Title: Honor Bound 8/16

Author: Elandae (j_3101@yahoo.ca)

Beta: The lovely and charming Daea

Pairing: Craig/Karl, Craig/Dave, Karl/Dave (implied)

Rating: NC-17 overall

Disclaimer: Don’t know them; make no claims of any sort. This is nothing but fiction.

Warning: violence

Feedback: Love it

Dedication: Why I do declaaareh, this is all for my defender of Moth’s rights.

Website: https://www.angelfire.com/hero/worship0/homepage.htm




Chapter Eight: One Step Forward:


            Craig found a friend in David. Much of his time was left with little to occupy it, something he continued to find disconcerting. He spent most of his day with David, walking across the expansive lands of which he’d only seen a small fraction, all of which had taken his breath away with their lush beauty. Some days they remained in the palace, talking over every and any subject, sometimes not speaking at all, but lapsing into companionable silence.


            Karl was a different subject. There were days that Craig doubted there was such a thing as easy silence with this man. He had a wholly electrifying presence that never failed to capture Craig’s attention, and keep it. Yet, he never intimated that he wished for more from Craig, though his behavior did not leave Craig in doubt, not one word did Karl say on the subject unless it was Craig who brought it up.


            Although he was more than a little curious, Craig waited. Waited to see how long the Prince’s patience would last, but he also waited a form a fear of the act itself. He had never known love with another man and though David was more than obliging with any questions that Craig asked, still he hesitated.


“Will it hurt?”


            David smiled gently at him, “Yes, it will,” he answered honestly. Not the answer Craig had wanted, but better to be prepared. “How much depends on how gentle your partner is, how patient.” David watched Craig’s reaction to his words, his thoughts so easily read in clear blue eyes.


“Do not worry, he will be gentle.”


“It is hard to imagine him being gentle,” Craig replied, and it was. On one hand it was difficult to imagine this man being tender. While at the same time, it was so clearly evident that he was. He was a riddle at the best of times.


“He is not so hard as he may seem at first,” David had said with a half smile. “Once you know the man beneath you will see true.”


            That was the difficulty. Karl was not an easy man to know, as fleeting as a summer breeze. One moment Craig thought he understood him and then as though he were merely changing garments, he was another man entirely, the only consistencies being that all through this he remained both wholly intriguing and frustrating. The one side that Craig so desperately wished to see again was the man who had once been a boy who loved nothing more than to watch the ever steady passage of the stars.


Craig could never be quite sure that he had not simply imagined this side of him. That this was not merely a figment of his imagination, for it did not seem possible that such a man could exist inside the Karl that Craig knew. The very thought seemed odd; this side seemed too vulnerable, too raw to belong to Karl in any sense. Still there was a part of Craig that responded to it, even knowing that this side of Karl, should it truly exist was the most dangerous that he’d yet seen.


            Through it all, through every flashing, fleeting change, Craig still believed that at the core of this man, this vibrant chameleon of a man, was the Karl he had glimpsed that night. Beneath every beautifully flashing layer, each one sliding so effortlessly into place that they ceased to be masks but were simply layers of this one man, beneath all of that stood this one solid core. The true Karl that lay in the shadows pushed from sight into submission. A gentler, softer layer that lay so deep down Craig could not be sure that he had not simply imagined the whole thing, wished so much for this side of the man that he brought it into being, if only in his mind.


            It was that night that Craig finally grew tired of waiting. It was as he looked into Karl’s eyes and for one fleeting moment, caught a glimpse of his imagined center. For that one moment, Craig could believe that the Karl of the starry night sky was real, that he stood before Craig, if only for that moment.


“Do not leave.” He said, his voice low though it did not tremble, it remained steady and true. “I wish for you to stay this night, Karl.”


            Karl had looked back at Craig carefully, his expression as unreadable as ever, his eyes their own once more, “Are you sure?”


“Yes.” Craig had done nothing more than breathe the word. That was enough.


            Karl had stepped back over the threshold, pushing the door closed with one foot, his eyes never leaving Craig’s. The door closed with a soft click, dimming the light in the room until it was little more than shadows where they stood.  Craig discovered that Karl’s beauty in the moonlight was the same as it was in the shadows, an intimate tangible beauty.


            Karl pulled Craig to him, his mouth warm and firm against the other man’s. His mouth slipped open against Craig’s, his tongue slipping past to trace over Craig’s teeth, a slow sensuous dance that made Craig’s head spin. Karl pulled him closer, the warmth of his body soothing against the other man’s.


            His kiss was nothing like David’s. With David, it was comfortable and familiar. It was simple. Karl’s mouth ravaged the senses. There was nothing comfortable or simple about it, the slightest touch of his hands upon Craig’s body ignited his senses in a way that he had not known was possible.


            His pulse pounding insistently in his ears, Craig pressed back into Karl, taken entirely off guard by the storm of sensations that rushed through him from the mere touch of Karl’s mouth. There was no ‘mere’ about this kiss, about this man. He did nothing in halves, but threw himself into everything he did. His hands came up, curving around the slope of Craig’s neck, making the small hairs there stand on end


Craig’s head fell back as the heat of Karl’s mouth moved slowly down his jaw, sliding down the sensitive skin of his throat, suckling softly at the point where Craig’s pulse pounded beneath his lips. Craig leaned into the caress, feeling Karl’s hand settle at the small of his back, steadying him. His breathing was harsh already as he leaned into the other man, scared by the sudden desperation that Karl awoke so easily in him.


Karl’s mouth traveled back up, reclaiming Craig’s once more, this kiss harder, more urgent. Craig’s hands moved to Karl’s shoulder, aiming to push the robes from his shoulders, wanting nothing more than to feel the heat of his skin beneath questing fingertips, to look upon Karl’s body, every muscled line bared to his view, every inch of him exposed. The very thought made Craig’s groin tighten farther.


Karl stopped him, moving his mouth close to Craig’s ear, whispering softly into the shell, “Not yet.”


            Craig gasped as he felt the tip of Karl’s tongue slip out, tracing over the velvet skin of his earlobe, the softness of the motion making his pulse trip. He felt Karl’s hands ghost over his shoulders, the touch feather light before they settled, the skin warm and sure against his body. He felt the slow slide as Karl pushed his robes down off his shoulders.


            The evening air was cool against his skin, making him shiver lightly. Karl’s eyes slid hungrily over Craig’s body so that he could almost feel them on him as though Karl’s hands were following the same route. He felt his cheeks color slightly at the intimacy of the feeling of his body bared, and at the same time, the feel of Karl’s eyes upon him had his breath coming a little faster, his cock hardening farther.


            He did not say a word as he drank Craig’s body in with his eyes. His eyes met Craig’s, his eyes darkened to almost black by arousal and still he said nothing, but once more for a moment, Craig saw the Karl that he had seen beneath the stars and that said everything the man did not. Karl pulled Craig closer once more, his kiss long and deep and slow, setting Craig’s blood on fire.


            Craig pressed closer to Karl, the lines of their bodies melting easily together. He could feel the press of Karl’s body against his own, the hard lines of Karl’s erection pressing into him making him ache. He shifted his hips slightly, the friction making his breath catch and Karl hiss softly. His arm firm around Craig’s waist, holding him tight up against his body, Karl moved him slowly back until he felt the steady edge of the bed against his skin.


            He leaned back against it, thankful for the support as Karl’s mouth moved over his own, making his knees feel oddly weak as though they could simply give out from beneath him any moment.


            Craig lay back on the bed, with Karl standing over him, pausing for a moment to simply take in the vision before him. Craig’s eyes fixed on Karl, watching avidly as sure hands found their way to shoulders, pushing down the material that covered his body from view. Craig found his breath catching in his throat as the soft folds of material slid easily down the length of Karl’s body, a graceful teasing slide that slowly revealed smoothly tanned skin until Karl stood before him, feeling Craig’s eyes roam over his nude frame. 


            The smooth lines of his body took Craig by surprise. He had thought David beautiful, but this was something else entirely. The raw energy and beauty he found before him assaulted the senses. Broad shoulders tapered fluidly into a waist that was neither slender nor thick, but a pleasant combination. His chest was smooth, his stomach flat and lean. In the low light his skin gleamed invitingly and Craig wanted to know the way it felt beneath his touch, the way that smooth skin tasted as his mouth roamed over that body.


            The gentle curve of his hip bones guided Craig’s gaze lower, taking in the proudly jutting erection that had Craig’s mouth go suddenly dry. The dusky skin covering the hardened length that begged for the smooth caress of a lover’s hands, the slick slide of a mouth along it’s rigid form.


            Karl moved slowly, easing his weight onto the bed until he was above Craig, his eyes fixed firmly on Craig’s, enjoying the simple feel of skin on skin as his legs settled on either side of Craig’s frame.


            He moved slowly down and Craig suddenly found he couldn’t quite breathe as he felt the silken heat of Karl’s erection slide slowly, sensually along his own. His hips shifted automatically creating the slightest friction that nonetheless sent shivers skittering up his spine. Karl’s hands trailed lightly up the side of Craig’s chest, making him shiver, before it settled easily around the curve of Craig’s jaw, perfectly conforming to the contours.


            His mouth settled easily over Craig’s, as he slowly lowered his body, feeling the warmth of the other man’s chest against his own, the heat making his skin tingle. Karl’s mouth slid easily over Craig’s, sucking gently on Craig’s tongue as his hands moved lower, tracing over every perfect line of Craig’s chest, making a low noise in his throat to encourage Craig on as his hand began to move slowly over the velvet of Karl’s skin.


            Karl’s mouth moved slowly down his throat once more, an insistent tingling heat. Small kisses peppered across his shoulder before Karl moved slowly down Craig’s chest, taking one hardened nipple into his mouth and rolling it softly between his teeth, grinning at the way Craig arched up into him. Laving it with his tongue, he sucked it into his mouth once more, suckling softly at the tender skin.


            He moved easily back up Craig’s body, pressing his hips forward into Craig who gasped at the sudden extra contact. He caught his bottom lip between his teeth as Karl rolled his hips slowly against Craig’s, a grinding motion that had Craig’s cock aching as it felt Karl’s slide against it, desperate for more.


            Karl rolled easily over, puling Craig in top of him, never breaking the fierce contact between their mouths, his arm slung surely around Craig’s waist, one finger tracing lazy circles at the base of Craig’s spine sending jolts through his body that pooled hotly in his groin.


“I want to feel your mouth on me,” Karl murmured, his voice low and husky, making Craig’s pulse flutter from the sound of his voice alone.


            Craig looked at him for a moment, before pressing a series of soft kisses along the line of Karl’s jaw, his tongue then flickering over the downy skin of his earlobe, nipping softly at it with his teeth, smiling at the soft sound that he got from Karl. He moved down Karl’s throat, the light taste of Karl’s skin on his tongue. The soft scent of Karl surrounded him, his head swimming from the feel of Karl beneath him, the heated press of the man’s body beneath his, the hard lines of his erection that pressed up into him.


            He moved slowly down Karl’s chest, flicking his tongue lightly over one puckered nipple, forgetting everything David had told him in the simple pleasure of another man’s body. He slid lower down the honeyed skin of the Prince, before he felt a hand on him and he paused, looking up at Karl.


“I think you had best stop there unless you wish this to end here,” Karl said with a small grin, his breathing hard. Craig could not help but feel proud that he had managed to ruffle the steely composure of this man.


            Craig moved slowly up the length of Karl’s body, his aching erection sliding over smooth skin. Karl’s arm settled around his waist once more, rolling Craig over so that he was pinned beneath the solid frame of the other man. Karl shifted, reaching over to the stand that stood next to the bed, grasping the small dark phial that stood upon it.


“What is that for?” Craig questioned breathlessly, his skin feeling too cool without the heat of Karl’s body against him.


“You shall see,” Karl replied, turning back to Craig once more, a slow smile spreading across his face.


He shifted back over Craig, settling himself between Craig’s legs and pressing a soft kiss where his neck and shoulder met. With deft fingers, Karl twisted to cap off the bottle, a soft sweet scent that Craig didn’t recognize lightly scenting the air. Flipping the bottle over quickly, a clear liquid flowed out smoothly that gleamed brightly. Righting the small bottle, Karl set it back on the stand, returning to Craig. He leaned in once more, pressing a soft kiss to Craig’s mouth, full lips parting slightly, tasting the light flavor of his skin on Craig’s tongue.


His hand reached down, one slicked finger tracing lightly over Craig’s puckered entrance. Craig stiffened at the sudden contact, but Karl kissed him again, whispering “relax, it’s alright,” softly against his lips. Craig breathed deeply and forced his body to relax, trusting that Karl would not hurt him.


Karl’s finger moved in slow circles over the ring of muscle allowing Craig to adjust to the sensation before he softly pressed forward, a slow slick glide until his finger was sheathed inside the other’s body. Craig squirmed slightly at the foreign touch, Karl pausing his movements to allow Craig to adjust to the entry.


It was not painful so much as uncomfortable, a foreign sensation if not an unpleasant one. Karl began to slowly move his finger, sliding it smoothly in and out of Craig’s body. Very gently he eased in another finger, moving slowly to allow Craig’s body to adjust to the feel before he resumed his slow motion, scissoring his fingers back and forth lightly, brushing across a bundle of nerves that made Craig gasp and arch off the bed. The light touch erasing any thought of discomfort from Craig’s mind as it sent a pleasurable jolt through his groin, the intensity shocking from such a light touch.


Karl grinned, brushing over that spot again, loving how immediately Craig responded, the low moan that came from the other man making his groin tighten in anticipation. He slid his fingers from the other man’s body reluctantly, reaching for the small bottle once more.


            He looked down at Craig, the cobalt blue eyes half closed, his breathing hoarse as he watched Karl in return.


“Are you ready?” Karl asked softly, wanting to make sure that he did not rush this.


            Craig looked steadily back at him, his expression open and whispered, “I do not know.”


            Karl pressed a soft kiss to the other man’s mouth and murmured, “I promise that I will make this as easy as possible.”


            As Craig looked back at him, it shook Karl to realize how easily Craig set his trust in him, the implicit faith he seemed to have in this man he barely knew. Craig nodded then, a slight motion but one that Karl could not have failed to catch.


            Steadfastly ignoring the slight tremble in his fingers as he poured the oil over his fingers, gritting his teeth as he smoothed it along the length of his rigid cock, the slick sensations making his cock ache. He positioned each of Craig’s legs so that he had clear access to his body as he leaned down to press a reassuring kiss to Craig’s throat.


            Craig’s body tightened as he felt the head of Karl’s cock press softly against his body. Karl paused, his fingers tracing down the line of Craig’s neck, waiting until he relaxed although all he wanted was to thrust into the other man’s body until he lost himself. When he felt Craig relax beneath him, his hands trailing down Karl’s back, encouraging him on, Karl pressed slowly forward, easing his length inside of Craig who hissed softly at the feel of Karl’s cock sliding inside him. Karl pressed slowly forward until his entire length was sheathed inside the tight heat, forcing his hips to stay still long enough to allow Craig’s body to adjust to the feel of his cock inside him.


            Craig could feel a burning heat where Karl had slid inside him, the pain more intense than he had imagined it would be, but ebbing slowly as Karl held himself carefully in check. Craig shifted slightly beneath the other man, trying to keep his muscles relaxed around the other man, feeling the tension slowly slip out of his body as he felt Karl gently petting him, his hands slowly soothing away the tension in the other man’s frame.


            Craig took Karl’s face gently in his hands, pressing a firm kiss to his mouth, urging him on, wanting to feel Karl moving inside of him despite the pain that still lingered. Karl took a deep breath, steadying himself before he slowly pulled out, almost all the way to the head of his cock before sliding forward once more, feeling the achingly tight heat surrounding him, threatening to undo him within these few moments.


            He shifted his hips slightly as he thrust this time, his shaft brushing once more against the bundle of nerves, the shaft of pleasure slicing through Craig, mixing with the pain until it became impossible to define one from the other. All Craig could understand was that he craved more, needed to feel Karl moving faster inside of him, needed to feel the steady slide of Karl’s chest against his own as he thrust, hear the heavy breathing of the other man, just needed more.


            Karl began moving faster, the heady feel of Craig’s body pushing him to the point where he could no longer keep his strokes long and slow, but needed to thrust harder into the other man, sure slick strokes. He reached his hand between their bodies, wrapping easily around the heated length of Craig’s erection, feeling the moisture that already slicked the head of his cock. Pumping in time with his strokes, Karl thrust harder, the pressure building in his groin.


            Craig could not think, every nerve in his body cried out for release as Karl’s hand moved surely up and down his dripping cock, at the feel of Karl’s own cock hard and sure inside him moving faster now, his strokes growing shallower. Karl’s grip tightened on Craig’s cock, his strokes faster.


            The world seemed to shatter around Craig as his orgasm crashed over him, a heated wave of pleasure coursing through his body, a low groan tearing from his throat as the warmth of his seed spurted over Karl’s hand.


            Karl grit his teeth as Craig’s body tightened around him, the low sounds Craig made as he came threatening to make him lose any last shred of control he still retained. His breathing was harsh, his blood pounding fiercely in his ears as he thrust forward again, his hips pumping mercilessly into Craig now, desperate for release.


            Every muscle in his body tensed for a moment, before his body jerked slightly and with a hoarse cry he came, the warmth spilling out into Craig. He collapsed breathlessly onto the other man, their skin slicked with sweat as he struggled to collect himself once more.


            He lay there for several moments as his breath finally began to slow once more, his softening cock still inside of Craig. He pulled out carefully, rolling to his side, off of Craig, but still holding the other man close.


“Are you alright?” he managed to get out.


“Mmm,” Craig replied, his breathing slow now, his voice clouded with sleep.


            Karl pressed a soft kiss to the other man’s brow, smiling wearily as he noted that the other man’s eyes were already closed. He shifted slightly so that their bodies were aligned before allowing his own eyes to drift shut, sleep claiming him within moments.



