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"For My Father"


I will be there for you
just like you were for me.
In love and faith
with every degree.

Of tenderness and care
You were always there.
Why should it be any less?
I couldn't begin to guess.

When the knees were skinned
and my heart broken
You fixed everything
a kiss for the token.

You were proud of me for
All my deeds large and small
And memories hang on
Every Wall.

Father I love you and you
Will always be
My Knight in Armour
Who kept me free.

You could make me laugh when
I wanted so much to cry
And you will always be
Apple of my eye.

We will get through this
Together you and me
You are being prayed for
by many a bended knee.

Though we don't know them,
They are out there
Sending us their strength
With every prayer.

Father I love you
and want you to get better
The faith of our hearts
Will break every fetter.

~Author: Rhonda Huffman~

Thank you Rhonda for allowing me to put this on my site

(This poem is dedicated to Jim)

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