Title: Whirlwind

Author: Elandae

Pairing: Munder/Dodge

Rating: NC-17

Disclaimer: Don’t own them (but what a lovely thought that is.) If I did, you think I’d be here? Not a chance. 

Beta: My lovely Catarina, who will never admit just how pink she is. It might look like black in some lights, but I know the truth *g*, though I’m going to pay for that one!  

Author’s Notes: Dodge and Munder are both characters from Ghost Ship, played respectively by Ron Eldard and Karl Urban. C’mon, you watch them together and try not to think along these lines!


            The door slammed behind Dodge. He was across the room in three strides, without a word, his mouth on Munder’s, hot, demanding, a whirlwind of sensation. Almost overwhelming in its completely addictive intensity. There was nothing soft in the kiss, nothing gentle, this kiss claimed, it took. And Munder gave, pressing his body into the other’s man, feeling every inch of his muscled body pressed up against him, could feel the tension in Dodge’s body, knew from experience that when he was like this, he needed it hard, fast, just needed.


            Knowing hands flicked open the buttons on Munder’s shirt, sliding it smoothly off his shoulders, tossing it to the floor. Munder reached for Dodge’s shirt, only to have his hands pushed away. So, that was how it was going to be tonight. Dodge pulled away only long enough to tug the shirt beneath it over Munder’s head, and then, his mouth was back on Munder, sliding down his throat, a hot tongue flicking over his collarbone. And then nothing, the air cold against the damp spots on his skin. Every cell in his body screamed for more, Munder craved another touch, anything.


Dodge pulled away again, tugging his own shirt over his head, his blond hair sticking up at odd angles. Munder’s attention was wrenched away from that when he felt the sharp tug of teeth pulling on a hardened nipple. Then a soothing hot touch of a tongue, licking away the pain, setting his nerves on edge. Munder tangled his fingers in Dodge’s hair, pressing into him, urging him on with out a word.


Dodge’s hands slid down his stomach, a practiced flick of his fingers releasing the top button of Munder’s pants. Agonizingly slowly, he slid the zipper down, his fingers brushing against the bulge. Munder groaned softly, the only sound in the room, making Dodge look up at him, and smile, his eyes flashing,  just a hint of something dark there. Something that made Munder’s breath catch, made a slow smile matching Dodge’s spread across his own face. Munder knew what *that* smile meant.


And then Dodge slid his hand down farther, a warm hand gripping firmly around hot flesh, making Munder’s eyes close, his hips press forward urgently, desperate for more contact. And then, then, pure bliss as Dodge’s hand began moving, slowly, but firmly. His grip tight, knowing just when to press harder, when to move slower, when to twist his hand, reducing Munder to gasping incoherency in mere seconds.


He gasped against Dodge’s mouth, pressing himself into each stroke, desperate for more. Munder only became aware of Dodge pressing him backwards when the edge of the mattress pressed firmly into his legs. He loved it when Dodge took control; there was something so arousing when the somewhat soft spoken man was aggressive. Munder didn’t let people push him around, but Dodge, he was another matter. He pushed in a whole other manner. 


            Dodge placed his hands squarely on the bare skin of Munder’s chest, giving a sharp push, sending Munder tumbling backwards onto the bed. Dodge smiled again as he ran his hands up the warmth of Munder’s thigh, the look in those blue eyes predatory, a look that promised things, things Munder very much wanted. Dodge linked his fingers under the waistband of Munder’s pants on either side of his hips, easing them down and tossing them to the floor, his eyes never leaning Munder’s face as he leaned down. Then the heat of his mouth against Munder’s hip, a scorching wet slide of tongue along the line of Munder’s hip bone, those too blue eyes never leaving his, the look in them unreadable.


            The tongue continued on its path, seeming to move of its own accord. Dodge skirted around the base of Munder’s throbbing erection, a wicked smile crossing his face at Munder groan. Munder would get what he wanted when Dodge was ready to give it, and not a second sooner. Munder’s hips thrust up as he felt the first burning touch of a flickering tongue on the underside of his erection. Not hard enough, just enough contact to please him, just enough to drive him wild, to tease him. Dodge trailed his tongue lazily up the length of Munder’s cock, the pace tantalizing, agonizingly slow. The very tip of his tongue slid over the head, just a whisper of a touch, if Munder had been able to tear his eyes away from the sight of Dodge’s tongue sliding up his cock, he wouldn’t have been able to tell if it was real or merely imagined. So faint it was almost a memory of a touch. He wanted more, he needed more. He twined his fingers in Dodge’s blond hair, his hips pressing upwards again, leaning desperately into the touch.


            Munder gasped, his jaw clenching, fuck, every muscle in his body clenching as Dodge’s mouth suddenly slid down his cock, enveloping him in the wet heat. His blood pounded in his ears, his head thrown back, unable to think, to move, with Dodge’s mouth caressing the length of his erection. Dodge pulled back, his tongue undulating against the head, before pulling away completely, making Munder groan. Fuck,  he needed Dodge’s mouth on him, wanted him to suck him off, wanted to watch that perfect mouth sliding up and down his cock until he came down Dodge’s throat. But Dodge had other plans…


            The bed shifted as he pushed his weight off of it. He rummaged in a drawer, pulling out a tube and something that gleamed softly in the light. He set them both on the bed, his movements teasingly slow, knowing Munder was aching to feel Dodge’s body on top of his, to feel Dodge thrusting inside him. He reached down, knowing Munder’s eyes were following their path. Dodge flicked open the button on his pants, sliding the zipper down even slower than he had earlier on Munder. He reveled in the soft little moan that slipped from between Munder’s lips, then eased the pants down over slender hips, revealing toned muscles and firm flesh. One particular part seemed to have caught Munder’s attention, his dark eyes fixed on Dodge’s jutting erection.


            The bed dipped again as Dodge climbed onto it, straddling Munder, intentionally rubbing their erections together, a long slow grinding of his hips. He reached down and grabbed Munder’s hands, raising them over his head. Munder allowed this, knowing what was coming next. Dodge reached to his side, picking up the object he had set there, a practiced flick of his hand as he leaned farther forward snapped the metal handcuff around Munder’s right wrist. He pulled the other end through the post on the bed, before snapping it shut over Munder’s other wrist with a satisfying click. He grinned again, showing his teeth, and shifting his hips, a sliding caress that made Munder writhe beneath him. Just how he liked him. Dodge ran his hands up the length of Munder’s chest, trailing his fingertips over exposed skin, making Munder squirm against his restraints, but to no avail. No matter how his fingers might itch for the feel of Dodge’s skin beneath them, they weren’t going to get that.


            Dodge leaned farther down, skating his mouth down over Munder’s shoulder, a sliding kiss across his collarbone, before fixing his mouth firmly on a hardened nipple. He rolled it between his teeth, then a little harder at the gasp that got out of Munder. He swirled his tongue quickly over it, soothing any hurts. He then slid across Munder’s chest, playing his tongue over the other nipple, tasting the salt on Munder’s skin. And then his mouth was gone, not for the first time that night, making Munder groan, aroused to the point of pain. Dodge knew the other man couldn’t take much more teasing, needed something more substantial. Dodge insinuated a knee between Munder’s thighs, easing them apart before he pressed a quick kiss against Munder’s ribs, and reaching for the tube. He thickly coated his fingers, rubbing them together to warm it up before one long finger slid smoothly into Munder, making his hips arch off the bed.


            Dodge worked his finger slowly in and out, before adding another, his fingertips trailing over a spot that made Munder’s body clench around his fingers. Dodge continued his slow rhythm, using his other hand to grab the bottle again, coating his erection generously. He slid his fingers out, and before Munder had a chance to protest at the loss of contact, Dodge slid inside him in one slick thrust, the feeling of Munder so hot and tight around him making him grit his teeth. He pulled out slowly, to the very tip, before pushing back in, all the way until his hips were flush with Munder’s body. A slow, rhythmic, gliding in and out and back in, the pace getting faster, Dodge’s breathing getting more jagged with every thrust.


            Munder’s hips rolled, meeting Dodge’s every thrust, his back arching off the bed, the metal cutting into his wrists, but he didn’t even notice, every part of his body was focused solely on the hot wet glide of Dodge within him. Munder wished his hands were free, to run them over the slick skin of Dodge’s back, to feel the play of muscles as he thrust.


            Dodge’s hand slid around and wrapped itself firmly around Munder’s erection, making Munder groan low in his throat. Dodge stroked in time with his thrusts, a frantic pace that soon had Munder moaning as he came in warm wet spurts over Dodge’s hand. And fuck, Dodge was close, so goddamn close, feeling Munder’s body clenching around him almost pushed him over the edge. One more stroke, another, and then he was coming, Munder’s name spilling from his lips as the orgasm tore through his body, leaving him drained and sated as he collapsed forward onto Munder’s body. He lay there for a moment, gasping for breath before rolling off to the side. He reached up and snapped open the metal restraint, releasing Munder’s wrists.


            Dodge noticed the angry red marks vivid against Munder’s skin; he pressed his lips to the welts, soothing them with a soft touch. Munder watched him for a moment, the disheveled blond hair, the long firm lines of his naked body, the glistening sheen on his skin.

“You do know it’s my turn next time, don’t you?” He asked with a grin.

Dodge smiled at him, his usual smile this time, “I’m looking forward to it.”


The End.
