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Welcome to the fan-art section of "Just a Toutch of Jellicle Magic". I don't own the web page but my cousin is giving me this part of her page because I am an avid artist. You may adress me as Lilly. I've just started on this page so be patient, but I'm getting drawings posted as quickly as I can. My page is arranged so that if you c lick on a character, you will see their art page. That is, several drawings of that character. If you are an artist, feel free to send me your own drawings. Just E-mail them to my cousin, (Rustyx301) and I will post them under your name.

Cassandra *Under Construction*
Mungojerrie &/or Rumpelteazer
Grizabella *Under Construction*
Jellylrum/Griddlebone &/or Gus *Under Construction*
Mistoffolees *Under Construction*
Munkustrap *Under Construction*
Macavity *Under Construction*
Rum Tum Tugger
Sillabub/Jemima *Under Construction*
Victoria *Under Construction*
Pictures from my backstage RPG *Under Construction*
