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started 7th of october 1998
Last update 28 february 1999

Hey There!
If you are a Billy Crawford fan, you're at the right place. If you're not....Click around and become one.
Here you'll find some stuff you might not know about him, and also some stuff I guess you already know.
OK, but who is Billy? You mighta ask yourself. He's a 16 year old boy whit a beautiful voice who is climbing the charts all over
europe whit his absolutely wonderful single "Urgently in Love" and his new album "Billy Crawford".
If you wanna know more Click on He's talented, he's sexy...It's Billy!
If you have any comments, ideas or questions about this site or about Billy you can mail us here or sign the guestbook.
Enjoy this site and have sweet dreams about Billy :-)


"Billy Crawford was in Norway last week 19th-20th of feberuary. Linda and Monica met him
(Inga didn't get to meet him because she was in NYC at the time) and he said that he totally loved this web-page.abr> He said that he think it's even better than his official one. Wow, we are totally stunned!!
So now we are inspiered to work more on this page than what we have before. We still need fanfiction stories(true or made up), poems, pictures. We need as much help as we can get."

You can look here to see what's new since last update!

He's talented, He's sexy... It's Billy!
Here you can read more facts about our all favourite singer Billy Crawford.

Fact File!
The fact file on Billy Joe Crawford.....

My Own pictures!
This is Inga's own Pictures, they are really good (atleast we think so) and exclusive, so enjoy!
Linda's and Monica's might come up later.....

My Expiriences!
Read about Inga's meetings with Billy. And see some pictures.
Linda's and Monica's might come soon (but there's a lot of them, they've met him SO many times.)

Billy's Fan of the Week!
Are you a Billy Fan? Prove it, bu becoming the Fan of the week. Take a look here :-)

Do you have a Billy-page!
Take a look at this if you have a Billy page or are going to make one.

Billy Crawford....The Album!
Read about Billy's new debut album. You can also read all Inga's song analyses!

Here you'll find the lyrics to the songs on Billy's CD and Fly.
(not all of them are up yet, but they will be very soon.)

I need you!
If you have made andy poems, stories...bla bla bla about Billy, take a look here! (please)

This is YOUR page you guys. This Page si made by YOU,
so go here and read what different Billy fans have written about him.

News about Billy.......duh! (if you have any that I don't have please mail me!)

Contact Billy!
If you wanna contact Billy....this is the right place to go!

Billy Links!
If you get tired of this page. Take a look at some other pages about Billy!

About Inga!
Stuff about me, if you wanna know what I do....
(it's cominga bout Linda and Monica very soon.)

Read our Billy guestbook!
Sign our Billy guestbook!

Billy's record company!
