Title: Early Mornings


Author: Elandae (j_3101@yahoo.ca)


Pairing: Karl/Viggo (Karliggo)


Rating: PG (sorry! Lol)


Summary: Karl likes to sleep in, but this morning he wakes up early. 


Warnings: Only if you are diabetic. Fluff Ahead! Fluff, fluff, and more fluff *cackles maniacally*


Feedback: As always, most welcome.


Disclaimer: didn’t happen…made it all  up…the usual…make no claims to actor’s real life and preferences and all that stuff. None of this happened.


Dedication: For darkwolfine (aww!) because you made me. Lol.  Made me write it that is, not dedicate it! Heh heh. And for Daea, just cause she rocks!



               Karl stretched luxuriously in the early morning light, wincing at a ray of wayward sunshine that flashed directly into his eyes. He turned over and glanced at the clock, wincing as he realized that it was 6:30 and he was wide awake. He usually liked to sleep in as late as possible if he didn’t have an early call, but his body was just used to early mornings. He rolled back over, careful to avoid getting direct contact between the sun and his eyes, and smiled softly at the sleeping figure next to him. The golden light shone warmly on Viggo’s skin,

caressing him, much as Karl would like to be doing, but he didn’t want to wake his lover up this early in the morning.



               Karl slid closer to Viggo’s body, feeling the warmth emanating from him. He looked so soft and gentle when he was sleeping, so innocent. So very different from the Viggo he was when he was awake, always thinking of some thing he wanted to do with his art, some aspect he would add to his latest role, and always saying something that surprised Karl. This was partially why he loved him, because no matter how well he thought he knew Viggo, he could always say something that surprised Karl, or made him look at things in a new way. Viggo had this gift, to be able to show people beauty in ways they wouldn’t notice on their own.



               The sun had risen a little higher in the sky, and was now shining on Viggo’s face, illuminating the features that were so much softer in repose. It touched softly on Viggo’s dark hair, lighting it up, creating golden highlights. It lovingly traced over his sculpted cheekbones, his strong jaw, and seemed to linger on Viggo’s full lips, just the way Karl liked to do, attempting to draw every last bit of sweetness from them into himself, or just simply savor the taste of Viggo’s mouth against his. He never grew tired of it, was sure he never could. Viggo was addictive. One touch, one look from him, and you would be begging for more. All Viggo had to do was smile in that soft mysterious way of his, his eyes, that enchanting, indefinable mix of blue, green and a touch of gray, lighting up, and Karl would feel his knees go weak, and whatever he had been about to say would just vanish from his mind. All he could think about were ways to make Viggo look at him like that again and again, and somehow Viggo always did. 



               Karl leaned in closer, breathing in the soft scent that was so distinctly Viggo; soap, and some other intangible smell he could never quite figure out, and pressed a soft kiss to the back of Viggo’s neck. Softly, oh so softly, not wanting to wake his lover up, but not able to go any longer without feeling Viggo’s skin beneath his lips, without tasting him. He gently slid his arm across Viggo’s chest, his nerves tingling at the contact, as he eased his body closer until he was pressed up against the firm skin of Viggo’s broad back. He laid his head close to Viggo’s on the pillow, so that with every breath he took, he could smell Viggo, feel the slow steady rise and fall of Viggo’s chest as he breathed. Timed his breath with Viggo’s, so they breathed in unison, in…out.



               Karl closed his eyes, and thought with a smile that maybe waking up so early wasn’t such a bad thing. There wasn’t anything in the world he would rather be doing than simply lying here, in *their* bed on an early spring morning, his body warm from sleep and his and Viggo’s combined body heat, and just hold his

lover in his arms. Nothing more, but hold him and watch the sun rays gently dance through the air around them.



               Viggo stirred in his arms, and Karl could feel when he awoke fully. Viggo turned around in his arms, and noted with mild surprise that Karl was awake. He was even more surprised when he noticed just how early it was, as he knew how Karl loved to sleep late, loved to sleep until it was no longer morning.


"Mm, good morning, mi amor," he said softly, his voice husky, the Spanish rolling smoothly, seductively off his tongue. "What are you doing up so early?"


    Karl smiled at him, his eyes bright with happiness, "Oh, just enjoying the view," he replied, and pulled Viggo closer.


The End.
