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Welcum 2 Ammar Chinoy's Webpage !!!

This page here ..... is the MAIN page...from here u'll find links 2 my other pages !!!

If ure interested in Sci-Fi .....
Check out Ac's X-Filz page-The Truth is Rite Here !!
(Lynx 2 X-file Sites,Video,Sounds,Humour,Gamez,Backgrounds and Desktop themes,ScreenSavers,Profiles,Fan Club,X-Files Chat,and much much more !!!!)

Visit my Simpsons Page ......with cool sounds ....Pics....charecter info and more !!! This page is still under CONSTRUCTION !!!

If ure the type of person who stays glued 2 the computer screen 15 hrs. a day ..... browsing from site 2 site ....
Then Ac's Surfers Paradize is 4 u !!!
(It's TONS of cool linx arranged in a variety of categories ....such as "Games","Free-Stuff","Sports"....etc. etc.(MORE than 1000 sites ... ADD ure site if u want !!!))

The Ac Download Of The Week is WebErazer Ver 2.0
A cool program which removes all traces of where U've bin on the Web !!!
Click Here 2 download WebErazer Ver 2.0

That's All 4 now =)

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This page was made by Ammar Chinoy
(c) Copy-Rite 1997 .

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