Title: One Good Turn

Author: Elandae

Pairing: Karl Urban/Dave Wenham

Rating: R

Disclaimer: Don't know them, and this never happened, though if it did, I wouldn't mind seeing it!

Feedback: Always welcome.

Author's Notes: This started from a discussion about Karl as a pirate, and it just stuck in my head.


‘Shit, Dave, you cannot be serious about this.’

‘Oh, you know I am. Now get out here.’

‘I feel like an idiot.’

‘Just get out here.’

‘Fine, but I swear if you start laughing…..’

‘Come on, Karl. I really want to see it now.’

‘And you didn’t before?’

‘You know I did. Not quit stalling and get out here or I’m coming in there, and you remember what happened last time we did that.’

Dave could hear Karl mumbling in the next room, something about getting him back, accompanied by several expletives. Dave smiled to himself. Oh, he knew Karl was going to retaliate with something much more extreme. And Dave was looking forward to it, regardless of what it was; it would be worth it, just for this.


            Karl appeared in the doorway and Dave could not keep his jaw from dropping. Shit, he had thought he’d known what to expect, but this was…so much more.

‘You hate it, don’t you?’ Karl looked across the room at Dave seated on their bed, who simply sat there, it took several moments before he even realized what Karl had said.

‘No! No, I love it!’


Dave could only stare. ‘Just….,’ Dave tailed off, unable to find words. ‘Wow.’

Karl grinned at Dave, noting the look in those blue eyes, the blatant hunger in them.

‘I can’t believe I didn’t know that you had such a thing for pirates,’ Karl said, wiggling his eyebrows.

‘No,’ Dave corrected him, licking his lips, ‘not pirates in general, *you* as a pirate. It’s fucking hot.’


            Karl had a bandana tied around his head, a vivid red, holding back the long dark hair that was always falling into his eyes. Next was a very loose white shirt, and open at the throat, unbuttoned halfway down, revealing a smooth expanse of tanned chest. There was a red sash tied at his waist, over black pants, fitting tightly over Karl’s narrow hips.

Karl fingered the red fabric at his waist, ‘This feels weird, can I take it off?’

Dave gave him a stern glance, though Karl could see the laughter in his eyes, ‘You can’t take that off! It’s part of the whole pirate ensemble. I think it’s rather….swashbuckling.’

The sound of Karl’s laughter filled the room. ‘Swashbuckling?’

‘Well, yeah. That’s what pirates are supposed to be. Dastardly and swashbuckling.’

Karl shook his head. ‘You know it’s a good thing I love you, ‘cause really, sometimes you worry me. Besides I’m supposed to be the one with all the pirate lingo. You know like….uhm….making you walk my plank-‘ Karl was cut off as Dave almost fell off the bed laughing.

‘It’s supposed to be walk *the* plank, not *your* plank….but if you want me to…I’d do it.’ Karl laughed, but looked rather intrigued.

‘Would you now?’

‘Oh yeah, I’d walk your plank, swab your decks. You name it; I’d do it to you.’ Dave laughed, ‘hell, I’ll even be your land ‘ho.’

Karl snorted, crossing the room until he stood in front of Dave. He trailed one long finger softly along the length of Dave’s jaw; his voice soft now ‘Would you?’

Dave looked up at him; those clear blue eyes making Karl’s heart rate soar. ‘You know I’d do anything you wanted me to do. If you asked nicely, that is.’ Again with that grin.

‘I’m a pirate. We don’t ask nicely.’ Karl said, straddling Dave on the bed, pushing him back until he was lying beneath Karl.


            Karl leaned over, running his tongue up Dave’s throat.

‘Pirates don’t ask, they take.’ Karl grinned feeling Dave squirming beneath him.

‘Next time—‘

‘There’s gonna be a next time?’

‘Next time,’ Dave continued as if Karl hadn’t said anything, ‘Next time, you need a sword.’

‘You mean this isn’t enough for you?’ Karl said pressing his hips into Dave’s, smiling coyly.

Dave threw his head back and laughed, ‘Now Karl, don’t get ahead of yourself. I meant a really big one that you could whip out and threaten people with. That’s what pirates do after all. Somehow I think the police would not be impressed if you went around threatening people with this one,’ Dave’s hand slid down, inside Karl’s pants, caressing him.


‘Mm hmm?’

 ‘If I said I was sort of enjoying this, does that mean I don’t get to make you do this?’

‘You want me to be a pirate?’ Dave asked, enjoying the obvious attempt Karl had to make at concentrating with Dave’s hand still down his pants.

‘Yes, no I mean no. Yeah, no. Or maybe it was…I don’t know.’



‘You can do anything you want baby.’

Karl groaned, ‘There’s really only one thing I want now.’ He grinned down at Dave, ‘And I might even let you in on that….if you ask nicely.’


The End
