Title: Domestic Abilities (or lack thereof)

Author: Elandae (j_3101@yahoo.ca)

Pairing: Karl Urban/Harry Sinclair

Rating: PG 13

Summary: In which Karl cooks, and Harry discovers something new about his lover.

Disclaimer: Don’t know them; make no claims of any sort. This is intended only for enjoyment and I make no money from it.

Archive: Working Blue and my site:

Feedback: Always welcome!

Author’s Notes: This is a companion piece to ‘On The Side’ in which Karl learned something new :D


            Karl hummed softly to himself as he set about making dinner. Or attempting to, it wasn’t looking all that good at this point. Harry came into the kitchen, peering over Karl’s shoulder at the mess on the counter.

‘*What* are you doing?’ He asked with a laugh.

Karl made a face at him, gesturing to the clutter before him, ‘I’m making dinner.’

‘Is that what you call this?’

‘What are you insinuating?’

‘Oh, nothing….it just looks like the fridge threw up.’

‘Oh, very funny,’ Karl said dryly.

‘I thought so,’ Harry replied, wiggling his eyebrows. He eyed the sauce bubbling merrily away on the stovetop, making a face.

‘Is it supposed to look like that?’

Karl laughed, ‘Well, aren’t you just *on* today.’

Harry rolled his eyes, giving Karl a little poke in his side, before he left, allowing him to continue on with his…cooking.


*   *   *   *   *  


            Harry warily eyed the plate in front of him, hoping that it would taste better than it looked. He took a hesitant bite, and discovered that sometimes first impressions were *very* accurate. He could feel Karl’s eyes on him, so he bravely took another bite, trying not to wince. He looked up, meeting a very amused pair of hazel eyes.

‘You’re not really going to eat that, are you?’ Karl asked, pushing his own plate away with a look of distaste. Harry copied him with a sigh of relief.

‘Okay, so cooking isn’t really my thing,’ Karl admitted, a gross understatement that Harry allowed to pass without comment.

‘It’s okay, it’s not like I keep you around for your domestic abilities…it’s mainly just the sex,’ he said with a grin.


*   *   *   *   * 


            Harry leaned against the doorway, watching Karl as he did the dishes, completely unaware of Harry’s presence in the room. Harry fought to keep from laughing as he listened to Karl singing to himself.

Unable to keep quiet any longer, he broke in, ‘what was that you were singing?’ he asked with a knowing smile.

Karl whirled around, a slight blush on his cheeks, ‘nothing.’

‘It sounded like *something* to me,’ Harry replied with a playful grin.

‘I don’t know what you’re talking about,’ Karl said, feigning innocence.

‘You know, I can’t quite decide what you’re better at, singing or cooking.’

‘I thought you just kept me around for the sex.’

Harry grinned at this, ‘good to see you’re finally learning your place,’ he replied making Karl snort.

‘Such an amusing guy you are tonight….too bad I don’t get to see it more often.’

‘Hey, hey, I thought we were discussing your singing abilities,’ Harry shook his head, ‘everything is about sex with you, isn’t it Karl?’ He ducked the washcloth that was thrown at his head and hit the wall with a wet sploosh behind him.

‘Karl….can I ask you something?’

Karl eyed him suspiciously, ‘what?’

‘That song you were just singing…..how *do* you solve a problem like Maria?’ Harry asked with a grin and took off running before Karl could catch up.


The End.
