The Military Parent's Pledge
I will be a good role model for my child, setting an example of appropriate behavior.
I will help my child feel loved and valued through what I say and do.
I will show my child the same respect tht I expect to be shown by them.
I will praise my child for his/her successes and efforts toward success.
I will create opportunities for my child to feel successful and help my child to meet new challenges confidently.
I will recongnize that each child is unique, developing at his/her own pace. I will make sure my expectations are appropriate to my child's age and stage of development.
I will establish effective comunication with my child. During periods of separation I will stay in touch through letters, calls, cassettes or video messages.
I will spend time with my child in activities we both enjoy. Even though my military job may sometimes require me to be away from home, I will be sure to make time for my child when I am home.
I will correct my child in positive ways, focusing on the misbehavior, not my child's self-worth.
I will love my child unconditionally. Through words and gestures, I will let my child know he/she is a lovable, capable and worthwhile human being.