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In Loving Memory of
Cory Alexander Bute
April 2, 1982 - June 20, 2003

Cory's Last Days

It was a vacation that started out no different than any other except for the fact that my 21-year-old son Cory
said he wouldn't be able to take the time off work to go with us. The rest of the family, Cory's father Vic, myself,
his older brother Victor, younger sister Kaitlin, and younger brother Connor
all went for our annual camping trip in Illinois with relatives.

It was on a Wednesday morning when we were leaving for the trip that I found myself continuing to go back upstairs
numerous times to Cory's room to tell him something I had forgotten. Then with each trip up there, I had to of course reach out
and hug him and tell him to be good, be safe, and that I loved him. I had no idea at that time
that those words
and those hugs would be my last that I was able to give to Cory.

I recall speaking with Cory on the phone the next morning (Thursday) after we arrived in Illinois. He called that morning
just to make sure that we had made it there safely. Of course, I figured ou that if he was calling at that time of the day
then that would only mean that he didn't go to work. Here he was calling to check in on us,
and I did nothing but jump on hom about not going to work that day.
I only wish I hadn't done that now.

Then it happened. That evening we were all having a cookout and sitting around talking with family and friends.
The phone rang, and it was my oldest son Victor's girlfriend Karry. She asked to speak to Victor.
He took the phone and went into the other room
to talk to her. I heard some loud talk but didn't quite know what was going on. Then Victor came out of the room looking at us
and said, "Cory's been shot in the stomach!" What??? How???
What happened??? Who did this??? Is he OK??? Questions and more questions
running rampantly through my mind. Here I'm 900 miles away and wanted to be there right at that moment for Cory.

No parent ever expects to receive such a message. We as parents know how fragile our children are
and how very unpredictable life is, but of course, we believe that we are immune to such tragedies.
These things only happen on television and to other people.
They cannot happen to us!

Within a split second, my world changed from one of light and peace and joy to one of darkness and despair and gloom.
One split second and the reality I knew became a nightmare I never imagined.
It was more than I could possibly comprehend.

I immediately phoned Cory's Aunt Virginia back home in Georgia and told her to please go to the hospital. Cory had been shot.
I'll never forget her words. She said, "I won't leave his side until you get there!" I hurriedly called the hospital,
and they put me in touch with the surgeon.
The news was not good. He said that the bullet had entered through his side and had caused damage to his liver
and that once they opened him up for surgery that his vital signs dropped drastically.
I was told that they needed to hold off on any surgery
until he could get more stable. I was told to get there as soon as I could.

My sister and nephew put me in the car, and we dashed for the airport which was about 2 hours away. My husband
took the rest of the family and put them in the care to drive the 12 hour trip back to Georgia. All I know
is that was the longest day of my life.
Once we arrived at the airport, we found that there were no more flights going out that night. How could this be?
I thought airplanes flew all night long!
I sat. I paced. I cried. I prayed... and prayed... and prayed. The airport was so empty. The clock seemed as if it was in slow motion. Next available flight was not until 4:30 a.m. I stayed in continuous communication with family at the hospital.
Oh God... please get me there in time. Please don't let this happen.

The flight finally came. Of course I was the first person standing in line and just wanted to get that plane off the ground
as soon as possible. Please everyone... hurry up! My son needs me.

I was told that my niece would be picking me up at the airport. So when I arrived and was looking for her,
I spotted a brother-in-law.
I thought... why the change of plans? Oh well, we hugged, and he swept me away to his awaiting car.
As we were nearing the parking garage,
I saw two of my sister-in-laws walking toward me. Now more questions running through my head. But I thought,
well maybe they just both came along on the ride to help comfort me on the way to the hospital.

Then, it happened. We were rounding a corner, and Cory's Aunt Virginia was standing there. I just knew it! My legs went limp,
and I cried out, "Mamma!" and fell to my knees. Virginia told me she wouldn't leave his side. It could only mean one thing.
Oh God... please help me.
And why did I say, "Mamma"? That was what Cory always called me. Was that him calling to me,
knowing what I was going through at that time?

During the ride they told me that the hospital did everything they could to keep him alive until I could get there.
Cory had passed away at 4:50 a.m. that morning on June 20, 2003 from an accidental gunshot wound.

We went straight to the hospital, but did not go inside since they had already moved Cory. All of the family from Georgia
was there sitting at a pavilion outside. We all decided to stay there the entire day waiting for my husband
and the other children to arrive from their trip.
We waited and waited and waited. Unknown to us, their cell phones were dead, and we had no contact.
They apparently had a terrible trip
which included a flat tire that delayed their drive home. They finally called from a pay phone and all we could say was that they just needed to drive safe and get home.
We couldn't tell them the news for fear of that making their trip unsafe. They finally arrived home
around 10:00 p.m. that evening. I will never forget the most difficult thought of having to tell them
that their child and brother had passed away.

These are two beautiful and loving gifts for Angel Cory from my dear friend, Carol, mom to Angel Michael.

There Is No Goodbye

You're the sunrise in the morning;
You're the star that shines bright in the night;
You're the gentle breeze across our face;
At the darkest times you'r our light;
You're the courage we have to stand tall;
You're the strength to keep our heads held high;
You're the power and will to carry on...
With the love you gave us there are no goodbyes;
Its been so long since you went away;
But we still feel you up from above;
During the hardest times, we know you're there;
Giving us your courage, strength and love.
You're the unspeakable sadness in our eyes;
You're the tears that stream down our cheek;
You're the constant heartache that we feel;
You're the happiness we hope to seek.
We remember all the love we had for you;
On this day we always dread;
But today we forget that horrible time and reminisce...
About the good memories of you instead.
You will always be tucked away;
Deep inside our broken hearts,
But you will never be forgotten or replaced;
Because we can never again be torn apart.
So the next time we feel that gentle breeze;
Or the tears that start to warm our eyes;
We will smile and always remember....
With the love you gave us;
There is no goodbye.
~ Author Unknown

The Broken Chain

We did not know that morning that God was going to call your name.
In life we loved you dearly, in death the same.
It broke our hearts to lose you,
you did not go alone,
for part of us went with you the day God called you home
You left us peaceful memories,
your love is still our guide,
and though we cannot see you, you are always by our side.
Our family chain is broken,
and nothing seems the same,
but as GOD calls us one by one, the CHAIN will link again.
~ Author unknown

Cory has been in heaven now almost 6 years. We think of him every moment and speak of him at every opportunity.
Cory is and will always remain in our hearts forever.

With Love for Cory
Ann, Laurasmom

In Loving Remembrance of Cory
May He Find His Joy In Eternal Life
Ann, Laurasmom

A small gift for the Bute family on your Angel Cory's birthday.
God bless you always.


Dearest Betty and ANGEL Cory

Your ANGEL is with you Betty
He hasn't left you for ever
He is just away for a while
Look up at those stars
One of them is Cory's
It is his window
He see's his loving Mom
He smiles and waves at you
Open your heart Betty
You will feel him
He is also waiting for you

Written By Sue-Anne Aguilera~~~Lee'sMom

In Loving Memory of Lee Henry Aguilera

A friend can hear a tear drop.

This webpage is created

In Loving Memory of Cory Alexander Bute
on January 15, 2007
Last updated: June 19, 2009
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