Title: Honor Bound 5/16

Author: Elandae (j_3101@yahoo.ca)

Beta: The lovely and charming Daea

Pairing: Craig/Karl, Craig/Dave, Karl/Dave (implied)

Rating: NC-17 overall

Disclaimer: Don’t know them; make no claims of any sort. This is nothing but fiction.

Feedback: Love it

Dedication: Ribbed for my muse’s pleasure (eeewww)

Website: https://www.angelfire.com/hero/worship0/homepage.htm



Chapter Five: The Night:


            Everyone stayed around the table long after the last plate had been pushed back, and taken away by the slaves, talking merrily. Craig longed for the solitude of his chambers, sat silently listening to the conversations taking place around him. He barely noticed as Mishelle got up, moving farther down the table.


            He heard someone drop lightly into the seat, and he held his breath that she wouldn’t want to talk to him, as she had been trying to do during all through dinner. He looked up hesitantly to find the man, Colin his name was, sitting next to him. Colin flashed him a quick smile.


“Mishelle giving you a hard time?” He asked, looking down the table at the woman.


Craig smiled nervously, “A little.”


“All you need to know is how to deal with her,” Colin replied confidently.


“And how would that be?”


“I have no idea how you would deal with her, I just know how I do it,” Colin said, watching Craig with an evident glint of amusement in his eyes.


“How is that?”


Colin grinned wolfishly, “Just come on twice as strong as she does.” He paused for a moment, eyeing Craig, “Somehow I don’t think that would work for you, your face is too honest.”


Craig wasn’t sure how to take this, and so said nothing.


“So, how long have you been the Prince’s new plaything?” Colin asked, his tone as casual as if he had been discussing the weather.


            Craig cleared his throat, eyeing Colin carefully. “Since this afternoon, I guess,” he replied slowly.


“I am sure he’ll be quite pleased with you,” Colin said with a sidelong glance as he took a long swallow of wine from the glass held elegantly in his hand.


            Craig’s eyes widened, making Colin laugh, “What makes you say that?”


“No need to look so startled. You’re really quite pleasing to the eye, I can see why he chose you.”


            The words struck Craig as odd; the Prince had not chosen him. Or had he? Craig worried his bottom lip between his teeth.


“You will soon fit in here,” Colin said, glancing about the room casually. Craig wasn’t sure whether this was a good or bad thing.


            Colin suddenly pushed his chair back, getting easily to his feet, and Craig saw that Mishelle was returning to her seat. With a wink, he headed off, and Craig could hear him exchanging several tawdry comments with Mishelle as he left.




            The silence of his new bedchambers was a relief after the noise of the dining hall. Craig lay down across the bed, feeling the firmness beneath him as he breathed a sigh of relief to be on his own once more. He rubbed slow circles on his temples until he could feel the tension begin to ease. He rested his arm on his arm, looking across the room and out the window. He could see the stars from here.


“Don’t you make a lovely picture.”


            The words startled him, making him sit up quickly. His eyes widened in surprise as he saw Karl lounging easily in the doorway, his frame seeming to fill the doorway effortlessly.


“I did not hear you approach,” Craig said softly, standing up and straightening his robes.


“So I see.”


            Karl moved across the room, his easy grace making Craig feel even more nervous. His mouth went dry as the Prince seated himself on the edge of the bed, right in the spot that Craig had just vacated. He watched in amusement as Craig eyed him nervously.


“No need to be scared,” he said with a slow smile.


“I am not scared,” Craig replied, hoping that the man wouldn’t see through the lie.


“Have a seat.” The Prince gestured to the spot next to him and Craig eyed it for a moment before finally sitting down hesitantly on the edge of the bed, a fair distance between himself and the other man.


            The Prince laughed softly at Craig’s obvious discomfort.


“You look as though I will attack you at any moment.”


“Do I?”


“Yes, you look like a terrified child.”


            Craig cleared his throat and moved a little farther back onto the bed, making an effort to look at ease.


“That is not much better.”


            Craig rolled his eyes, suddenly exasperated at this man.


“Well, what do you expect of me? I do not know what you want, nor what you will do. I am sure that you would not be overly comfortable should the situations be reversed.”


“I certainly would not be as scared as you are. Though admittedly, you hardly seem the type to attack someone.”


“And you?”


“You never can tell,” the Prince replied with a predatory smile, making Craig’s eyes go wide.


There was a slight pause before the Prince added, “Surely you don’t think so little of me that you’d imagine I would take you against your will?” His voice was lightly reprimanding, as though he was speaking to a child who did not know better.


“I never really thought about what I wanted playing into this,” Craig said honestly.


“I realize that you would not exactly have the highest impression of me but I am not that kind of man. You chose to be here, and I will not force anything on you that you are not ready for.”


            Craig nodded slowly. Those words were not at all what he had expected to hear. Though in truth, this man had yet to say or do anything that Craig had anticipated.


“You mean tonight you will not…” Craig trailed off, his cheeks coloring slightly as he realized that he didn’t know what to say. Surely this man would not make love to him, that was certainly not something to be expected in this situation. All the other phrases he knew seemed so crude. “You mean only to…” He started once more, and then trailed off again when he realized that he did not know what this man expected of him.


“Simply to talk, surely that is not so scary,” the Prince said, fixing his steady gaze on Craig. He wished only to talk. The statement should have put him at ease, and yet it did not. There was something about this man, perhaps it was that seemingly unshakable sense of confidence that made him wholly unnerving in close confines.


“To talk? That’s fine,” Craig said, concentrating on making his voice come out evenly.


“Tell me about your night. I have been told that you met all the others this evening.”


            Craig swallowed, relieved at the simplicity of the topic. “Yes, though I doubt I will remember any of their names.”


“No one expects you to. I hardly imagine that you will enjoy any of their company,” Karl said offhandedly.


“How do you mean?”


“The King does not enjoy women with a fine mind. I am sure that did not escape your notice. The more time you spend in their company, the more obvious you will find it.”


“Everyone seemed pleasant enough to me,” Craig said, remembering Mishelle’s advances with an unpleasant twinge. 


“Oh, I am sure they are all nice enough,” the Prince said with a dismissive shrug of his shoulders, “I have never bothered to find out. I simply cannot get past their simpering behavior. I cannot abide such mindless creatures.”


            Craig nodded slowly, recalling their conversation in the other man’s office. Somehow he was not surprised by Karl’s opinion. He found it impossible to imagine this man with the women he had met tonight, regardless of how nice they may be.  He was altogether too ambitious to spend his time with women like that. Craig remembered David’s words about Colin, and wondered once more how that man had so captured the Prince’s attention.


“David will be coming by tomorrow,” Karl said, startling Craig from his reverie. “He will tell you all that you will need to know.”


            Craig looked back at Karl, his expression blank.


“I see you do not remember.” The Prince studied Craig’s face, patiently waiting for Craig to understand rather than explain things himself.


            It was clear on his face the moment Craig recalled what the other man was talking about.


“He will begin your education, as I shall call it for lack of a better term.”


“I am sure I can get by on my own,” Craig said stiffly.


            Karl smiled at him, once more a hidden note in his smile making Craig uneasy.


“Oh, there is more for you to learn than just the behavior,” he said, his eyes twinkling.


“What do you mean?” Craig asked, not even sure he wanted to know what the Prince had in mind. 


“There are certain things you will need to know beyond how to behave, Craig.”


“I’m afraid I do not understand.”


“You will.”


            With that, the Prince got to his feet, smiling down at a still confused man.


“I must be on my way,” he said, surprising Craig more than he had already by taking his hand and pressing a soft kiss to the back of it. “I will see you soon.”


            Craig nodded and mutely watched the Prince cross the room, his strides long. He turned at the doorway and smiled briefly at the other man and then he was gone. 


            Craig stood for some time, watching the retreating figure, staring down the deserted hall for some time before he shook himself from his thoughts and headed back into his room. He wandered slowly around the expanse, finally blowing out the few candles that lit the room, watching the thin trail of smoke drift slowly upwards before he settled himself before his window, staring up at the dark night sky. The inky black expanse twinkled with stars and Craig tilted his head up so that he saw nothing but the sky. No hint of the shutters that bordered the window frame on either side entered his vision, nor did he allow the town spread below him to disrupt the view. All he allowed himself to see was the starry night sky, knowing that they should look the same from the palace window as they had from the window of his own humble home.


            Breathing deeply he dropped his gaze to the city spread out before him. Light shone from the windows of the buildings, a warm beacon to lead loved ones home. Craig wondered how many other people were down there, sitting at their window staring out at the endless expanse of the night sky. He drummed his fingers lightly on the windowsill for several moments, before stilling the motion and laying his head down on his arm. His eyes were drawn automatically in the direction of his village, his mind painting in all the details that he knew were there. His breathing slowed, tripped in his throat in a mock shudder.


For the first time since he’d arrived, Craig allowed memories of his life to wash over him. A single tear wet his dark lashes, sliding down the curve of his cheek, the drop glistening in the moonlight, hanging suspended for a moment before dropping onto his arm. Another followed, and then another as the tears came faster though Craig made no move to brush them away.


            And so, alone in the most beautiful and lavish room he’d ever had to call his own, in a palace who beauty was coveted by countless others, a man stared out at the night sky, silent tears coursing down his cheeks, iridescent in the moonlight, and he mourned for the life that was no longer his.




            Craig awoke to the bright glow of the morning light filling his room. He stretched, his body loose and warm from sleep, sure that this was the most comfortable bed he’d ever slept in. The night before he’d stayed by the window, as the stars had blurred through the veil of his own tears, not moving even as they gradually stopped flowing, the tracks drying on his cheeks in the slight warmth that lingered on from the day. He had eventually gotten up, falling into the soft comfort of the bed. Ensconced in downy softness he had fallen asleep almost instantly; exhausted form the day’s events.


            The bedclothes slid lower down his body as he stretched, the starched white highlighting the tanned planes of his firmly muscled stomach. His hand ran slowly across the expanse, feeling the warmth of his own skin. Realizing that he had nothing that he had to hurry to get done for once, he rolled over onto his side, adjusting the pillows beneath his head. He gazed out the window, able to see the distant bustle of the marketplace.


            He turned at a soft knock at the door, so quiet he almost wasn’t even sure that he had not simply imagined the noise. He bid them enter, and a young girl hesitantly opened the door. She was slight, with red brown hair pulled starkly back from her face. Her eyes were wide as she took in Craig lying in the bed. He pulled the sheets farther up his body automatically seeing the way her eyes widened farther as her gaze slid lower.


“I’ve brought your breakfast, sir,” she said, her voice low and trembling, and Craig immediately felt a wave of pity course through him.


“Don’t call me sir,” he said automatically.


“W-what, sir?” She asked, obviously flustered by this, most likely having been trained to think that all she served were her superiors and should therefore be treated with the utmost respect. Seeing the terrified look on her face his heart went out to her.


“It’s nothing,” he amended quickly, hoping to put her at ease.


            She swallowed hard and her gaze darted up to Craig’s concerned expression before dropping back to the floor almost instantly.


“Where shall I set your breakfast…,” he could hear her struggle to remember not to call him ‘sir’, and the accompanying fear of who knew what form of repercussions.


“Just right there,” he said quickly, his eyes traveling hurriedly around the room and settling on the stand next to his bed.


            She scurried forward, setting the tray carefully down on the stand, taking care not to look at Craig as she did so.


“Thank you,” he said, wishing he could say or do something to comfort this girl. Looking at her he couldn’t help feeling a sense of relief knowing that his own sister would be spared this. A surge of guilt followed that thought, to think that because this girl was not his sister did not make this okay.


            She gave him a quick nod at his thanks and hurried from the room. Craig sat up farther in bed, adjusting the pillows once more. He pulled the tray from the stand, setting it carefully onto his lap. He eyed the food there, feeling his stomach rumble at the soft scents wafting up. With his characteristic strength of mind, he forced all thoughts of that girl from his head, knowing that thinking about her would only being him more unhappiness. He needed to keep his mind off all of that now simply to hang onto his self-control.


            Glancing over the tray once more, he picked up the steaming white mug, the heat from the liquid within warming his fingers. He sniffed it hesitantly, his nose wrinkling at the strong, though unfamiliar scent that greeted him. Taking along swallow, he made a face at the strong bitter flavor of the unknown liquid. He set the cup back on the stand next to his bed, taking a long swallow from the glass holding clear cold water to rid his mouth of the lingering aftertaste of the dark liquid.


            He picked up a thick slice of bread instead, the softly yeast scent comforting in its familiarity. He took a large bite, watching out the window all the while he chewed, realizing that this was the first time he had ever eaten in bed when he had not been lain up with some illness of injury. He ate quickly, taking time after he was finished to enjoy the simple luxury of this bed, before he rose, washing quickly and dressing. He was adjusting his robes when there came another knock at his door, this one firm and sure. Before he could speak, the door was opened, and he looked upon a portly dark haired man with a high forehead. He looked Craig over quickly, his eyes revealing nothing that went on in his head.


“Your presence is requested, sir.” His voice was smooth and low, devoid of any inflection or accent. Craig did not tell this man not to refer to him as ‘sir’, the sternness of his features seemed to forego any corrections.


“My presence?”


“In David’s chambers,” the man returned, his eyes still fixed stolidly on Craig’s face.


            Craig nodded, his conversation with the Prince the night before coming back to him all at once, seeming like a lifetime ago, and at the same time, it seemed as if no time had passed since was watching the proud figure moving confidently down the hallway, with the assured air one only achieves when entirely at ease with one’s self.


“This way, sir.”


            The man motioned for Craig to follow him, heading down the hallways.


*   *   *


            He was shown into a waiting room much like the one that adjoined his own chambers. The man gestured for him to take a seat, and Craig automatically followed his silent request, feeling that it just that, a request and not a suggestion. The man left the room, heading into the other chambers, most likely informing David that Craig was here.


            He looked quickly around the room as he waited, unsure what to expect when David did arrive. He still did not know what Karl had meant by saying that there was more to learn just how to behave. He was startled by the sound of David’s voice, the man had entered the room so quietly that Craig had not even realized he was no longer alone.


“Good morning, Craig.”


            Craig was surprised how relieved he was to see David, the first familiar face he had seen all morning. The first person who hadn’t looked either terrified of him or entirely uninterested in him as if he were no more than a spot on the carpet.


“I’m afraid I don’t know why I’m here,” Craig said, looking up at Dave, who seated himself across from Craig with a graceful ease completely unlike the Prince’s arrogant sense of ease, but was somehow reminiscent of him all the same.


“There are many things you’ll need to know here,” David said serenely, “He has asked that I be the one to teach them to you.”


            He smiled reassuringly at Craig when he saw the look that flitted briefly across his face, and Craig decided immediately that he rather liked David’s face when he was smiling.


“Do not worry, I went through the same thing when I first arrived here, it is not so daunting as it may seem at first.”


“Do all of the ….consorts,” Craig said, choking a little on the foreign feel of the word, “Do they all have to go through with this?”


“Most of them. Some of the women  are kept in particular for important banquets and they are trained the same way a lady of the Court would be.”


            Craig’s eyebrows raised at this.


“They are not all the whores you image,” David said dryly, shocking Craig with the crudeness of his words. David seemed so cultured, especially when compared to Colin that Craig couldn’t quite imagine how one man could be attracted to them both. David seemed a much better suited match for the Prince, a cool control to balance the fiery impetuousness of the Prince.


“I did not assume….”


“It’s a common mistake,” David said, shrugging his shoulders easily.


“Ka- the Prince said that there were other things that I needed to learn besides how to behave,” Craig said, remembering only just in time that he was not to refer to Karl by his given name without permission.


“Ahh yes and he neglected to explain just what that was, did he not?”


“Yes, I asked, but he only smiled and would not tell what it was.”


“Yes, that is one thing you should learn to expect from the Prince, you will not get one bit of information out of him unless he wishes to share it. He is certainly a man of strong will.”


“I noticed,” Craig said, feeling an odd sense of comradeship with David at the smile he gave in response to Craig’s comment.


“Craig, have you ever had a male lover before?”


            The unexpected intimacy of the question made Craig’s cheeks color.


            David smiled indulgently, “No need to be bashful about such things, by the time our lessons are through I am sure that you will cured of that. I will take by your response that you have not. Am I correct?”


“Yes,” Craig said, still at a loss as to why he was here, and wondering at David’s last comment.


“There are many things you will need to know, many little tricks that you will need.”


            Craig simply looked at David with wide eyes, feeling an impending sense of what was coming next.


“And I shall teach you all that you will need to know.”



