. Karl doesn’t tease me. He touches me just the way I need it now. Long, knowing strokes that simply make me come undone, a pleasure so intense it almost hurts starting with every movement of his hand and spreading throughout my body, a warming glow as I press into him, feeling him moan against me.


            The way Karl moans when he comes never fails to make my cock ache. I can feel the aftershocks rip through him, and then I can hear the liquid tones of Harry’s voice as he climaxes, sounds that turn the gentle warmth in searing heat, raw need pumping through my veins like molten fire.


            Harry’s hand is on top of Karl’s now, stroking with him, and it’s too much, I bite my lip, tasting the metallic tang of my own blood as the fire explodes in me. My voice is hoarse when I cry out, my body shaking with the intensity as I come. I can hear softly whispered words, but I cannot make out what is being said. All I know is that we’re all collapsed on the mattress, a mass of tangled limbs and damp skin.


            I can’t keep my eyes open any longer, I can feel first one, then two soft kisses pressed to my brow, before I’m asleep, the slow steady fall of my chest, mirroring two others.


** Harry **


            My eyelids flutter open. It’s still night, but I can’t tell what time. I can feel the comforting weight of a blanket covering me, and the warmth of two other bodies against mine. I move slightly, and realize that Craig is awake as well.


            He looks over at me, no more than a few inches away. His fingers reach up, and trail slowly, thoughtfully along my jaw, settling there for a moment, his thumb moving in slow circles on my skin. I shiver slightly at the look in his eyes, almost black in the darkness of the room.


            He leans forward, his lips finding mine in the shadows, a soft gentle kiss. It lasts no more than a few moments, but the intimacy of the touch shocks me. Craig manages to say so much with nothing more than a lingering brush of his mouth against mine, saying more than I can even take in now.


            He smiles softly at me, and moves a little closer, his head resting lightly against the curve of my neck, his arm stretched across my body, trailing softly over the warmth of Karl’s skin. Within minutes, he’s asleep once more, I can tell by the soft even pace of his breathing, the warmth drifting across my skin.


            It takes a long time for me to fall asleep again, even though my eyes feel heavy. My mind is too full to let me drift off now. When I finally do fall asleep, it’s with Karl’s elbow pressing into my ribs, and Craig’s hair tickling my nose with every breath. And I can’t remember the last time something felt so right, so comfortable.

End of Part 3.
