Title: Beloved

Rating: G

Cast: Agamemnon, Menelaus


Menelaus cleared his throat softly, unable to keep the note of impatience from creeping in as he waited for his brother’s attention. Agamemnon carried on his exchange with the man whom Menelaus spared no more than a brief nod of acknowledgement. He cannot be bothered with niceties now.


Agamemnon then smiled, one that curved his lips but did not seem to reach his eyes. Menelaus wondered what happened to the brother he had once thought he’d known in childhood days, so long past.


“What did you wish to discuss, my brother?”


His own voice is hoarse when he replies.






The reflection in the mirror shows a beauty such as the world shall remember. She turns away, for once careless of the disarray her hair is in, carefully coiffed strands slipping out of place, golden beads carefully woven into yet more golden hair slipping at the movement and bouncing across the floor with distantly hollow steps. She pays no mind to them as they scatter across the floor. Instead she studies the face before her, every line fluid and beautiful. One could never tire of such perfection.


Her beloved.


Her savior.


“Take me with you,” is all she can say.

