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About Me!!

Here's some fact's about me for the people who asked for it :-)
Name: Inga Semmingsen
Location: Oslo, Norway
Born: 17th of January 1984 (yes, I'm only 14.)

Fave Music Groups and artists: Billy Crawford (he's the man), Hanson, Another Level, Five, The Moffatts(more or less).
I'm adiccted to music, I listen to it 24 hours a day. Mtv, NRJ or a CD are always on in my house.
Hobbies: Listen to Music, making music, singing, playing the bass guitar
And meeting celebreties. This hobby is pretty weird, but it is one of my hobbies. I've got a pretty long list over celebreties I've met. If you wanna se some pictures look here.
Another Level This is me and Boback and Dane from Another Level.
The Moffatts Me and The Moffatts.
I've met other celebreties to, but I don't wann put up old pictures. But I've met Hanson, Aaron Carter, Sash, Coolio and some stars thata re not that big. If there's any of these meetings you wann hear more about, just mail me, and I'll tell youa ll about it. :-)
(I have some friends that have met alot more stars than I have, I'm like "new" in this."

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