Title: One Upped

Author: Elandae

Pairing: no set pairing, really

Rating: PG 13

Summary: Viggo has a little fun.

Disclaimer: Don’t know them, don’t own them. Make no claims.

Archive: Working Blue and my site:

Author’s Notes:  This is a companion piece to ‘Things Best Unseen” in which Dave saw something that he didn’t really want to.



            Viggo dropped down in the seat next to Dave. He glanced over with a questioning look at Dave, who looked rather….startled.


‘You okay?’


Dave jumped slightly, not even aware that Viggo was there until he has spoken.

‘Uhm..yeah, I guess.’


‘You don’t sound it.’


Dave glanced over at Viggo, ‘well, it’s just that…never mind.’


‘What is it? You can tell me,’ Viggo prodded, quite curious what was bothering Dave.

‘Oh….I just…it’s….Craig and Karl….and…nothing.’


Viggo laughed softly, ‘well, there *almost* was a sentence in there,’ He said, finally getting a smile out of Dave.


‘Well, the thing is, I was walking down the hall, and I could hear talking in this one room, so I just looked in…,’ Dave trailed off here.


‘And…?’ Viggo prompted.


‘Well it was Craig and Karl.’


‘Okay, I think I got that part before…in that jumbled bit before. So…what did they do to you?’


Dave blushed slightly, ‘they didn’t do anything to *me*. It was more like what they were doing to each other…..or more specifically what Karl was doing to Craig.’


Viggo roared with laughter at this. Sean came over then, sitting down next to Viggo.


‘What’s so funny?’


Viggo managed to stop laughing long enough to explain.


‘Dave walking in on Karl and Craig, on Karl going down on Craig more specifically.’

Sean couldn’t keep from laughing along with Viggo.


‘I’m so glad that I could amuse you both so much,’ Dave said wryly.


‘Oh, it’s no big deal,’ Viggo said dismissively, ‘Pretty much everyone has walked in on them at some point. They’re always up to something; even you’ve seen them, right Sean?’ Viggo asked, elbowing Sean in the side.


‘Uhm…yeah, I saw them in the, er, costume room,’ Sean stuttered, casting a look at Viggo.


Dave looked rather surprised at this fact, ‘I didn’t even know that they were gay, much less together…and all over the set to boot.’


‘I thought everyone knew that,’ Viggo said innocently.


‘Not me,’ Dave replied, and they lapsed into silence, until Dave excused himself to go and get a drink.


Sean waited until he was out of earshot before exclaiming, ‘what were you on about?!’

Viggo smiled, ‘I was just having a bit of fun.’


Sean shook his head, ‘the poor guy’s probably scarred by now.’


Viggo laughed softly, ‘yeah, but did you see the look on his face? I couldn’t help myself!’ And when Sean remembered that, he couldn’t really blame Viggo.


*   *   *   *   *


            Dave smiled to himself as he filled his cup with coffee. Really, Viggo was a lot of fun, even if he wasn’t aware of it. Dave walked off, and made a mental note to himself to get Karl a new watch.


The End.

