Life is so very unpredictable
We never know from one day to the next
What may be in store for us,
or for our family and friends
If you think of calling someone ...
If you think of sending a card ...
If you think of visiting ...
If you think of writing a letter ...
~~Seize the moment~~
No matter how busy you are
Take that thought and carry it out
Pick up the phone and make that call,
Grab your pen and write that card or letter,
Get into your car and make that visit ...
We often put things off until tomorrow
But we never know what is in store for any of us ...
Today, tomorrow or the next,
may not arrive
~~Seize the moment~~
The bottom line is this -
Thinking about doing something
is a far cry from actually acting upon it
Take those thoughts
and turn them into actions
Because there may not be a tomorrow
for you or for the person you were just thinking about
~~~Seize the moment~~
It will make you feel so good
And most importantly
Your actions will make someone smile!
Life can be cut short at any moment
for any one of us!
~~Author: Monica Waldman~~