Title: Just Him

Author: Elandae (j_3101@yahoo.ca)

Pairing: beats me

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: no names mentioned, nothing to disclaim.

Feedback: Always welcome

Author’s Notes: just a drabble. Depressing and not even very specific. Take what you will from it.


All the moments I could have said ‘I love you’ and didn’t.

All the moments I missed because I refused to see them. 

All the moments I didn’t spend making him laugh.

All the kisses I forgot.

All the ones I remembered.

All the angry words I shouted.

All the tears that didn’t find a home on my shoulder.

All the things I should have said and didn’t.

Every morning I wake up with out his smile.

Every breath that cuts into me.

Every unshed tear that clouds my vision.

Everything about him.

Everything but mostly just him.

Just him.
