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Just about the time he falls asleep
that is when I begin to weep,
wondering what the future will be,
oh how I wish I could see.
I hope he can't hear
my silent tears.

He sleeps so soundly -
I love him profoundly.
He means everything to me,
I wish I could make him free
of all his pain and despair.
Oh God... It all seems so unfair!

I have often felt like running away -
But I know I could not live just one day,
without seeing his face
or feeling his loving embrace.
We will get through this i know -
even though it has been a great blow.

Life certainly has a lot of twists and turns
and once in a while you can get burned.
I hope and I pray
each and every day,
that I will remain strong
to help him along.

Perhaps we will learn a lesson from this,
to never take for granted ... not even a kiss.
What will the future hold?

What ever happened to having fun?
All we want is to see the sun.
To feel the positive effects of it's rays,
to get back to the good old days.

It will take some time, you can be sure.
We will pool our strength and believe in a cure!

I hope he can't hear
my silent tears.

~~Author: Monica Waldman~~
(February '94)

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