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Mistoffolees and Jemima sitting in a tree...

Mistoffelees woke early that morning, with an odd feeling. Still being new to the world of magic, he had no clue what it was. He ran out of an open window in his masters house to the Junkyard. He would ask Tatomile and Coricopat, they normally knew everything about his powers.


Tantomile and Coricopat woke at the same time, as usual. Tantomile looked at her brother," Mistoffelees is coming. It is urgent." Coricopat nodded his agreement. Mistoffelees came through the doorway into their small home. "Water?" Coricopat asked. Mistoffelees just nodded, he could barely breath, nonetheless speak. "You are up very early today, Misto" Tantomile said. Mistoffelees nodded again, tired from the long run there. "Something is wrong,"he said,"I have been waking up really early, with odd sensations all over my body. I am getting nervous, I don't know what is wrong!" Tantomile smiled and said,"Don't worry Mistoffelees. You are fine. You are just... in love." Coricopat could feel his sisters happiness suddenly, making he, himself smile. He loved having her feelings sometimes. He knew that Tantomile felt like Mistoffelees' mother, he felt like his father in a way, too. He had always known that Tantomile wanted to be a mother. Maybe she would find a mate, it's never too late, but Mistoffelees would have to do for now.


"In love?!" Mistoffelees thought. He had been kinda silly lately. He didn't have any strong feelings towards anyone. Well, maybe one. Jemima. She was so sweet and innocent. She gave up everything for her friends and her sisters. He was still contemplated what Tantomile had said when he heard a rustling behind him. He turned around quickly to find Jemima about to pounce on him! "Stupid Terpsiporhean powers! I can't even pounce on you without you knowing!", Jemima hissed. Mistoffelees smiled. "That's why I like them!" he yelled, pouncing on her. "Not fair", Jemima yelled. Then she smiled, knowing he had won. "ok", she said," I give up. You win." She smiled again. "Boy, she sure does smile a lot", Misto thought. Then to his surprise, she nuzzled him! Then she ran off giggling. Mistoffelees smiled, and ran to find Tantomile.


"You Nuzzled him?!" Victoria asked excitedly. "Yup!" Jemima yelled. Etcetera jumped up and down saying,"I wish I had the courage to nuzzle Tugger....more than 20 times a day!" They all giggled, excited. Victoria's eyes lit up, realizing something. "Hey Jemima", she said,"You do know that it's your turn to become a Cat next Jellicle Ball, right?" Jemima giggled, full of excitement and said,"YUP!" Victoria smiled. "You do know which Male cat is becoming a Cat, right?" Jemima smiled brightly and said,"Oh my gosh! It's Mistoffelees!" Etcetera sighed and said,"I wish Tugger was kitten when I was..." Jemima and Victoria were too caught up in the moment to realize what she had said.


Mistoffelees was so exhilerated, he wasn't watching where he was going. he ran right into Munkustrap! "Whoa! Mistoffelees, where are you going so fast?" Munkustrap asked. "Um," Mistoffelees blushed,"nowhere!" He yelled. Munkustrap looked questioningly at him. "Who are you looking for?" Mistoffelees said,"Tantomile!" He was acting like a Kitten, but he couldn't help it. Munkustrap grinned and said,"She is at her home, with Coricopat." Mistoffelees thanked Munkustrap and ran off. Misto found Tantomile in her den. "Tantomile?" Mistoffelees asked,"Guess what happened!" Tantomile shrugged and said,"Jemima nuzzled you." Mistoffelees looked oddly at her then said,"I guess I shouldn't play that game with a magic cat?" Tantomile smiled. "You do know that you two will be the ones that become Cats at the next Jellicle Ball?" Mistoffelees dissapeared in a cloud of smoke. He reappeared on the tire in the middle of the Junkyard next to Jemima. Jemima jumped 10 feet straight in the air. When she landed, she felt a rough, wet object stroke her face. She looked up to see Mistoffelees smiling, then his young face dissapeared in a puff of smoke. Jemima smiled, then ran off to tell her friends what just happened.

Author's Note: This is my First CAT's Fanfic, yes, I know it didn't tell you much, but work with me!
