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Main Characters On Daria

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Dear Reader,

I've done all I can to make this homepage as entertaining as possible. Like Daria? You've come to the right place. "Daria", for those of you who don't know about it, is a cartoon on MTV. It is on at 3:00 PM on weekday and Wednesdays at 10:30 PM (ET) 9:30 PM (CT). For other times, I suggest you look in a TV Guide. It is about a sixteen-year-old girl named Daria Morgendorffer who is growning up in Lawndale High School. She is superior to her other classmates, for she is smarter than them. Her friend, Jane Lane, is of the same status as Daria. Their superior intelligence has caused them to be outcasts. Quinn, Daria's sister, is 14 years old and is very "attractive and popular." She is in the Lawndale High Fashion Club with her friends Stacy, Tiffany, and Sandi, the club's president. Her mother, Helen Morgendorffer, is a lawyer and wants Daria to become involved in things and constantly tries to boost Daria's low self-esteem. Her father, Jake Morgendorffer, is a strange guy. He had a twisted childhood in Military School. He has never really recovered from it, so parenting is not one of his strong points. Daria and Jane's 22-year-old brother Trent have something going on. Daria would never admit to it, but she has a crush on Trent Lane. Trent is in a band with his friend Jesse called "Mystik Spiral", but they might change the name. Trent is into music and is very lazy. Jane Lane is into art.

Daria Quotes:

"I don't have low self-esteem. It's a mistake. I have low esteem for everybody else."

"Well, I guess I'd like them (her family) to do something together. Something that'll really make them suffer."

SPECIAL THANKS TO: Molly Lemoine (me), Angelfire, Yahoo, and my friends: Emily, Susan, Jenny, Jessica D., Adelyah, and Jessica H., my pen pal in Cobleskill. Hi guys!!! (For no real reason, I just want to thank them.)

Pictures of the Main Characters on Daria

From right to left:

Daria Morgendorffer, age 16

Jane Lane, age 16

Quinn Morgendorffer, age 14 1/2

Trent Lane, age 22

Helen & Jake Morgendorffer, ages unknown

I'd just like everyone to know that "Daria" does not come on Mondays at 10:30, as it says in the picture of the cast. That is an outdated picture, but it was given to me by a nice lady and I haven't ever seen one without the time on it. But it does show the whole cast!

Be sure to send me your comments about this Daria page. I will try to make this page about what you want as much as I can, but I can only do this with your help. Also, if you have any Daria questions, e-mail them to me and I will do my best to answer them.

My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Yahoo - Easy chat, search, and MORE!
MTV - Learn more about Daria and other great MTV shows!
Daria - Go straight to the Daria portion of MTV online and get great Daria junk at the store!
Blue Mountain - make and send cards for special occasions through e-mail FREE!
Another one of my great sites!!
Hear neat sound clips and read inspiring stories at the Aquadome!
