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Have you heard any gossip lately that has got you just ticked right off? Then say it here. If we have the chance we will ask the guys to see if it is true and get back to you PERSONALLY!!

Rumour-Brian died from his surgery.
Truth-Ummm....I don't think so.I think everybody would know by now.

Rumour-Nick hates Asians.
Truth-That is sooo untrue!!he wrote a letter to a radio station in Asia saying that he didn't dislike them at all. Isn't that sweet of him!

Rumour-Nick wants to quit the group and go solo.
Truth-He dosen't want to quit the group but he is going to do a CD with his brother Aaron.

Rumour-Brian is gay and that Kevin and Nick are in love.
Truth-WAY UNTRUE!!!!The guys said themselves that they are interested in girls. They just haven't found the right ones yet.

Rumour-Kevin wants to wuit the group because he feels he is to old.
Truth-Nope!The guy may be 26 years old but he is here to stay!

Rumour-When Nick has free time he like to hack into peoples computers and delete all their info.
Truth-He does not!So people with webpage don't fear!He won't do anything.

Rumour-Howie loves gummi bears.
Truth-He used to....he's gotten so many of them thrown to him on stage that he is sick of them now.

Rumour-Aj grew out his hair.
Truth-Yes it is grown out and personally I Frackette don't like it at all!
