Title: Shepherd Boy

Author: Elandae

Rating: PG

Disclaimer: I don’t think this is needed as this is fairly vague, but I don’t own anyone in this and I make no profit from this.

Author’s Notes: It’s not stated here who it is that’s speaking, so it’s really up to you.



Some days he is Paris, solemn and composed. Dark eyes always watching, voice stilled from laughter, as though he no longer remembers.


Some days he is Alex and his mouth is quick to smile. His eyes, they dance, his laugh spills over into readied ears. His voice rings out in song and draws all to him.


And sometimes he is Alexandros and his voice is soft and sweet. Then he is my simple shepherd boy. His words are plain and easy and he’ll tell me all he needs is me. His hands speak, his eyes speak, always just for me.

