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Only a fiew right now, but there are more to come!!! So I'm asking all jellicle authors to please send me some Fan-fic, and i'll give you the proper credit. Also, I would like to thank JemimaKitty, and Scarlett for being my first two authers. You guys are soooo cool. So sit back, pull up an old hat, and enjoy!

Interpersonal Onstage Coonflicts
Rating: Pg, or PG13 not to bad, just a little language and a few murders.
Summary: Can you fiiind out who the killer is, Starring a heart pounding (fictional) Cast of "CATS" This story includes pictures!!!!

By *~ Scarlet

Macavity's Story
Scarlet's story


Mistoffolees and Jemima sitting in a tree...


Notorious Debts