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Staff Page


I thought I would make a page to give credit to all the people that are helping me out with this site, that take some of their times to send stuff that you can enjoy.

Name: Chesky
What do I do on the site: Webmistress
Website: You're here!!!
Interests: movies, music, friends, family (no specific order)
Fave DC episode: A Winter's Tale
Fave DC season: Season 3
Fave DC character: Pacey, Jack and Jen (can't decide)
Fave DC couples: Pacey&anybody!!! He's too cute!
Fave shows: Dawson's Creek, Buffy, Roswell, Angel, Dark Angel, Wasteland (I know it's cancelled but I love it, they should bring it back), Young Americans (also, bring it back!!, why do they cancel the good ones?!?!?!), Charmed, Popular, Grosse Point, Felicity, X-Files, Ally McBeal, Sex & The City, and I could go on...
Fave movie with a DC character: The Skulls (for Josh), Varsity Blues (for James) and Final Destination (for Kerr), the other ones, not my fave movies.
Fave song from the show or soundtrack: Feels Like Home (Chantal Kreviazuk), I'll Be (Edwin McCain), Crazy for this Girl (Evan and Jaron).


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Name: Rebecca
What do I do on the site: Articles Section
Interests: Reading, shopping, listening to music, hanging out with my friends
Fave DC episode: Probably Stolen Kisses...or A Winter's Tale
Fave DC season: Season 3
Fave DC character: Either Pacey or Joey, can't decide.
Fave DC couples: Pacey/Joey!
Fave shows: Dawson's Creek, JAG, Stargate SG-1, Academy Awards
Fave movie with a DC character: Skulls or the Mighty Ducks movies.
Fave song from the show or soundtrack: Crazy for this Girl - Evan and Jaron.


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Name: Becca
What do I do on the site: Wallpapers
Website: The Window is Open
Interests: Summer Camp, College, Friends, Scrapbooking, and Creating Wallpaper
Fave DC episode: Season 1 finale
Fave DC season: Season 1
Fave DC character: Joey Potter
Fave DC couples: Dawson and Joey, Pacey and Andie
Fave shows: Dawson's Creek, almost all of the WB shows, and MTV.
Fave movie with a DC character:
Fave song from the show or soundtrack:


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There are people missing but I haven't got their info, so they'll be added as soon as I do.

