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Fire Company History

The Columbia Fire Company Pre 1994, this is Columbia's second home after the first was destroyed by fire in the early 1900's this facility is being used as storage until it is sold.
The new  Facility was built on Curtin street and houses a rental / banquet hall, truck floor, lounge, kitchen, and office Space. and  has a second floor space that hasn't been finished. every Tuesday bingo is held from 7-9.
Some Known history provided by the company Historian Alex Hynd Jr.

Some important dates in our history


Columbia Volunteer Fire Co. was established on December 17, 1889, 24 years after Osceola Mills became a borough.  Among the first officers of this time were Samuel B. Stine, Chief; M.F. Seeger, Assistant Chief; Goerge E. Jones, President; H.W. Wells, Vice-President; Louis C. Dyer, Secretary; G.M.H. Good, Treasurer.


With the help of other local fire companies, Columbia Fire Co. formed the Central District Fireman's Association in 1890.  This association is now the largest organization for fire departments in the state.


The first fireman's fair was held in November of 1889.  The sum profit of $313.63 was used to extend the hydrant system and also to purchase a new hose carriage.  The second, held three months later, yielded another $900.  The prizes awarded were a doll, a sleigh and a parlor suit thus starting another 4th of July tradition.


July of 1925 started the tradition of our annual 4th of July fair.  Held July 1st thru 4th it contained booths, stands, shows, and another yearly tradition, fireworks.  This year yielded a sum of $4,943.40 with a profit of $2,793.23.


The first fire hall was built in March of 1891 on the corner of South Lingle and Coal Streets, where the present day Heath Funeral Home is located.  in August 1919 this fire hall was destroyed by fire. 


The second fire hall was built March 16, 1922 at a cost of almost $15,000.  It was located on Lingle Street.  This hall was also used as for council offices.  It was also used as a "lock up" with two of three cells.  The first was washed away in a flood the same day as the Johnstown flood in 1889.  The second was later removed.  One cell still remains in the basement of this fire hall.


The present fire hall/ Social Hall was built in 1994 and is located on Curtain and Pruner Streets.  It Cost approxamitly $250,000 to build.


Throughout the history of the fire company, there have been many fire apperatus purchased.  In 1957, a Ward LaFrance Pumper was purchased for $14,000.  In 1960, a panel truck was purchased for $4,000 and used as a rescue truck.  In 1969, a Dodge Pumper was purchased for $25,000.  In 1979, a Ford Pumper was purchased for $77,000.  In 1987, a Rescue Truck was purchased for $65,000.  In 1993, a KME engine/Pumper was purchased for $196,000.  In 1994 a 1978 dodge mini Pumper was bought. In 1995, a refurbished 1982 Mack ladder truck with a 106 foot ladder, was purchased for $135,000. In 1999 a 1973 Mack – Grumman Pumper was bought for $25,000

Chief's list from the begining of the company (note From 1890 to 1946 the names are missing)

Year                                 Chief

1889                                 Samuel B. Stine

1947                                 James Finley Baughman

1948                                 James Finley Baughman

1949                                 James Finley Baughman

1950                                 Harold Boob

1951                                 Harold Boob

1952                                 Harold Boob

1953                                 Norman Friday

1954                                 James Finley Baughman

1955                                 James Finley Baughman

1956                                 James Finley Baughman

1957                                 James Finley Baughman

1958                                 Harold Boob

1959                                 Harold Boob

1960                                 Conrad Friday

1961                                 Arthur Bush

1962                                 Arthur Bush

1963                                 Arthur Bush

1964                                 Arthur Bush

1965                                 Arthur Bush

1966                                 Arthur Bush

1967                                 Arthur Bush

1968                                 Arthur Bush

1969                                 Arthur Bush

1970                                 Arthur Bush

1971                                 Arthur Bush

1972                                 Arthur Bush

1973                                 Arthur Bush

1974                                 Arthur Bush

1975                                 Arthur Bush

1976                                 Arthur Bush

1977                                 Arthur Bush

1978                                 James Finley Baughman Jr.

1979                                 James Finley Baughman Jr.

1980                                 James Finley Baughman Jr.

1981                                 James Finley Baughman Jr.

1982                                 James Finley Baughman Jr.

1983                                 James Finley Baughman Jr.

1984                                 James Finley Baughman Jr.

1985                                 James Finley Baughman Jr.

1986                                 James Finley Baughman Jr.

1987                                 James Finley Baughman Jr.

1988                                 James Finley Baughman Jr.

1989                                 James Finley Baughman Jr.

1990                                 David Scovern

1991                                 David Scovern

1992                                 David Scovern

1993                                 David Scovern

1994                                 David Scovern

1995                                 David Scovern

1996                                 David Scovern

1997                                 David Scovern

1998                                 Jerry Barnett

1999                                 Jerry Barnett

2000                                 Jerry Barnett