Title: Moments

Author: Elandae (j_3101@yahoo.ca)

Pairing: Sirius/Remus

Rating: G

Disclaimer: Don’t own them, they are property of JK Rowling and I am merely using them for my own amusement, no harm intended. ‘


            In truth there must have been a moment. One single shining moment in which things changed. Remus didn’t know quite what that moment was. Maybe it was that time his eyes had met Sirius’ and he had seen something new in them, something he couldn’t quite understand. The way the years had stretched those moments, until he found all background noises faded away when he looked into those eyes, if only for a moment. Every look, every touch, every thought along the way now seemed as though it had been leading up to this moment, this one defining moment. Maybe he didn’t know how things had changed, but he certainly knew that now would be when they started.


            The room was dark, lit only by the glow of a single candle. Its light flickered and danced, burning low for one moment and then shining brightly the next. It cast Sirius’ features into shadows, making his dark eyes darker, his cheekbones sharper, dramatizing every plane and contour. He did not speak and neither did Remus, but they watched each other. So well he knew that face across from him, Remus knew that if he closed his eyes, in his mind he would be able to paint each feature onto the blank canvas, every painstaking detail would be found embedded in his mind. But he did not close his eyes.


            Sirius looked steadily back at Remus as though daring him on. Remus, ever the more thoughtful of the two was used to this look. He looked straight back at Sirius, his eyes issuing a challenge of their own. With every moment that passed it seemed there was less and less oxygen in the room, a vague pressure that built up slowly in the center of Remus’ chest. Perhaps it was Sirius that made the first, torturously slow move, perhaps it was Remus himself, he did not much care, was only aware of the distance between their bodies was slowly shrinking, pushing away the shadows that separated them. Now Remus could make out the dark fringe of lashes that brushed the tops of Sirius’ cheekbones when he blinked.


            They paused, close enough together that Remus could feel the warmth of Sirius’s breath, imagined he too felt the heat that radiated from the man’s body. Here they stopped, eyes locked together. It seemed odd that it had taken so long to get here when here was such a simple place to be. Funny that he had never realized before now that this was somehow meant to be this easy.


            This time Remus knew. It was he that moved first, he that answered the challenge in achingly familiar eyes. He that closed that last distance between them until he felt Sirius’ mouth on his own, a shocking sensation that sent tingles shooting down his spine. It was he that had Sirius responding to the challenge in his own eyes.


            This was the moment when it all would change.

