Title: Honor Bound 13/16

Author: Elandae (j_3101@yahoo.ca)

Beta: The lovely and charming Daea

Pairing: Craig/Karl, Craig/Dave, Karl/Dave (implied)

Rating: NC-17 overall

Disclaimer: Don’t know them; make no claims of any sort. This is nothing but fiction.

Warning: violence, AU

Feedback: Love it

Dedication: For Daes and Kels.

Website: https://www.angelfire.com/hero/worship0/homepage.htm



Chapter 13: To Have and To Lose


            Craig eyed Karl in surprise at his words, “You mean for me to…” he trailed off, instead gesturing first to himself and then to the Prince.


“Yes, I do,” Karl replied, his voice low and seductive, disarming.


            Craig swallowed with difficulty as he watched Karl move towards him, “But I have never…”


“I know.” The words were casual but they did nothing to ease Craig’s sudden case of nerves.


“I am not sure I can,” he said desperately, looking at the other man with wide eyes.


“Craig,” Karl’s hand settled lightly on his Craig’s forearm, a gentle touch meant to soothe, “You can. I wish you to,” he said as if that settled the matter.


            Craig opened his mouth to reply but Karl silenced him with nothing more than a look.


“Do you want to?” He asked suddenly, the unexpectedness of his question making Craig stop.


“I…” Craig paused in his response, startled by the torrent of emotions that ran through him when he thought about this. He did want to do this, very much so. The thought of Karl allowing Craig to take him as Craig had been taken so many times sent a rush of blood flooding to his groin.


“Yes,” he breathed, eyes locking with Karl’s as he spoke, his pulse tripping at the look he received in response to the single word. There was a wealth of unsaid words in his eyes, none of which Craig could interpret, the intensity there scaring him slightly.


            How he wished to understand, to master that control, that intensity, leave his mark on them. How he ached to make them his own then, if only for a few moments. Yes, he did very much wish to do this.


            He moved slowly towards Karl, relishing the look in the Prince’s eyes, the passion, the desire, the insolence. He took the man’s face into his hands then, as he pressed his body into Karl’s, crushing their mouths together. The ferocity of the kiss surprised him, he had not intended it to be like this, hard, verging on rough though it did not quite achieve that. It seemed to have startled Karl as well for it took him a moment to respond and then he regained himself, pushing back into Craig. 


            Craig suddenly realized that Karl was standing with the edge of the bed pressing into his thighs, neither man with any memory of how they had gotten here, neither caring. He pulled back then, his breath harsh and rough. Karl’s lips were slightly swollen, his hair in disarray from Craig’s hands, his breathing matching Craig’s, the image he presented the very embodiment of temptation.


            Of its own volition his hand rose up then, the curve of one finger trembling slightly to find the skin of Karl’s jaw and then neck beneath it. And with that single caress, the desperate need to conquer this man dissipated. Craig knew then that he need not mark this man to make himself known. Karl watched him carefully, the barest hint of something resembling vulnerability in his eyes, nothing more than a shadow of the real thing, almost a memory of it but as close as this man was willing to get. That told Craig all he needed to know. He did not need to force any question into words, his answer was clear.


            With careful hands, he slowly undressed Karl, pushing away impatient hands as they tried to disrobe him.


“No,” he said softly, “I am going to do this my way.”


            That was all he said and Karl made no move to reply, simple let Craig undress him until every inch of his skin was bared to view. And only then did Craig allow Karl to remove his own robes, unhurriedly. He refused to be rushed tonight.


            Craig moved closer once more, running his hands slowly up either side of Karl’s torso making the Prince shiver at the teasing touch. He moved closer still then, the warmth of bare skin brushing against skin making Craig’s head swim. He leaned forward the slightest bit, pressing his lips so gently against Karl’s that had he not been looking he would have doubted that contact even existed. He felt the Prince’s arm come slowly around his waist, holding him tight up against Karl’s body. Craig almost couldn’t breathe, though maybe it was the way Karl’s lips pressed back onto his own now that did that, washing away any doubt as to the reality of this kiss. Craig responded, catching the fullness of Karl’s bottom lip between his teeth, biting softly at the sensitive flesh before reluctantly releasing it.


            Karl’s fingers traced lazy circles against the small of Craig’s back, before dipping slightly lower to trail over the base of his spine, the contact sending jolts through Craig’s body. He gasped softly into Karl’s mouth at the contact.


            Moving forward he pressed Karl back until he lay across the bed. Craig took a moment to absorb the visual before he was moving, covering Karl’s body with his own. He captured the Prince’s mouth with his own then once more, shifting so that he could tangle his fingers in the dark silk of Karl’s hair. He could feel the other man shift beneath him, the hard lines of Karl’s erection pressing into him, demanding attention.


            Breathless, Craig pulled back for a moment, watching Karl through heavily lidded eyes before he turned his attention elsewhere, reluctantly shifting from his position atop the warmth of Karl’s frame to reach for the stand that stood next to his bed, withdrawing the phial from it. He set it down on the top of the stand, within arm’s reach.


            He then turned his attention back to Karl, grinning at the man before he ran his tongue down the length of Karl’s throat. The low groan this got sent a wave of pleasure running through him. He suckled on the skin at the base of Karl’s throat, scraping his teeth lightly across the Prince’s collarbone before tracing the same path with his tongue. He moved down a little more, taking one of Karl’s nipples into his mouth. He rolled it gently between his teeth before pressing down harder for a moment, getting a sharp hiss from Karl. He quickly soothed any hurt away with a swipe of his tongue across the sensitive flesh.


            He felt Karl’s hands twine through his hair pulling him up until he was eye to eye with the other man, warm breath dancing across his skin.




            The single word was hard and demanding, more than enough to send a fresh torrent of blood racing through Craig’s body to settle in his groin. He kissed Karl then once more as he reached out for the small phial that stood patiently waiting on the stand, the glass cool and hard beneath his fingertips. He bit down on Karl’s lip hard enough to draw blood, the metallic taste rich across his tongue as he swiped it across the shallow cut. Karl said nothing, made no noise, either of protest or pleasure but Craig noticed that he seemed to have stopped breathing for the moment and smiled against Karl’s lips.


            With his empty hand, he smoothed a lock of hair back from Karl’s face, looking down into the familiar face below his. The words seemed to spill from his lips once more without Craig even being aware that he saying them, it just seemed they were too loud in his mind to be held back any longer.


“I love you.”


            He kissed Karl again then, hard and sure, before Karl even had a chance to answer. Craig did not expect words of love from this man, wasn’t sure what to expect really, just knew that he needed to say those words, regardless of what Karl had said to him earlier.


            With slightly clumsy fingers he managed to remove the lid from the small glass phial in his hand, the familiar smell of almonds wafting out to meet him once more. He closed his eyes for a moment as he breathed deep of the soft perfume of the oil, the delicate scent sending a barrage of images flashing through his mind: Karl as he pushed into Craig, the weight of his body familiar and reassuring, the dark of his hair barely visible as he buried his face in Craig’s neck. Craig smiled as he remembered the way he smelled after, Karl’s skin lightly beaded with sweat, the smell of that mixing with the almond scent creating a heady combination that was overwhelmingly intoxicating.


            Craig spilled some of the oil over his fingers, pausing for a moment to look at Karl for reassurance. The other man said nothing to him, just watched with dark eyes as Craig studied him. For one moment then, one single fleeting moment, Craig saw in Karl’s eyes the man that had ever been his undoing. He leaned forward then, pressing a soft kiss to Karl’s mouth as he reached down, one finger tracing a slick path over the tight ring of muscle there. Swallowing, he slowly eased a single finger inside, moving the way he remembered Karl moving inside of him that first time. His pulse seemed shockingly loud in his ears as one single digit started up a slow rhythmic pace, the heat surrounding it making his cock ache to replace it.


            Instead he eased another finger inside, slowly loosening the muscle. He watched Karl’s eyes avidly as he slid his fingers in and out. The tip of one finger brushed over a small spot that made Karl gasp and Craig smiled as he realized what it was, knew well the sensation. He grazed lightly over it with every pass, little more than teasing, fluttering touches before he finally eased another finger in, pressing another gentle kiss to Karl’s mouth as he saw the flash of discomfort in dark eyes.


            His body screamed for him to push inside the other man and simply lose himself in heated embraces, but the part of Craig’s brain still being supplied with blood made him take his time, savors every moment of this night. He knew not if he would have this opportunity again.


            He pulled his fingers from the other man, Karl groaning at the loss of contact, his body feeling hollow without the presence of Craig inside of him. With shaking fingers, Craig poured more of the oil over his fingers, forcing himself to think of other things as he slicked it over his cock, the sensations on over-sensitized skin sending fissures of pleasure through him. He shifted his position then, so that the head of his cock just rested against Karl, the heat of the other man’s body making his breath catch.


“Are you ready?” He asked, his voice soft in the relative silence of the room, his eyes never leaving Karl’s. The Prince nodded at him, slowly but with no sign of hesitance in his expression as he looked up at Craig’s face, eyes never drifting away for one moment.


            Craig shifted his hips then, pressing forward just enough for the head of his erection to slip slowly into Karl, the tightness that suddenly surrounded him taking his breath away. He moved forward slowly, easing the length of his cock into the other man, pausing when he saw the flash of pain in Karl’s eyes. He gritted his teeth, forcing his hips to remain still, letting the other man adjust to the feeling of being filled before he allowed himself to slip further into Karl. The thought that he was causing Karl pain was almost enough to distract him from the heat that surrounded him. It was a good thing though Craig realized, the tightness of the other man around him was almost enough to undo him. He had not expected it to be this hot, this tight, this….intense.


            Karl shifted his hips then, the sensation making Craig lose track of any thought other then how good Karl felt. He pulled slowly out, almost all way the to the head, remembering well how he loved it when Karl did that to him, the contraction of the muscle aiding his departure before he slid blissfully back into the heat.


            Karl’s hands drifted down his back, drifting over his hips to settle over  firm muscles, legs slipping farther apart and hands pressing, urging Craig deeper inside of him. With a breathless moan, pressed his face into Karl’s neck, the smell of the Prince’s skin and the fell of his body under and around him all that he knew as he pushed forward. The languid pace quickly losing any sense of control as he thrust faster into the other man, angling his hips until he brushed across that sensitive spot with every down thrust, making Karl arch off the bed into him.


            He caught his bottom lip between his teeth as he pressed his hips into Karl until their bodies were flush, no possible way for them to be closer, for him to slide any deeper inside of Karl. He shifted away from Karl, only enough that he could reach down and wrap his hand around the erection that pressed into him still, his strokes hard and fast, matching the desperation that tinged every thrust of his hips. Within seconds Karl’s head was falling back, exposing the column of his throat which Craig sank his teeth into, as he pressed forward into Craig, the warmth spilling across the man’s hand as he came, his body contracting around Craig’s cock and almost pushing him over the edge as well.


            The increased pressure around his erection coupled with the heady sounds of Karl’s cries and his scent mingling with almonds was enough to make Craig’s chest tighten until he felt that he couldn’t breathe, enough that he didn’t care if he did draw another breath. A few more frantic thrusts and Craig was crying out, the intensity of the pleasure that coursed through him as he spilled his seed inside of Karl making black spots dance before his eyes. He dropped limply forward, gasping for breath along with Karl as he lay on top of the man, their sweat slicked skin pressing together until it seemed their bodies were merging into one.


            Karl’s hand came up weakly to rest against Craig’s back, holding him in place before he could even think about moving away. Using the last remaining energy that he could dredge up, and some that he wasn’t sure he truly had he pressed a soft kiss to Karl’s shoulder before sleep claimed him.


*   *   *


            Craig stretched luxuriously in bed as he rolled over onto his side. Cracking open one eye, he suddenly sat up in bed in surprise. Feeling the sudden movement, Karl opened an eye, peering up at Craig.


“What are you doing here?” Craig asked, the higher tone of his voice spelling out his surprise and confusion clearly.


“Well, I was sleeping.”


“I know that,” Craig replied as he lowered himself back, still studying Karl who had closed his eyes once more. “But…you…you’re never still here in the morning,” he finally burst out.


“You want me to leave?” Karl asked then, peering sleepily over at Craig, the slow tones of his voice belying the intent of his words.


“No.” The word was out almost before Karl had even finished asking the question.


            Karl pulled Craig closer, pressing a soft kiss to his temple before settling back down into the bed, holding Craig snug against his chest, one arm slung carelessly across the man’s waist. Craig paused for a moment, taken aback by the unthinking affection of the movement before he relaxed into the embrace. The heat that radiated from the Prince making his eyelids heavy, a lazy warmth that slid across Craig’s skin every where their bodies made contact, branching out until he was encased in the lethargic heat.


            He could tell that Karl was already asleep by the slow, steady pace of his breath that puffed lightly across Craig’s bare skin. Craig had intended to stay awake a little longer, enjoying the comfort of his position and the feel of Karl’s body against his, but he too was seduced by the peace of the morning and fell quickly back into sleep.


            He dreamt that Karl was now climbing from the bed, and Craig’s eyes lingered on the broad plane of the man’s back as he sat on the edge of the bed. Karl’s head had dropped forward now, held in his hands, his back gently curving away from Craig now, who wondered what it was that was bothering the other man. Karl straightened then, getting easily to his feet and there was no longer any visible sign of whatever it was that had been on his mind before in the way he stood, lines straight and tall.


            The scene changed then and Karl was dressed now, gentle folds of material covering the golden tone of his skin. His dark hair fell forward into his eyes as he bent forward, just the way that always made something soften inside of Craig, that little slip of dark strands, the automatic flick of long fingers to push it away from hazel eyes. He pressed a soft kiss to Craig’s forehead, the touch hesitant in the way that only a dream Karl could manage. And then he was gone, leaving only the gilded memory of his touch and the vague echo of words that sounded unexpectedly like “I’m sorry” lingering in the air.


            When Craig awoke, things were as accustomed. He was alone in his room, in a bed that seemed too large for just one person.

*   *   *  


            Craig stared out the window at the marketplace below, already a bustle of activity on this early morning. He had only just finished dressing when the movement had caught his eye. He stood there for several more minutes as the daily routines began so many times so far below, before he realized that if he did not hurry, he would be late to meet David.


*   *   * 


“You look to be in much better moods than you were yesterday,” were David’s words of greeting as Craig approached him. “You look…happier.”


“I am,” Craig replied simply, grinning at his friend.


            They settled down quickly to work, thought they kept up a steady stream of conversation as they made they way through the papers that covered the table top. Craig paused mid-sentence when there came a sharp knock at the door and David got to his feet to answer it. Craig focused back on his work as David held a quick conversation with the man at the door, the sound of David’s voice too soft for Craig to hear had he wished to.


            Craig looked up when David set another scroll before him, this one sealed with the Royal Crest.


“Another?” He asked, eyes flickering from the scroll up to David, watching as he sat down at the table once more.


“No, apparently that one is just for you.”


            Craig looked at David in surprise, “For me? What is it?” He studied the scroll which only moments before had looked so innocent but now made a sense of uneasiness settle in the pit of his stomach.


“Open it and find out,” David said with a laugh. “A letter from a secret admirer, perhaps?” he teased.


            Craig laughed softly, taking a slow breath before he picked up the scroll and pulled it open. His eyes scanned the words that were written on it, his smile faltering for a moment before it faded altogether from his face. David’s eye’s darkened with concern as he watched the change, watching all the happiness so evident in his friend seem to seep out of him with every word that he read. 


“What is it? What’s wrong?” He asked quickly, reaching out to Craig who turned to look at him, a dazed look in his eyes.


“He…I…” Craig stopped and simply handed the scroll to David. He thought for a split second that he might be sick as the import of the words sank in. Craig found that he could not quite find the words to explain this to David, the atmosphere in the room seeming to close in on him as he sat there, each breath painful in his chest.


            David set the scroll down on the table, the sound echoing in the room and seemingly gratingly loud in the now silent room. It echoed in Craig’s mind, a heavy clunk for each word that danced before his eyes, a mocking remembrance.


“This says that you…”David too trailed off, his voice simply unable to contend with the screaming silence. He turned to look at his friend, feeling a sharp pang in his chest at the pain evident in expressive blue eyes. He wished for a moment that they weren’t so readable, that he could erase that look from his memory.


            Craig continued the sentence that David had not finished, his lips thin and his voice wooden. “It says that I am no longer his.” His voice cracked on the last word before returning to the flat tone it had developed in the past few minutes. “I am free.”


            The words lacked any of the emotion that Craig had once imagined they would have, the triumph and the pleasure. Somewhere along the way he had forgotten just why he had wanted this so much. Any sweetness had long since dissipated and all that was left now was the bitterness of the moment that now struck Craig so sharply.


“He is sending me home,” Craig finally finished, the words sounding distant and final to his own ears, his voice unfamiliar.


            Home. Along the way Craig had somehow forgotten the meaning of the word, had lost sight of what it was that he had once wanted back so much.


“Home,” David repeated dully, and his voice too was much too flat. The single word only served to remind Craig that his home was where he was being sent from, it was all he knew now.


