Title: Honor Bound 6/16

Author: Elandae (j_3101@yahoo.ca)

Beta: The lovely and charming Daea

Pairing: Craig/Karl, Craig/Dave, Karl/Dave (implied)

Rating: NC-17 overall

Disclaimer: Don’t know them; make no claims of any sort. This is nothing but fiction.

Warning: violence

Feedback: Love it

Dedication: For my muse, along with a big steaaaming bowl of Ian’s homemade soup.

Website: https://www.angelfire.com/hero/worship0/homepage.htm



Chapter Six: A Lesson Learned:


            Craig simply stared at David for a moment, his word ringing in his ears.


“You mean to what?”


The soft sound of David’s laughter rang out in the room, “I mean to teach you the art of loving another man,” he said simply.




“Oh yes, under the proper tutelage,” David said, gesturing to himself with a half smile, “an art.”


            Craig swallowed with difficulty, not knowing how to respond.


“Don’t worry, Craig. There is nothing to worry about.”


“I’m not so sure about that,” Craig replied with a rueful grin, beginning to adjust to the idea.


“I went through the same thing.”


“Who taught you?” Craig asked curiously.






            David smiled at the tone in his voice, “Yes. Believe me when I say I had a lot to learn. I still do not even know where he picked all of it up.”


            David got to his feet, gesturing for Craig to do the same. He headed into the bedchamber, while Craig watched him for a moment, his eyes wide before hesitantly following the other man.


            David stopped in the dimmer interior of his chambers, watching as Craig looked about him slowly.


“Come here.”


            Craig eyed the other man for a moment, before stepping slowly closer to him.


“There is no need to look so frightened, Craig. I won’t hurt you, I promise.”


“What are you going to show me?” Craig asked slowly, still unsure what to expect.


“I am going to teach you how to seduce a man,” David replied smiling at the expression on the other man’s face.


Seduce?” Craig squeaked out. “How am I supposed to do that?”


            David laughed, “Trust me, none of this is half so scary as it seems now. Come a little closer.”


            Dry mouthed, Craig followed the directions, stepping closer still to the other man. At such close proximity he could smell the soft clean scent of the other man, see the darker flecks of blue that illuminated serious blue eyes that seemed to dance with gentle laughter now. 


“Put your hands on me,” David instructed.




“Wherever you like. Start where you feel comfortable,” David said softly.


            Craig complied, feeling silly at first. Put them somewhere you feel comfortable David had said. Taking the advice, Craig set his hands slowly on David’s body, settling at his waist, feeling the slenderness of the other man’s body, even under his robes.


“That’s good, now try this,” David instructed, setting one hand on top of one of Craig’s hands and moving it slowly up so that it brushed over the bare skin of David’s shoulder.


“Just take it slowly, concentrate only on the feel of my skin,” David said, his voice low and smooth.


            Craig breathed deeply through his nose, his pulse slowing as he realized that so far he truly did not have anything to be afraid of. This seemed alright. David moved his hand slowly up, over the graceful lines of his neck, murmuring, “close your eyes.” Craig’s eyes slid shut obediently, concentrating only on the feel of the other man’s skin. It was surprisingly smooth beneath the slightly rough skin of his hands, callused from his work.


            He felt David guide his hands slowly over the curve of his jaw, his movements slow and sure. Craig felt the other man move slightly though he paid little attention to it until he felt the other man’s mouth descend on his own. He moved back instinctively, his eyes flying open in surprise.


            David smiled softly at him, beckoning him forward once more.


“Wasn’t expecting that,” Craig said, looking down at the floor.


“So I gathered,” David said, his eyes fixed steadily on Craig’s blushing countenance. “Would you rather I tell you before I do something?”


            Craig nodded his reply to that, finally stepping back closer to David, stiffening for a moment as the man set his hands on Craig’s waist. David waited until Craig had relaxed under his soft touch before he said softly, “I am going to kiss you now.”


            Craig’s pulse jumped once more, but he steeled himself for the touch of the other man’s mouth against his own.


            David pulled back after a moment, “Do not stiffen up so much, just breathe. I promise you that you have nothing to fear.”


            He leaned forward and kissed Craig once more, pressing soft full lips against Craig’s mouth. Although Craig’s frame had slackened slightly, he was still stiff under David’s hands.


            David took Craig’s face in his hands, his touch soothing and gentle, matching his words. “I will tell you what. Close your eyes.” He waited a moment in which Craig just stared back at him. “Close them,” David instructed softly, but firmly. “Now just concentrate on the feel of my hands, don’t think about anything else but that.”


            Craig nodded, his eyes closed, feeling David’s hands gently move over his shoulders, gently massaging the muscles of his shoulders, but going no lower yet.


“I am now going to kiss you again,” David said, his breath soft and warm against the sensitive skin of Craig’s neck.


            This time Craig did not stiffen as he felt the other’s man mouth on his. He allowed himself to be kissed, as David’s hand continued to move gently across his shoulders.


“That’s much better,” David said, “You can open your eyes now.”


            Craig looked at him for a moment, “I am sorry, this is all just so strange to me,” he burst out, suddenly being struck with the horrible feeling that maybe he had hurt this man’s feelings. It was not that the thought of kissing him was so horrible, quit the opposite in fact. “My head is still spinning from everything that’s happened lately,” he confessed.


“I know,” David replied, his voice warm and soothing, “I have been through this too and I know how overwhelming this can all be. Know that if you ever need a friendly face, someone to talk to, anything at all, you know where to find me.”


            The simple sincerity of his words put Craig at ease. Knowing that this man before him had gone through this same process stuck home, reassuring him. Realizing that David really had gone through this as well, something that had failed to sink in during their earlier conversation created an instant sense of camaraderie. 


“Are you ready to go on?” David asked, smiling reassuringly into Craig’s eyes.


“Yes, I think so.”


“Okay, now I want you to kiss me.”


            Whatever reaction David had expected it was not the steady nod that he received. He marveled inwardly at the man’s adaptability, though he showed no signs outwardly of this.


            Taking a deep breath, Craig leaned forward slowly, pressing his mouth slowly against David’s. He felt gentle hands moving up the run languidly through his hair, stroking his scalp lightly. David pressed a little harder into the kiss, his lips parting the slightest bit, the tip of his tongue trailing over Craig’s, encouraging him to do the same. Craig parted his lips slowly beneath David’s mouth, surprised by the softness of the kiss. He’d been too surprised to notice before.


            David deepened the kiss gradually, moving closer to Craig’s body so that he could feel the light warmth that emanated from the other man. Craig surprised himself by how he responded, his arms slipping around David’s waist, their bodies pressing together.


            The only other man he had ever kissed had been Karl. Though he had wondered, he had never really explored, and he was taken off guard by the way David kissed. He had expected another man’s kiss to be harder, rougher than this. Even before that day in the office, he’d always thought another man would be rough. Yet it was nothing like a woman’s kiss. A woman’s kiss was soft and sweet. This was, he wasn’t sure what I was. Darker somehow, more intense. He was surprised by his own body’s reaction. Though his knees weren’t weak like they’d been at the sudden feel of Karl’s mouth on his, he could feel his body stirring against David’s.


            David’s tongue slipped between his lips, tracing slowly over his teeth, playing against his own tongue. He shifted his body a little against the darker haired man, and Craig could feel the answering arousal of David against him. The feel of another man’ body against his own was oddly heady, he felt his stomach muscles contract momentarily, his pulse tripping as he felt the beginnings of another man’s erection pressing into him. 


            David made a soft sound low in his throat, encouraging Craig. Pressing a little closer, Craig kissed the other man with more pressure, feeling David’s mouth yield to his. Craig was surprised how easily another man’s body conformed to his, the litheness of the form he could feel even under the other man’s robes.


            Breathing heavily David pulled back; taking in Craig’s slightly mussed appearance with pleasure.


“Very good,” he murmured, his blue-gray eyes fixed on cobalt blue ones.


“I think we should take this to the bed,” he continued, watching as Craig’s cheeks colored slightly.


“The bed?” Craig asked hesitantly.


            David smiled, “I promised you that you had nothing to be scared of and I meant that. I won’t do anything that you’re not ready for, it’s just easier to show you there what you’ll need to know.”


            Craig nodded, moving slowly across the room in the other man’s wake. He stopped against the edge of the bed, David pulling him closer once more and pressing a soft reassuring kiss to the other man’s lips.


“Now I want you to undress me,” David said, his voice low and sultry, the words making Craig’s stomach do a slow somersault.


            Seeing Craig’s hesitation, David took his hands and set them against his body, feeling the slight tremble in the other man’s limbs. He then set his own hands over Craig’s, his eyes never leaving Craig’s face. Moving their hands together slowly, David lets his robes slide easily to the floor, standing naked before Craig, calm in the face of Craig’s slightly flustered expression.


“No need to be shy,” David murmured, gentle hands turning Craig’s face to him, looking directly into his eyes.


“Look at me, “David took a small step back, “Have you ever looked freely at another man, Craig? Have you ever had an opportunity to look at another’s body however you wish?”


            Craig mutely shook his head, his eyes not going below David’s neck.


“I want you to look at me, Craig. I just want you to become comfortable looking at another man’s body the way you would a woman’s.”


            David moved back another step, first sitting on the bed and then slowly reclining until his naked form lay across the bed.


            Craig could feel the heat in his cheeks as his eyes slowly moved down the other man’s body. Even knowing he had permission to look, was expected to look, he couldn’t help feeling that he should look away. He had never allowed himself to look at another man like this.


            Catching the patient and encouraging look in David’s eyes, Craig forced his mind simply to focus on the other man. His eyes moved down the graceful lines of David’s throat, to the lightly tanned skin of his shoulders, broader than he would’ve imagined for a man with David’s slender build. His nipples were a pinkbrown, lightly pebbled. The sudden image of himself taking one into his mouth and playing his tongue around the hardened skin popped into Craig’s mind


            David’s chest was liberally sprinkled with red-blond hairs. Craig’s eyes lingered on the other man’s chest, on the gentle curve of his smoothly muscled arms, afraid to go lower. He’d seen other men naked before, but never like this. Never before had a man laid before him without a stitch to cover the planes of his body.


“It’s okay to look,” David said softly, almost as if he could read Craig’s thought through the hesitation in his eyes.


            Taking a long slow breath, Craig’s forced his eyes to move slowly down the other man’s chest, noting how the red-gold hair thinned, narrowing to a thin trail that seemed to guide Craig’s eyes to David’s groin. Strongly muscled thighs, dusted with the same color hair as on David’s chest, converged to the point where Craig’s attention was firmly fixed as he stared blatantly. He found himself mesmerized by the sight of another man’s penis, never having had the freedom to look so openly upon this part of another man’s body before. In truth it looked much like his own, but was attached to another man and that was what drew such avid interest.


            His skin was slightly darker along the smooth length, nestled in hair several shades darker than that on the rest of his body. Craig could feel his own body stirring in response to David.


            David lounged back, completely at ease with Craig’s eyes roaming freely over his nude form, taking pleasure in the other man’s intent focus upon him.


            Craig was surprised at the beauty of the other man’s body. He’d never before realized how pleasing to the eye the clean lines and smoothly muscle planes of a man’s body could be. 


“Now I want you to touch me,” David instructed softly.


“How?” Craig’s brow was lightly furrowed, unsure how David wanted him to touch him.


            He sat up slowly on the bed, sliding his hand around Craig’s waist before pulling the man closer against his body, feeling the brush of robes against his bare skin.


“Touch me however you wish. He enjoys knowing that you find pleasure in his body too,” David said, not needing to explain who ‘he’ was. “Touch me in whatever way you enjoy.”


            Craig eyed him for several long moments before he reached out slowly and trailed his fingers over David’s jaw, tracing the gentle curve. His eyes fell half shut as he concentrated on the feel of David’s skin, down the sliding slope of his neck, over the smooth skin of his shoulder, his fingertips circling up, retracing their path. He paused for a moment with his hand curved around David’s jaw, looking for permission before he leaned in and kissed the other man once more, allowing his hands to slip down the muscled contours of David’s back.


            David’s hands were on his shoulders, pushing his robes down over his shoulders. Craig stiffened for a moment as he felt the cool air against his shoulders, relaxing once more as David reached up and pressed a soft kiss to his shoulder. He moved back the slightest bit, allowing the material to slide down his body, until he was before the other man, his body bared.


“I can see why the Prince chose you,” David said as his eyes ran over Craig’s form. Even though the words were almost the same as the ones that Colin had said to him, the tone was different and Craig knew that David meant it as a compliment.


            David got to his feet, his body brushing against Craig’s as he stood. He pulled the other man closer, and Craig felt his cock twitch as the other man’s erection brushed against his own.


“I thought you were going o teach me to seduce a man,” Craig said breathlessly against David’s mouth.


“I am. We’ve just not gotten to the important parts yet. You must remember that any seduction takes time. We’re not talking about a quick fuck here, you need to take the time to learn your lover’s body.” The crudeness of his words made Craig’s pulse jump, there was something about hearing those words said by that voice that was arousing.


“You need to know how every part of his body feels beneath your hands,” David continued, his voice whisper soft. “Learn where he likes to be touched the most, less obvious places,” David amended, seeing the look on Craig’s face. “For example,” he said, his hand moving up, “This is something that will come in handy with Karl.”


            David’s hand rested lightly against the side of Craig’s face, his index finger resting on the downy soft skin of his earlobe, the rest of his fingers settling behind his ear, a whisper light touch that made Craig’s nerves tingle. David’s hand slid slowly down, his touch feather light. His first two fingers slid together, tracing down along the smooth skin and over the curve of Craig’s jaw. David’s fingers rested there for a moment, his thumb tracing lazy circles over warm skin.


            Craig swallowed, feeling little shivers run down his spine, “He likes that?”


“You try it and see,” was all David would say.


“Is there anything else like that that I need to know?” Craig managed to get out, forcing his mind to concentrate.


            David smiled, his eyes bright, “There are many little tricks like that, but that is all I will tell you. The rest you can find out on your own.”


“On my own?”


“Yes, just follow what I told you before and take your time. Learn his body, you’ll find what he likes.”


“What if I don’t?” Craig asked worriedly.


“You will, it’s just a matter of time.”


            Craig nodded, wishing the other man would simply tell him what to do, but knowing that he wasn’t going to get any more out of David today.


“Now, I am going to show you the more obvious ways.”


“Pardon me?”


            David grinned at him, “I am going to show you how to please a man with both your hands and your mouth.” He said, laughing at the wide-eyed expression on Craig’s face.


“What about….you know,” Craig said, embarrassed to find he could not say the word in front of this man, not with him in such close proximity, his naked body so close to Craig as it was.





“That will be in Karl’s hands, so to speak.”


“So, you won’t be…”


“No, that’s not part of our lessons,” David said with a half smile. “That was a specific request on the Prince’s part.”


“So, if had asked you to, you would?”


“Yes, I would.”


            Craig nodded slowly, “So you are doing this because he requested it.”


“Yes,” David said simply. “But I would not be here if I did not wish to be. He did ask me, and that is why I am here, but do not think I was forced here. I like you, if I had not, I would have refused.”


“What if you had chosen not to do this?”


“Then Colin would have done this.”


“Why did the Prince ask you first then?” Craig asked curiously.


“For your consideration.” David said, “Somehow I think Colin would be rather intimidating to someone in your position.”


            Craig looked at him quizzically, “Yes, but didn’t he teach you?”


“Yes, but I had already known him for some time at that point, that made it easier. Colin can be a little overwhelming if you aren’t accustomed to him,” David said with a fond smile. “Now,” he said, fixing his attention squarely on Craig once more, “No more distractions.”


            Craig took a long deep breath and looked steadily back at David, “Okay.”



