Title: Covet

Author: Elandae



It wasn’t simply the spun gold of her hair that slipped into languid curls like a mermaid that had escaped from the sea, the sun drying her hair into gently waving strands reminiscent of her home. Her skin, the purest ivory, her features more delicate than the finest work of art, a beauty and perfection that could never be wrought nor matched by any mortal hand. Her breasts, soft and high, her slender waist curving in smoothly. Her legs, long and shapely, the grace of the lines rivaled only by the arc of her milky throat, the essence of purity.


It was more then the grace with which she moved, seeming not to walk at all, but glide through the room as no mere mortal could, each step effortless. It was more than her smile, perfectly molded lips curving to bring an illumination to already stunning beauty.


It was sea green eyes, wide and luminous, fringed by long thick lashes. It came from beyond the face with its divine beauty; it was the secret and unuttered promise that was held in their depths, the beauty and mystery of the sea locked into jewel-bright eyes. It was treacherous beauty that would lure men to their willing death. It was beauty such as the world had never seen, beauty to be lusted over, celebrated, coveted.


It was a beauty that should bring the world to its knees.

