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About Frackette and B-Rok (Frick)

Okay the two webmasters of this page are Frack and Frick. Frack's real name is Ashleigh. She's 13 yeras old and almost 14, (I'll be 14 on September 18th. She lives in Ontario Canada(we won't give out the exact city/town).She's loved the backstreet boys for who knows how long. She has really short brown hair and blue eyes.She's 5'7 (really tall!!!).She dosen't take any crap from anybody. She hates it when people send her I hate Backstreet Boys e-mail (then again who dosen't). She could spen hours printint off pictures of her fave boy Nick Carter. But she prefers e-mailing him so she can talk to him (Seriously!!). Noow about Frick. She is 14 years old (she'll be 15 years old on November 25). She also live in Ontario Canada. Her real name is Becky. She loves Brian and likes to e-mail him (We're not kidding we seriously do have their e-mails!)She loves horses. She could spend all day with them. She has short blonde hair and blue eyes. She could probably spend about the same time as me printing off pictures of her fave guy Brian. Oh Yeah! Becky might get to meet the BSB on August 22nd because she knows Brians cousin.
