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"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God"

Said St.Jhon,the deciple of Jesus

Since the early days of Christianity, this mystic sentence in the Scriptures has puzzled scholars and ecclesiastics of all ages. Only recent biological and scientific research has succeeded in the revelation of the hidden meaning of this axiom.

This mystic "Word" is the human speech comprised of feelings and thoughts which are captured and are frozen into tangible and visual form of its expression, the ALPHABET. Rightfully, alphabetic writing has been acclaimed as the nobles and the beneficial invention of mankind, without which modern civilization-material, spiritual, mental-could not have possible been accomplished.

Modern scientific investigations bear testimony that human voice has biological and physical origins and the form of each sound is a function of its frequency measurable in microwatts. The phonetic alphabet is a group of symbols representing these basic vibration patterns, the combination of which forms a specific word possessing a certain power.

Furthermore, biological research discloses that linguistic and genetic structures evolve and develop in similar patterns. Just as the genetic structure of DNA spirals carry the coded message of a race (physical, mental, emotional traits) through the chromosomes, so also the alphabetic system rules and governs the dissemination and materialization of the mental abstract thoughts.

Human beings, among all animals, have evolved into higher species because their unique genetic potentials can be transformed into material civilization through language and the written word. Thus, race, language, and culture are inseparable and interdependent. Herein then lies the secret of the WORD which is the embodiment and fulfillment of GOD. The ancient considered writing the gift of the gods and ascribed to it divines powers.

For thousand of years, the sacred knowledge of writing was a well-guarded secret of the temple priests and the ruling class. It remained to the creation of the alphabetic writing to open the gates of enlightenment to the ignorant masses and propel humanity to technological, social, and cultural supremacy.

The process of writing is the product of millennia of gradual evolution of man's attempt to record his thoughts and feelings. True writing begins with Paleolithic man drawing and carving on cave walls and rocks pictures of his contemporary animals, peoples, plants, and later geometric patterns and signs.

The development of writing has progressed through several stages. The first is the pictographic writing, whereby the picture of an object is simply drawn. The second is ideographic writing, where ideas and non-picturable attributes are associated with pictures and symbols. The third is Syllabic writing, which uses symbols to represent different human sound combinations.

The fourth is the alphabetical unique system using a single symbol to stand for a single sound, which when combined can form a word. Alphabetic writing is the simplest and the most efficient form of writing through which knowledge became universal. But by who or whom, when, where, and how did this blessing gift originate? Learned men through antiquity to the present have sought the origins of the alphabet in Sumerian-Babylonian cuneiforms, in Egyptian hieroglyphs, in Cretan scripts, and other writing systems including the mythical Atlantean.

Many theories have been advanced based on fragmentary evidence, but all have met eventual rejection under the revelation of new discoveries and scientific investigations. Thus, to this day the origin of the alphabet is yet shrouded in obscurity.

It is the purpose of this treatise to put forward the theory that the original homeland of ALPHABET was ARMENIA and the initiators her ancient ARMENID inhabitants. And to substantiate this revolutionary claim and support the conclusions, authoritative historical, linguistic, traditional, archeological, and anthropological evidences are presented.

Astounding archeological discoveries and scientific research of the past two decades in Soviet Armenia and in lesser degree in Turkish occupied western Armenia, have come to establish the Armenian Highlands as the cradle of human civilization.

With a unique and indigenous culture, her contributions of universal magnitude have decisively shaped the course of history and human destiny. After two million years of evolutionary progress from pre-human species, the modern physical man appeared about 50,000 years ago.

Although the origins of civilization are complex, yet modern investigations agree that the foundations of civilization building began about 9000 BC through the Neolithic Revolution in the highlands of Armenia and Kurdistan. Here for the first time man cultivated wheat and barley and domesticated the goat, sheep, and cattle: species of plants and animals the wild ancestors of which were native to this region.

Thus, the savage hunting and food-gathering man transformed into sedentary village-city life, and through the control of his food production and acquisition of more leisure time, mankind diverted his energy and intellect to civilization making through economic, technological, religious, social, and political developments.

Following the Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Revolutions, major developments followed. First, pottery making was discovered in western Armenia about 7,000 BC., making possible the storage of surplus foodstuff.

Next emerged the Technological Revolution, in the vicinity of Lake Van in Armenia, when after a million and a half years of Stone Age subculture, the native volcanic glass known as obsidian was used and later exported as a material from which sharp edged and superior tools were manufactured. Between 6,500 and 4,000 BC., Armenian tribesmen carried on a thriving trade by supplying obsidian to Near Eastern lands. This traffic set in motion the beginning of trade and commerce, and a communication system which initiated the diffusion and exchange of the economic, cultural, and urban advances among the ancients.

Thereafter, in the metalliferous Armenian highlands emerged the Metallurgical Age, when natives discovered the technique of cold working with (8,000 BC) and smelting of (5,000BC) copper, and later the manufacture of bronze by addition of tin. All evidences confirm that Armenia was also the birthplace of silver, brass, and iron, and her riverbeds and mines a major source for ancient gold. Although meteoric iron had been in use since 2,5000 BC the true Iron Age begins about 1,400 BC., when some Armenian smelters learned how to make steel from wrought iron: a secret closely guarded for centuries.

In 1963, the world's oldest known metallurgical factory was excavated at Metzamor, in Soviet Armenia, dated beyond 4,000 years ago and containing over 200 furnaces. Although wheels and carriages had been known for some time, the invention of the first practical wheeled vehicles-the cart and the chariot-seem to have taken place in the vicinity of Lake Sevan, in today's Armenia dated back to 3,000 B.C.

After taming of the horse around 2,500 B.C., probably in Eurasia, this swift animal replaced the slower moving oxen as the driving power. The development of the lightweight, horse-drawn chariot revolutionized long distance transport and warfare, which under the Hyksos in 1,730 B.C. made possible the establishment of the world's first empire.

On paramount importance to the evolution of religion and political and social order is the birth of astrology-the understanding of the movements of the heavenly bodies and their relationship to earth and its life cycles.

Modern research concludes that since the Zodiac signs represent animals native only to ancient Armenia and East Asia Minor, and that the arrangement of the stars in the constellation are such as if viewed from an area around the 40th parallel; therefore, the science of Astrology, as well as Alchemy and medicine, have their origins in Armenia.

The discovery in Soviet Armenia of 5,000 years old triangular, three-starry astronomical observatory where the star Sirius was worshipped (just as in Egypt) adds strength to the above conclusion. Ancient people belief that mankind evolved in Armenia, built a high civilization, but was destroyed by a great flood, after which the remnants spread to all directions.

Modern geology supports the view of a catastrophic local flood. Mythology and traditions of nations of antiquity confirm this belief. The Holy Bible places the Garden of Eden in Armenia and the genesis of human races around Mount Ararat upon which landed Noah's Ark.

But probably, the greatest contribution of the Armenian Highlands to mankind has been the creation of the ALPHABETIC writing, synthesized from the "Iron Age" Armenian scripts (Metzamor)and "sacred writing" Egyptian glyphs.

It was this revolutionary concept of phonetic script that was destined to become the foundation from which all ancient and modern alphabets evolved. Prominent scholars agree that the alphabet was invented by the historic Hyksos people during their domination of the Near East between 18-16th centuries before Christ. But who were these enigmatic Hyksos?

Recent scholarship has identified the Hyksos with the coalition of the powerful north Armenian state of Haiasa(Hyeasa)-Azzi and south Armenian indigenous Subarian inhabitants.The historic and the modern Armenians are the direct descendents of both 'Aryan' Haiasian(Hyeasa)-2,000 B.C.,and 'Armenid'Subarian-4,000 B.C. people.

To this day Armenians call themselves Hai(Hye),their nation Haikazian(Hyekazian)and their land Haiastan(Hyeastan)or Haik(Hyek).The Bible recognizes them as as the people of Ai(Hyasa)or Ashkenaz(Azzii).The remotest known autochthonous inhabitants of Armenia emerge into history as the Subaru.

Due to tribal ascendancies in 2,000 B.C., the name and the boundary of Armenia change, but the Armenid racial characteristics come down to this day remarkably unchanged and genetically uniform.

Armenian Highlanders have been known through history as Hattian (2,000 B.C.), Nairian (1,200 B.C.), Urartian (900 B.C., Biblical Ararat),and Armenian (600 B.C., Biblical Minni).Around 1,900 B.C., a group of these Armenian tribesmen burst out their Homeland and carved out a powerful empire encompassing Syria, Palestine, and Egypt.

Known to the Egyptians as Hiku-Khasu (i.e.Haikaz) and to the classical Greeks (Helies) as Hyksos,they ruled over Egypt for 150 years-from 1730 B.C., until their expulsion by a resurgent Egypt in 1,580 B.C.

Under the hawk-nosed Hyksos princes, the entire Semitic world came under the cultural and military dominance of the Armenids. Well disciplined and trained warriors, the Hyksos introduced the horse and the spoke-wheeled war chariot, bronze and iron weapons and hardware, scale armor and war helmet, the composite bow, a complete calendar, and the building of walled cities fortified by blacis and moat.

They brought to Egypt improved methods of spinning and weaving, new musical instruments, the hump-backed bull, the olive and the pomegranate trees. As the ruling aristocracy, they supplanted feudalism over the democratic patriarchal system of the Semitic tribes and cast the seeds of primitive monotheism by introducing the worship of the One Universal Sun God. The Hyksos founded Jerusalem, the Holy City.

Skeletal remains and anthropological evidence of the past ad the present attest that in the Armenian Highlands evolved an indigenous racial type with unique physical and mental capacity. This race, known in genetic terms as Armenoid or Armenid, is characteristically sturdy, round headed, often long-faced, full-lipped, abundantly bearded, with backward sloping forehead, receding chin, and adorned with prominent aquiline nose.

Interestingly, the latter trait is noted among the remains of the Cro-Magnon Man, the ancestor of modern man. Furthermore, the most typical skeletons of the White Race have been found in the Caucasus, after which this race is called Caucasian. Indications that Armenian and Georgian mountains of Caucasus were the birth land of the white race are very strong.

Following the Agricultural and Metallurgical Revolution, and the opening up of the obsidian trade routes, the Armenids periodically ventured out of their Homeland in search for new farmlands and sources of metals. Whether as farmers, metal prospectors, or tradesmen, these gifted people and their progenies reached the far corners of the world mainly by peaceful penetration and rarely by military conquest.

Wherever the Armenids migrated, they left a legacy of higher civilization and a trail of genetic racial hallmark, among the natives with whom they gradually assimilated. The impact of these culture bearing people and their civilizing influence left such a deep impression among the ancients, that a prominent, high-bridged nose became the universal sign for intelligence, nobility, and even deity.

Bronze working prospectors in search for copper and tin, slowly pushed their way into the Balkans, Danube Valley to central Europe, Denmark, and Sweden. Other moved southwards following the obsidian trade routes into Syria, Mesopotamia, Palestine and Egypt.

The monuments let by Sumerians, Hittites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Phoenicians, Persians, and Indic Valley civilizations indicate the roots of these states were culturally and ethnically Armenid. Hawk nose, prominent among modern Jews, Syrians and Arabs is evidence of transfusion of Armenid (Hurrian) genes into the Semitic races.

In Europe the Armenid type was omnipotent among the Celtic colonists of Britain and Ireland, and the Etruscans of Italy. The painted priestly heads and surviving mummies of the pharaohs and their queens, indicate that for generations Egyptian royalty belonged to the hawk-nosed Armenids.

Further away in Melanesian, Polynesian and Pacific islands, especially among the Africans of New Guinea, the salient nose is a testimony of the past presence of the Armenids. The unearthed skulls and the stone carved features of the Aztec, Inca, and Maya kings and priests are naturally Armenid.

Their supreme gods Votan, Quatzquatl, and Kukulkan are represented as bearded white men with most hawkish noses. The Mayas, especially, tried to outnose their civilizing superiors by widespread custom of wearing artificial noses and beards.

This ornamental custom was also practiced by north American 'flat-head' tribes of Chinook, Clatshop, and Salishan, as a distinctive mark of aristocracy. Among the Algonquin, such as the Black-feet tribe, the hawk nose was of natural birth. So was it also among the Middle American Arawaks and Caribs.

It is of great significance to note that Ptolemy's map of "Geography of Asia Minor",140 A.D.,lists five cities in Armenia which have their counterparts in Mayan Central America:i.e.,Chol/Cholula, Colua/Coluacan,Zuivana/Zuivan,Chalima/Colima, Zalissa/Xalisco!

A strong, hooked nose was a sign of leadership among the Romans whose many prominent men possessed such members. Then there are the beak-nosed fairy tale witches, possessors of supernatural and magical powers, who can fly, brew medicine, and have power over life and death.

This veneration of the high bridged nose has come down to our present days and has materialized in the symbol of the United States-the Uncle Sam-who is adorned with a prominent Armenid nose.

Recent findings or earliest Sumerian, Egyptian, and Assyrian remains indeed attest their Armenid-Caucasian origins. Thus, ancient monuments, skeletal remains, historic and traditional records, and modern archaeological, geological, and anthropological studies conclude that the Armenian Highland was the cradle of human civilization.

As well, the Armenian Highland was the source of a biological gene pool of a unique race whose migrations contributed greatly to the cultural evolution and genetic make-up of major European, Asian, African, and American nations.

As stated above, the alphabetic writing was the product of the genius of the vibrant Hyksos. This "Hyksosian" alphabet became the single common source from which all past and present international scripts descended.

After their expulsion from Egypt, the Hyksos carried their alphabetic writing system to Sinai and Palestine where they reinforced their military strength against the growing Egyptian empire.

Here, the new concept of writing developed into two main branches. First, the South Semitic, of which African and present Ethiopian sprang up. And, second, the North Semitic, which gave rise to Canaanite and Aramaic.

The Canaanite developed into early Hebrew and Phoenician. From the latter evolved some North African and the Greek alphabets. The Greek finalized the alphabet by addition of vowels which the former lacked.

After the simplification of the Greek script, the Romans passed it on to European nations who introduced changes to meet the local sounds and traditions. The Aramaic branch evolved into all the alphabets of Asia and the Near East.

Source: Dr.Armen Melkon Khandjian

Edited by Grigor Hakobyan(webmaster)