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Welcome to my world of poetry

A sense of confusion

The sun that beats down hard on me. The stars that shine bright for me to see. Out in the open I smell the fresh air. I feel the strong wind that blows back my hair. I bite on an apple, so juicy and sweet. I hear the strong pounding of my heartbeat. Allowing me to feel what's so confused inside. Realizing in this world there's nowhere to hide.


Restless pounding, pure humiliation
Come here swiftly end my alienation.
Hold me in your arms
Persuade me with your charms
Never let me go
for our love is true I know
Listen to your heart
As I pray we never part
Guided purely by our fate
We have found a destined mate....

My dream

I dream of a man that walks in peace...I dream of a man that walks with God...I dream of a man that loves all of me...I dream of a man that walks by my side...I dream of a man that sees into my soul...I dream of a man that brings me peace...I dream of a man that is you-my love...!

Love will conquer all

We will forever share the same beat in our hearts. A song that each day composes new lyrics. If you listen long enough you can make out the words. "I love you!" "I'm here for you!" "Please, let me take away your fears..." "Trust in your heart as I trust in you." "Alone-you'll never be." All these thoughts are running through my mind of my love. A love that is out there waiting for me. One day I will have that love and it will conquer all the depths of my heart...

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All poetry is property of Ericka SandovalŠ

