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Macavity Story

"AAAAUUURRRGHHH," yawned Macavity as he stretched out his long, thin arms. After rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, Macavity looked at his partner, Charlie. Hmmm, thought Macavity, I remember when I first got Charlie. Practically stole him right out from his mother's nose. Good thing his cute little sister, Pouncivette, and his little brother, oh what was his name? I don't think he had one. Good thing they were sleeping, or I would have had to take them too. I guess today I'll finally tell him. "Wake up, old fella," barked Macavity as he prodded Charlie to wakefulness. "I'm up, I'm up," said Charlie sleepily, for he knew that if he was tardy with Macavity's breakfast, he'd be in trouble. Charlie wondered when he and Macavity would have that talk Macavity had told him about. Macavity could sense his apprehension because he said, "Don't worry about breakfast today, we need to talk." "Okay," said Charlie nervously. Macavity had never really talked to him as a cat before... he'd always just ordered him around. "You may be wondering what this is all about. Well, my boy, I'm not getting any younger, and it's about time you take my place as MACAVITY." "Whaaa...???...." speculated Charley. What is he talking about? thought the young cat. "You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you? Well, you shouldn't seeing as I've never told you before. Here's how the story goes. In each generation of Jellicles (those prissy cats I showed you once, the ones that believe in Family, Love, and Friends, there must be a villain, a shady character if you will. Well, that person is me, Macavity. The villain before me was a Macavity, and before him, all the way down the line. You, my boy, will be the next Macavity." "But I'm Charlie. That's the name you gave me when I was a kitten," interrupted a terribly frightened Charlie. "I know, but soon, in a matter of days, you will renounce that name, and become the ever-feared Macavity. You should feel honored that I have chosen you to fill my shoes." "But what about my family? My mother, brother, and sister? You said I would be allowed to meet them some day!" "You will meet some of your family. Not all though, because your brother and mother are dead, have been for a long time. Your sister, however, has become one of them, y'know, a Jellicle. You will have to kill her before you can become Macavity, for it is written that any Macavity must be free of any family bonds. And only you can kill her, no one can do it for you. I hope you are prepared to make that decision." Charlie was torn between an instinctual love for his sister and a taught faithfulness to Macavity. However, he knew what an honor it was to be chosen to be Macavity, and he didn't want to let his teacher down. "I will do it. But, sir, how will I find her? Does she have a name?" Macavity chuckled at the innocence of Charlie's questions. "She does have a name, and it is Pouncivette. You will find her easily because she is looking for you and will be coming near our quiet home soon. Also, you will be able to recognize her from a scar I put on her nose as she slept when she was a kitten. I knew you'd be back someday to kill her, so I made sure she'd be recognizable." "Okay. When do we go?" asked Charlie with growing confidence that this was what he wanted. The heck with Family and Friends and Love. He'd have power, the ability to strike fear into the heart of ever cat he crossed paths with. Now that was something to strive for. "We can begin whenever you're ready," encouraged Macavity, happy to see that Charlie was growing more and more confident with his new position. ********************************* The next day, Charlie and Macavity set out to find (and kill) Pouncivette. As they walked from their secluded alley, they saw her. Charlie knew it was her because not only did they look alike, but there was a noticeable scar diagonally across her nose, where apparently Macavity had marked her so that he could find her. "There she is, sir," whispered Charlie to Macavity, "and she's not alone." He was right. Munkustrap, the leader of the Jellicles, would not let Pouncivette leave the safe junkyard alone. He made SkimbleShanks, an older, wiser tom go with her to protect her. "Brother?" asked Pouncivette questioningly. "I was once your brother," hissed Charlie menacingly. "But now you must die." ********************************* There was a fight. A fight to the death. Only Pouncivette did not die, and neither did SkimbleShanks or Charlie. However, the older Macavity was killed during battle. Charlie knew that the death of his teacher meant that he was to be the next Macavity. But how was he to go on with family bonds? Charlie went to bed to nurse his wounds, thinking about his predicament. During the night, a revelation came to him. It was the spirit of Macavity. No, not his teacher, but the original, barbaric Macavity, a god to all villains. This ghost told Charlie to continue and become Macavity, for as long as Pouncivette was in the care of the Jellicles, it would be impossible to kill her, because the Jellicles' bonds of Love, Family, and Friendship were too strong to break. Charlie woke up, and looked in the mirror. What he saw was something he never imagined. He had become, in mind, spirit, and now body... MACAVITY! -Scarlett