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I Dreamed A Dream

When I was just a little girl, I dreamed a dream one day.
That I would find the perfect 'one' steal my heart away.
I knew he would not have to come upon a stallion white,
Nor would he have to draw his sword, and for me, have to fight.
Oh, I knew that dreams were dreams, and real dreams are so few...
So, I shelved my childhood dreams, never expecting it to come true.
Still, I searched each day of my life, with a longing, for years, it seems...
With each acquaintance I'd ask myself, 'Is he that Prince of my dreams'?

All hope seemed use to despair, no Prince was there to find.
Oh, dreams are just dreams, they never come true-cast it from my mind!
And so, I lived from day to day, existing the best I knew how.
True love, it seemed, was not to be mine, so I elected to live just for now.
Then, my blinded eyes opened! My heart came alive! My prince was here all the time!
And I never knew 'til I recognized you...

It was you I had been longing to find!

~Author: Shirley Kotsanos~

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