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-The Battle of Ax People- by Olivia Vlahos. "If Hurrian origins are mysterious, so is Hurrian influence the full extent of which scholars are only just beginning to realize. Hurrian ideas, art, motifs and god names,have turn up in Hittite(modern Kurds) country and down in to Mesopotamia as well as in to Northern Syria".

-The Medes and Persians- by Dr.Glyn Daniel(p.21) "Its the Hurrian people around Lake Van, who as the millenium progressed where to form the kingdom of Urartu and become a 'world power on the Near Eastern Scene'.

-Messopotamian Origin- by E.A. Speiser "According to a recent theory, the entire Alpine branch is said to have originated in the Armenian Highland".

-Earliest Civilization of the Near East-by James Mellaart(p.16) "These Mesolithic groups with their specilized equipment were probably descendants from the upper palaeolithic hunters, but in oly one of these cultures, the Zarzia of the Zagros Mountains(West Armenia), are there some indication that they come from beyond the Caucasus.Although this is far from certain, the occasional use of obsidian, a black volcanic glass, indicate relations with the area North and West of Lake Van, where the material is found, the richest site of this culture. Shanidar, just South of the Turkish border, has produced a radio carbon date of 10,000BC, for the culture and it may have ended around 9,000BC."

-Introduction to Hurrians-by E.A. Speiser "But the profound cultural influence of the Hurrians upon the Assyrians, the Hebrews, and the Hittites has come in only recentley for the recognition".

-The Kingdom of Armenia-by M.Chahin "the new kingdom of Urartu, which proved to be the stronghold of the Hurrian race."

-The Hittites-by Dr.Johannes Lehman "The Hurrians had a history of their own. Assyrian and Sumerian sources dating from the end of the third millenium B.C. supply our first information about this nation, people, and the land of Hurri,South of Caucasus. We also know that they come from the region of Lake Van in Eastern Anatolia, and are referred to as Horrittes by the Bible.
Still, later in the ninth-seventh centuries N.C. the highland of Armenia were inhabited by a people who were related to the Hurrians and whose country bore the name Urartu, the Biblical Ararat".

-Four Thousand Years Ago-by Geoffrey Bibby "Due east, in the mountains south of the Caucasus and around Lake Van, were the Hurrians. Their rulers and warriors were, Mursilis knew, of his own people, a related folk, who, like his own ansestors".

-Hurrians and Subarians-by Ignace F.Gelb "...Laying aside the problem of substratum and of prehistoric origins, we can clearly see when in historic times the Hurrians begin to appear in the orbit of Babylonian culture. We can see them grow into leading power in the Near East, and we can follow them in to the late Assyrian period,when they become submerged in the new Vanic or Urartian nation".

-Mesopotamian Origin-by E.A. Speiser "The pre indo-european language of Armenia was Haldian or vanic".

-Armenia, Subartu and Summer-by Dr.M.Kavoukjian "We know that Hayk is non other than Haldi, and that Hayk-Haldi was a deity of fire who had taken origin from the volcanic nature of the Armenian Highland".

-Mediterranean World in Ancient Times-by Sanford "The highland zone which extends from Armenia and the Zagros Mountains to the heart of Europe was occupied chiefly by the thickset and broad-headed Armenoids of highland stock."

Source:Hye Joghovurdi Tsagume(The Origin of Armenian People) by Nerses Virapian