Title: Honor Bound 7/16

Author: Elandae (j_3101@yahoo.ca)

Beta: The lovely and charming Daea

Pairing: Craig/Karl, Craig/Dave, Karl/Dave (implied)

Rating: NC-17 overall

Disclaimer: Don’t know them; make no claims of any sort. This is nothing but fiction.

Warning: violence

Feedback: Love it

Dedication: A giant tub of Spluttah with a side of ronkage to my muse.

Website: https://www.angelfire.com/hero/worship0/homepage.htm



Chapter Seven: Patience:


            David smiled as he looked at the other man’s expressions, “You do not need to look so serious, it’s not as though you were going into battle,” he teased gently.


            Craig smiled sheepishly, and David chuckled softly, “That’s better he said,” noting Craig’s easy expression.


“Because this is your first time, I think it would be easiest if I showed you how to use your hands on me, and I’ll show you how to use your mouth on another man.”


            Craig’s cheeks flushed once more, but he just nodded at David’s words knowing that was the most sensible way to go about this.


            David pulled Craig up tight against his body, and Craig’s head swam at the sudden feel of another’s man body pressed so intimately against his own. He could feel every line of David’s body, and shifted his hips slightly, feel the other’s man erection slip against his.


            David’s mouth traced a warm path down Craig’s neck and over his shoulder. He moved back onto the bed, pulling Craig with him. He positioned them so that they were across from each other. He watched as Craig’s gaze dropped to his parted legs, to the blatant proof of his arousal, felt the other man’s eyes rake over the hard length. His own gaze dropped, hungrily taking in the reddening skin of Craig’s own erection. The lean lines of his stomach and the hardened muscles of his thighs gave his body a lean, lithe look that had David watching in appreciation, knowing how much the Prince would enjoy the clean, pure lines of the man’s body. He himself was amazed by how responsive Craig was, how he responded to even the softest touch once he had relaxed.


            David pulled Craig closer to him, kissing him full on the mouth, his tongue slipping into the other man’s, feeling the pleasurable slip of Craig’s tongue against his own. He reached out, grabbing Craig’s hands and set them on his body, enjoying the gentle touch. After a few minutes, he slowly guided Craig’s hands lower until they met with the silken heat of his erection. David’s cock twitched at the soft sound Craig made deep in his throat.


            He shivered as fingers traced the length of his cock, the skin smoother than Craig had thought it would be, the flesh hard and hot beneath his questing touch. David encouraged him on with a soft rumble deep in his chest.


            Craig’s thumb slid slowly over the head, smoothing the glistening drop that beaded there. His fingertips slid over the vein running down the underside, feeling the weight of the heavy sacs beneath caressing his palms. David swallowed, the soft touches sending jolts racing through his groin.


“Show me how you want me to touch you,” Craig said softly.


“Touch me how you would touch yourself,” David replied huskily, the smooth elegance of his voice slightly roughened beneath Craig’s teasing touches. 


            Craig’s mouth went dry as he hesitantly wrapped his hand around David’s shaft, the heat beneath his touch so similar and yet so different to the feel of his own hardened cock in his hand. He stroked slowly down the entire length, feeling his confidence build at the way David had caught his bottom lip between his teeth. He knew the slight slip of David’s foreskin along his rigid shaft would only add to his pleasure as he increased the speed of his movements.


            David grit his teeth as Craig’s grip firmed, just managing to get out, “Okay….now try this.” He set his hands over Craig’s, and guided them through a slow twisting maneuver over the glistening head of his cock before sliding surely down the silken length once more. Craig tried the movement on his own, trailing his thumb once more over the tiny slit at the head, knowing from the way that David’s hips pressed forward into his hand that he was enjoying what Craig was doing.


            David’s hands now settled over Craig’s once more, guiding his hands, showing the other man what he wanted him to do. He could feel the slow sweet build-up of pressure in his body, the mounting tension that tightened his frame. A low moan escaped his throat as Craig flicked his wrist, the quick move sending hot jolts up the length of his cock. Craig was a much faster learner than he had expected, something he noted vaguely as his body jerked beneath the quickening pace of Craig’s hand, the other one slipping farther down to caress the heavy sacs below, his fingertips tracing slow circles over the skin.


            David pressed forward into Craig, his muscles tensing and his head falling back as Craig increased the pace on his cock, the rhythm steady and the grip firm. Craig could tell the other man was close and tightened his grip, watching David’s face avidly, feeling his own cock aching to be stroked.


            David’s whole body tensed for several moments until his body jerked, a warm spurt spilling across Craig’s hand. The groan from deep in his chest had Craig’s own muscles tightening, feeling he might come himself from the assault on his senses. He watched the intense look that passed over David’s face as his body arched into Craig’s, the jagged moan making Craig’s cock harden to the point of discomfort, desperate for release.


            David’s body sagged weakly, his breathing heavy, “Not bad for your first time,” he joked weakly, “Just give me a moment to collect myself.”


            Craig smiled self-consciously though he couldn’t help feeling proud know that he had done this. David shook his head, his breathing finally slowing. He trailed a single finger down Craig’s side, making a tingle run down the man’s spine.


“Not I am going to show you something,” David said, setting both his hands squarely on Craig’s chest and pushing him back until he was laying across the bed.


            Craig could feel his heartbeat increase at the dark look in David’s eyes as he spoke. He hissed as the man moved down, catching one hardened nipple between his teeth, his tongue undulating smoothly against the puckered flesh, the sensations making Craig arch into him. He moved slowly down the tanned skin of Craig’s stomach, tasting the lightly salted tang of the other man’s skin.


            Craig gasped at the sudden feel of David’s lips against the head of his cock. His tongue slipped out, tracing a slow wet line across the glistening head. The slick wet surface of his tongue then slid slowly around the tip making Craig’s breath catch in his chest. David’s mouth slid slowly down the length of his cock, making Craig grit his teeth at the sudden feeling of his entire cock being enveloped in the slick heat. Intense pleasure coursed through his body as David worked his throat muscles around the length. He couldn’t stop himself from pushing up into the other man, his hips flexing automatically at the feel of a mouth on his cock.


David moved up, letting the aching length slip from his mouth before sliding down again, his tongue working a slow flickering rhythm along the underside. He ran his hands up through the coarse hair on Craig’s thighs, his hand continuing up to caress the dusky skin of Craig’s balls. He moved up the length again, lightly scraping his teeth against the sensitive skin, making Craig pant heavily at the sudden sensation, before David ran his tongue wetly over the length, the contrast making Craig squirm beneath him.


David’s fingers moved slowly back, as he took all of Craig’s length into this mouth once more. His fingers slipped over the curve of his sacs, finding the smooth skin behind. Craig arched off the bed at the dual assault, crying out hoarsely as he came in David’s mouth, his body jerking from the intensity. David swallowed easily, letting Craig’s softening length slip from his mouth before he moved up Craig’s body.


Craig’s chest rose and fell rapidly, every muscle in his body felt as though it has been liquefied. David smiled down at him, one eyebrow raised as he eyed the other man. Suddenly curious, Craig reached up and pulled David to him, his mouth slipping easily against the other man’s, sucking gently on David’s tongue. He could taste himself mingled with the soft taste of David’s mouth. He arched up into the other man, finding the taste oddly appealing. He sighed softly into David’s mouth, falling weakly back onto the bed.


“I think we are done for the day,” Davie said with a small laugh, sinking down onto the bed next to Craig.


“That’s good, I am not sure that I could do anything else at the moment,” Craig returned lazily around a wide yawn.




            Craig returned to his room after dinner, the silence there a relief after the boisterous noise of the dining hall. He moved slowly around the room, settling himself in front of the window once more.


            The stars were just barely visible high above the crimson wash of the setting sun. It slowly faded into a rich blue high above the horizon, a more fitting tableau for stars than the competitive tones of the fiery sunset. He breathed deep of the cooling air, still warm with the memory of the day’s heat. The air was lightly scented with a mixture of the delicate blossoms that flowered in the yard below and the lingering mixture of rich spices from the marketplace. Craig drew another deep breath, filling his lungs with the surprisingly pleasing combination of scents.


            The blossoms that gleamed softly in the yard below, catching the faint light of the as day faded into night, glowed a soft violet, warm hints of rose coloring their pale velvet skin. The rich perfume that drifted up to his room reminded Craig of Annalise. She had always loved flowers.


            He remembered her waking him early one morning, while the early spring air was still chilled with the lingering memory of winter’s icy touch. He had opened his eyes groggily, greeted by her excited face, her delicate features animated with some pleasure that he knew not. The sun had barely risen, filling his room with its soft golden light. She had pulled him from the warm comfort of his bed, holding tightly to his hand as he stumbled after her, knowing that her brother would return to the comforting embrace of sleep once more if she did not ensure that he followed her.


            Out into the light they had gone, the brightness sharp against his newly opened eyes. The air had made him shiver lightly, still clad only in his bedclothes, as was his sister he had noted without surprise. She had led him across the yard, the cool ground making his toes tingle. She had turned to him then, her eyes shining bright, waiting expectantly. He had watched her for a moment, still unsure what it was that had brought her to his bedside, pulling him from sleep to drag him here. She rolled her eyes impatiently at her brother, looking pointedly down at the ground.


            There, just breaking through the rich, dark shade of the soil had been a small plant. Its yellow-green leaves softly curling in the early morning, drinking up the first rays of sunshine reminded him of his sister. A bright splash of color against the steady shade of the earth, impossible to miss once you knew where to look. Its crowning glory was a tiny blossom of the most delicate shade of pink, thin veins of shadowed crimson.


Annalise had dropped to her knees, her slender fingers grazing over the ridged stalk of the tiny flower first, feeling every inch as her eyes drank in the sight of the year’s first flower, before she had curled one finger softly, letting the natural curve of the petal fit itself to the sliding lines of her fingertip.


            She had turned to him then, her eyes bright, and breathed, “The first flower, Craig,” as though it were some personal achievement of her own.


            Any annoyance he had felt at being dragged form his bed to look upon a flower dissipated at the soft reverence in her voice. He found it impossible to retain any trace of such a dark feeling when looking upon such natural beauty.


Annalise’s hair had been loose, tumbling darkly around her shoulders and a stray lock fell forward, slipping across her face and falling against the delicate plant. The tendril curled softly around the slender stalk, the stark color complementing the frail shade of the tiny plant. He found it hard to believe that this tiny blossom had not simply flourished this very moment beneath the loving gaze of this woman-child, for she looked upon it with such love that it seemed to be made of her.


“Isn’t it beautiful, Craig?” she had breathed, her lips curving into a soft smile as she tenderly stroked the blossom, much the way a mother might gently smooth back the curls of her newborn babe, laid in her arms for the first time.


            He had smiled at her, replying softly, “It is but a flower, Anna.”


            She had looked up at him, with eyes the same shade as his own but touched with a dewy light, “Then you are the poorer for your ignorance, brother.”


She had laughed up at him from the ground, rising easily to her feet, her knees marked from the wet soil. She had then turned and dashed across the earth, steps dancing, her hair flying, leaving her brother standing behind her, with impatient eyes and an indulgent smile. He had turned on his heel then and ran after her, easily passing her with his longer legs.


“Some day you will grow up, Anna,” he had called to her, his voice the only sound other than the soft call of the birds.


“I will do no such thing,” she had replied, her eyes bright, her voice softly breathless as she caught up with her brother in the doorway. “I refuse to grow up. People grow up to become adults and they forget about the magic in this world,” she had whispered, so softly that it could be mistaken for absentmindedness had he not known her so well.


“Well then, Anna, I hope you never forget,” Craig had murmured. And with those words he had headed back to his bed.


            Craig realized that the night had come while he sat here, and he had not noticed. The sky had darkened to a shade of almost black, just the right backdrop for the full glory of the stars to show, their ostentatious sparkle setting him at ease. For Anna, it had always been the flowers. The house was never without a splash of color as long as they still bloomed. She knew where the sweetest blossoms flourished as long as they were there to find.


 For Craig, it had always been the night sky. As a boy he would lay, feeling the tickle of the blades of grass beneath him wherever they touched bare skin, and he would watch the slow passage of the stars. Often his father would join him and they would lay in silence, simply watching the show above them.


            Then he had grown older and there had been more pressing matters, but still, on the clearest nights, he could never resist the siren call of the starry sky.


Something caught his attention behind him. Not a sound, not a movement, merely a feeling.


“Hello,” he said softly, not taking his eyes off the stars, but knowing somehow that Karl had stepped into the room though he had not made a sound.


“Hello,” Karl had returned, moving easily through the room until he stood next to Craig. He peered out through the window for a moment, before settling himself on the floor next to the other man.


“There is other furniture in the room. You do not have to sit on the floor,” he said with a grin.


            Craig turned to him, surprised by how dark Karl’s eyes looked in this light. “The stars are more beautiful from here.”


            Karl simply nodded once, turning back out to look at the night sky.


“Have you ever done this?” Craig asked, his voice soft. The stars seemed to call for it, no loud call should disturb their distant reign. “Just watched the sky at night?”


            Karl was silent for a moment before he turned back to Craig, and his voice was unusually subdued. “I used to. When I was a boy. I haven’t for a long time.”


“Why not?” Craig asked, turning to look at Karl, who still stared up at the night sky.


The moonlight seemed to be born for this moment, evidenced in the way it fell across the Prince’s face, an icy caress that made him appear as an immortal. The soft light bathed his features, tracing over the smooth contours of his face, making his skin gleam dimly. Craig could not help but stare, drawn inevitably in by the softened angles of his masculine beauty. The moonlight, the starlight withdrew some tender qualities, making the angles of his cheekbones more fluid and at the same time more defined. The white light danced over the tips of his eyelashes, painting them with faerie dust that made his dark eyes glow. The beauty of the Gods at his fingertips. Perhaps it was the moonlight; perhaps it was simply this man.


“There was always something so timeless about the stars,” Karl said slowly, still gazing up. “When I was younger, I could stare up at the night sky for hours,” he remembered with a soft laugh.


“And then what?” Craig asked softly when Karl’s voice slowly trailed off.


“I grew up,” Karl said, and his voice changed then. The soft tone melted away into the self assured one that Craig was familiar with and he couldn’t help but wish for the other. This other side of Karl intrigued him, this softer side to this confident man, the one who was always in charge, always in control. “I grew up,” he repeated, turning away from the night sky, “A Prince has better things to occupy his mind and his time,” he added absently, and Craig had the sudden feeling that these words came not from Karl himself, but were some memory, words said to him so many times they had engrained themselves into his mind.


“I am sorry for that then.” He returned softly.


“You are sorry for what?”


“I am sorry for….I am sorry that you forgot, even if it was not through your choosing,” Craig replied finally, turning to gaze up at the stars above him, realizing that they were not merely distant lights that dazzled the eye. They were his magic.



