Title: Honor Bound 14/16

Author: Elandae (j_3101@yahoo.ca)

Beta: The lovely and charming Daea

Pairing: Craig/Karl, Craig/Dave, Karl/Dave (implied)

Rating: NC-17 overall

Disclaimer: Don’t know them; make no claims of any sort. This is nothing but fiction.

Warning: violence, AU

Feedback: Love it

Dedication: For my muse. Even when you want to steal my identity I still love you.

Website: https://www.angelfire.com/hero/worship0/homepage.htm



Chapter 14: Forgotten Roads:


            The shock of the moment wore off quickly, leaving Craig with a red hot anger that surged through him, burning a trail through his midsection, leaving only one thought in his mind. With one wild motion he grabbed the scroll from David’s hands, his jaw clenched tight, he stormed out of the room.


“Craig, wait!”


            David’s voice called after him, but Craig did not slow. The scroll held firmly in his hand, the incriminating piece of parchment seeming to weigh more than was possible. He made his way quickly through the halls until he found a door, outside of which two men stood at attention. As Craig tried to make his way into the room, they both caught him, moving him back from the door.


            They both eyed Craig, his eyes wide, his hand clenched tightly around the parchment, his breathing erratic.


“What is your business with his Highness?” One of them asked, his gaze clearly disapproving as he studied the other man.


“I am sure he knows what my business is,” Craig returned sharply, his voice coming out louder than he intended as he stared back at the man before him.


“I cannot allow you to be in his presence in this state,” the man returned dispassionately, his hand still firmly against Craig’s chest as the other stood staunchly outside the door to Karl’s office, dark eyes sending a clear message to Craig who was too caught up to interpret it.


            Craig scoffed, “He’s the reason I’m in this state,” he returned, trying to move past the man only to find his passage blocked once more.


“All the same, I cannot allow you to see him, sir,” The man said, and Craig was not too involved in his anger to catch the derision in the word ‘sir’. His jaw muscles clenched tightly as he struggled to gain control of his breathing, at least present a calm appearance. He took a slow deep breath, opening his mouth to speak when the door opened and Karl stood there.


“What is going on here?” He asked, hazel eyes roaming over the scene before him as if it were naught but entertainment for him. The detached look in his eyes and the tone in his voice immediately eroded any attempts Craig had made in calming himself.


            The guard, who stood still with his hand against Craig’s chest spoke now, “He wishes to see you, your Highness. What do you wish us to do with him?”


            Karl stood there for a moment, and Craig had the odd sensation that he had somehow been expecting this. “I wish for you to take your hand off of him first of all,” he said, his voice calm, though even Craig detected the underlying warning in his words. The guard froze for a moment in surprise before he complied, reluctantly removing his hand from Craig, as though he expected the man to attack him at any moment, despite the fact that he was dressed in armor and armed as well.


            Craig stood still now, separated from Karl by nothing more than this small distance, if they both took but one step forward he’d be able to touch the man only the slightest of movements. He mentally pushed the thought aside as he stared back at the hazel eyes that focused on him so intently now.


“I knew you would come,” the Prince said quietly, and his voice seemed to ring with a quiet sense of victory.


“I am sure that you did,” Craig returned, his frame stiff, “You always seem to know what will happen next.” Karl’s eyes moved away from his then, for only a second, a flash as they moved away from blue eyes that fixed so intently on him before they were back. Craig noticed though and felt it help to calm his racing heartbeat, angled his head a little higher. So many times had he been unable to look into Karl’s eyes like this. Never had it been Karl that looked away first.


“Craig,” the tone was surprisingly soft, immediately making Craig distrustful. “Why do we not continue this in private?”


            The guards looked at him as he said these words, the distrust written clearly on their features, but they dared not speak against His Highness’ wishes. Instead they reclaimed their former positions on either side of the door, each watching Craig in dislike, eyes sending a clear message that Craig interpreted easily though he took no heed of them.


            Karl gestured for him to proceed before him into the room beyond. Craig stood where he was long enough that Karl thought he would not move, would refuse to enter at all, but he then stepped forward and entered the room. He shifted sideways as he passed Karl, an unconscious swaying of his frame so that nothing came in contact with the Prince, something the other man could not fail to miss.


            Craig seated himself stiffly in the chair opposite the desk, his anger evident in every line of his body as he stared straight ahead, not turning to watch Karl as he moved around the desk, taking a seat across form Craig. Karl tented his fingers together, the index fingers pointing up as he rested his chin against his hands. He sat like this for only a moment before he shifted back in his seat, sitting in silence.


            Every moment of his first visit to this chamber flashed vividly through Craig’s mind, his discomfort, his hesitance. He remembered every word Karl had spoken, and his own shock at most of them. Today the silence did not seem so unnerving, disarming. And Karl was not so terrible as he sat across from him. He was just a man.


            Craig made no move to fill the air, break the seemingly endless silence with nervous chatter as he once had. He was more than happy to wait today, let Karl be the first to break the silence, let his voice to be the first to succumb to the unheard pleading of the empty air in the room. Neither man moved and neither man looked away.


            It was Karl who spoke first.


“Are you not even going to ask my why I have done this?” The tone was casual, almost flippant save for something that flickered through his eyes, belying the easy tone of his words.




            Karl raised an eyebrow at this, matching the single word. “No? So you plan to sit here for the rest of day, perhaps?”


“And if I do? What will you do then? Have your guards throw me out? Or will you do it yourself, Karl?”


“I must say, this is not the reaction I was sure this would get from you,” Karl said suddenly, ignoring Craig’s words. “You surprised me,” he added, and the slight smile the curled up one corner of his mouth made the moment seem unreal, as if it were part of a dream that Craig could not wake from.


“Well it seems the tables have turned then,” Craig returned, settling back in his chair. He was suddenly grateful for the guards that delayed him from entering the office. It had given him time to get a hold of himself, clear his mind enough so that he would not allow his anger to blot out all else. That was not how you dealt with this man. Emotion had no place in it.


“So it seems,” he idly traced the edge of the desk with a single finger before adding, “I am sure that your sister will be pleased to see you.”


            Craig’s expression tightened, “Do not speak of her. Do not try to make this into an act of nobility on your part.” His words were hard, the tone one Karl had never heard coming from Craig.


“What makes you think it’s not, Craig?” Karl cocked his head to one side as he studied the man across from him. “How do you know that I did not do this because I believed that it was best for you?”


            With a hard laugh, Craig got to his feet then, leaning over the desk as he spoke. “I know why you did this. I know and it’s nothing so noble as you would have me think. You ask me to take part in making myself the fool. If there is anyone present who believes in your little tale of heroism, it surely is not me.”


            Karl’s expression hardened almost imperceptibly before he leaned forward in his chair as well until he was but a hands breadth away from Craig. “You see things you do not understand.” 


“No, I see things you do not wish me to,” Craig returned, not moving an inch from his position. He watched Karl’s eyes carefully, the hazel depths giving away nothing, no hint as to what he was thinking. They were as carefully concealed as always, but that in itself told Craig all that he needed to know. He spoke once more then, words so soft they were barely more than a whisper, “I am not her.”


            Karl recoiled from the simple words as though he had been struck. His eyes went wide and for that one single moment, any hint of control slipped away, every emotion vivid in his eyes, before the cover slid back in place. “I told you not to ever speak of her to me,” he hissed, his voice almost a growl. “You forget your place.”


“No, you will not let me forget my place now, would you, Karl? Really, I cannot remind you of your mother so very much,” he added, moving slowly back to simply stand at the edge of the desk as he saw the look in Karl’s eyes.


“No, you are not so very much like her,” he said softly, and the tone of his voice made a shiver run down the length of Craig’s spine. “She was weak, but you, Craig, you are not like her, are you? I am sure that you think this is about her, but did it ever cross your mind that maybe it was you? Maybe it was you that did not measure up.”


            The words made a flash of ice strike through Craig’s middle but he ignored that, “I could never be enough, Karl.” He moved way farther away from Karl now, taking a step back. “How could I? You would never have allowed me to try.”


            Karl was silent for a moment before he looked expectantly at Craig, “Are we finished here? I have other matters to attend to.”


“This is how you wish to leave things, then?”


“I do not see that there is anything left here to discuss. You served your use for me, Craig. I have no need of you anymore.”


            Craig nodded slowly at his words, a sense of numbness overcoming him as he listened to Karl.


“Transportation will be provided, of course,” Karl said, not looking up from the work that he now had before him, the simplicity of the words implying that Craig was no more than a mere acquaintance. “I am sure that David will wish to say goodbye.”


            Craig turned in silence to leave, pausing as he stood with his hand on the door. He watched Karl for a moment before he spoke one last time, and his voice was soft now, drained of any emotion, defeated. “Some day Karl, you will find there is no one left to push away, and I do not think you will find then what you need.”


            Before Karl could respond, Craig turned and left, leaving Karl to his work. Though he stared down at the scrolls, none of the words before him seemed to make any sense as Karl was left in silence in the room. Craig’s parting words echoed dully in his mind and Karl wondered for a moment at the fact that neither of them had said goodbye.




Craig found David pacing back and forth in his chambers when he returned. He stepped through the door, and the relief at finding a familiar face waiting for him seemed to wash away whatever it was that had carried from this far. His knees crumpled beneath him and he would have fallen to the floor had David not leapt forward at that moment, catching Craig neatly under the arms and leading him over to the bed. Craig sank down in relief, the sense of numbness still prevalent through his entire body.


“What did he say?” David finally asked, his voice low, his blue eyes darkened with concern.


“He said I am going home,” Craig replied listlessly.




            David wanted to say more, wanted to be able to say something that would reassure Craig, calm him, but all that would come out was that one tiny word. He could not think of what else to say now.


            A knock sounded on the door and Craig got up quickly, needing to put some distance between himself and David’s sympathy at the moment, it was simply more than he thought he could handle. He looked expectantly at the man who stood smartly before him.


“The Prince has charged me with relaying a message,” The man said swiftly, eyeing Craig’s expression for a moment before his features resumed their former passive appearance.


“And what might that be?” Craig asked wearily.


“You are to notify me as soon as you are ready to depart, sir. I will ready the horse for your departure.”


            Craig nodded slowly at the man, “That will be fine. I am ready to leave now,” he replied softly.


            The man nodded, “I will come for you as soon once he is readied.”


            Craig watched the man moved quickly off down the hall, before he closed the door once more and turned to David who was watching him intently. It struck Craig then how much he would miss this man. He as the closest thing to family Craig had in this palace, and now he must leave him.


            Craig moved slowly forward until he stood before David, who got to his feet, studying Craig in silence still. They moved at the same time, wrapping their arms tightly around each other, the embrace rough enough that it was difficult for Craig to regain his breath at first.


“Thank you, David,” Craig said, his words muffled.


            David pulled back, looking into Craig’s eyes, the surprised evident in his own, “For what?”


“For everything,” Craig returned softly before he was enveloped in another breath stealing embrace. Craig realized that he should step back now, let David go and release his last grip on this life he knew now, but he somehow could not quite seem to achieve it just yet.


            Taking as deep a breath as he could draw in, Craig finally pulled back, pausing only to press a soft kiss to David’s lips, the touch fleeting, but it seemed to say what Craig wanted more eloquently than he knew he would be capable of now.


“Do you want me to wait with you?” David finally said, to which Craig shook his head.


“No, the longer you sit with me, the harder it will be to leave.”


            David nodded slowly, his blue eyes too bright. “Well, it seems that this is goodbye then.”


“I hate goodbyes. I am not ready for anything that final with you.”


“So, what is this then?” David asked with a small smile that did not reach his eyes.


“I don’t know,” Craig admitted, “But it’s not goodbye. I will just have to trust that somehow, someday I may see you again.” He sighed then, not even aware that he was doing so, “And I will have to trust that that will be enough.”


“I will miss you, Craig,” David said softly. He then pressed a return kiss to Craig’s mouth, a brushing of lips over lips. So much to be conveyed in such a fragile touch. With that he was gone, a gentle click as the door was pulled shut after him and Craig was alone in the room once more.


            It was almost a relief when the knock came, when Craig knew that now he must leave. The finality of the moment tore at him, and at the same time, it eased something within him. It was easier somehow, to be moving away, to have to leave, rather than be left here in this room, with its echoing memories. He paused in the doorway, his eyes moving through it much as they had the first time he had laid eyes upon it. Gone was the wonderment, the hesitance. The lavishness of the chamber was not what struck him hardest now. It was how every item that met his eyes was so familiar, every line and contour achingly familiar, everywhere he looked, the silent accusations of the memories held in this chamber looked back at him.


            Craig turned slowly and pulled the door closed after him. He followed the man through the halls of the Palace, realizing that he did not need this man here to lead him, he knew them well enough now that he could have made this journey blindfolded.


            The brightness of the sun flashed into his eyes as he stepped out into the heat of the day. Another man stood before them, reins held loosely in his hands. Its coat was a rich chestnut shade, brushed until the sunlight danced upon it, reflecting its brilliant shades and highlighting gleams of russet. Its mane and tail were black, the sunlight turning them to ebony with its dancing, teasing touch.


            The man who had lead him here turned to Craig then, “She is a gift,” he said, and in his voice, it was evident that he realized the value of this gift, for even the unskilled eye could not miss the signs of breeding evident in her streamlined form, her proudly held head. Dark eyes watched Craig intently as she shifted.


“Her name is Nitaveo, though he always called her Aveo,” The man said softly his tones bordering on reverence.


“Nitaveo? What does that mean?” Craig asked, momentarily letting the grace of the creature before him push all other thoughts from his mind. He realized with a start how much he had missed riding, though he had never seen the equal of this horse before him now.


“Her name means Favored Grace,” the man replied, one hand passing smoothly over her shoulder. “And well does she wear it. Forgive me this, but I am surprised that he is willing to part with her.”


            The man’s earlier words rushed back to Craig, “He? You mean this horse is the Prince’s?”


“She was,” the man agreed, “She is yours now.”


            The words stunned Craig, “I cannot accept this,” he said quickly, for such a horse is not merely given away as a gift.


“He said that you would feel so,” the man interjected, “The Prince has said that you must take her. It is an insult to refuse such an honorable gift.”


            Craig could not argue against the sure tones of the man, knowing that he would accomplish nothing. The other man who had not spoken, passed the reins over to Craig, who stepped forward, moving closer to Aveo. He spoke softly to her, leaning close and letting her familiarize herself with his smell before he moved to touch her, stroking one finger across the velvet skin of her nose. He stood there for several minutes, breathing in the pleasant smell of her coat, adjusting to her as she adjusted to him.


            Finally, Craig moved, nodding to both the men, he swung himself into the saddle, finding his body remembered well the feel of a horse beneath him. He turned back for a moment, the walls of the Palace rising proudly up. He gazed at them for a moment, the view one that had come to be surprisingly familiar. Everything that he had blocked out for the past couple minutes flooded back as he looked upon it.


            Craig took a deep breath, his words to David coming back to him. He wasn’t sure that he would ever see him again. And somewhere inside of himself he knew for certain that he would never lay eyes on the Prince again in his life. With a heavy heart, Craig turned, facing into the brilliant sunshine.


            With the barest flicker of the reins, Aveo moved forward, her steps flowing and graceful. Craig urged her on, and Aveo shifted flawlessly to a trot. He did not turn around this time.

