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Scarlet's Story

I was born to a small theatre family of cats. Because of my bright red fur, I was immediately named Scarlett, and put on center stage in all the acts. I loved all the attention I got, being the star of the family. Surprisingly, my brothers and sisters were not jealous of me at all. By the time we were 3 and 4 months old, about half of my brothers and sisters were adopted. I was sad to see them go, but they looked so happy with their new families. I began to wish I would be taken. But whenever someone would stop by to look at us, my parents hid me. I guess they didn't want their star actress to be taken away by anyone. I, on the other hand, wanted to leave. Yes, I loved acting, but even more I loved the dream I held of sitting curled up on a child's lap, while they lovingly stroked my belly. I vented my frustration about my want to be adopted into my acting. I so wanted to become someone else, to get away from the restrictive life I was living. At 6 months, all my siblings had been adopted, so my parents had me doing solo songs and dances, since there was no ensemble anymore. One night, while I was singing, I noticed a tom in the audience. He was not the normal type of tom that came in to watch me. They were scuzzy, with lice and smelly fur. This tom was debonair, smooth, and very handsome. As I held the last note of my final song, our eyes locked, and I think we both felt the immediate connection. It was electric, and I knew we were meant to be together. As I was leaving, he came up behind me from a dumpster. "Hello miss." "Oh! You startled me!" I said, surprised by his presence in the filthy alleyway. "I'm sorry. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Rhett." "Pleased to meet you. My name is Scarlett." "Well, Miss Scarlett, allow me to say that you are the most beautiful queen I've ever met." "Oh, thank-you, Rhett," I said bashfully, even though I was jumping for joy inside. Maybe he was what I needed to get away! "But I'm afraid you flatter me." "I'm not flattering you at all! Please, allow me accompany you home." "O-okay," I said nervously. I didn't want this handsome tom to see my parents' filthy home behind a Mexican restaurant. So, I led him in circles, and we just talked. I knew that he knew I wasn't heading home, but he was kind enough to just stay with me. Soon we knew each other's life stories, and he sympathized with me about the adoption of all my brothers and sisters. "But what I don't understand," he asked, "is why no one wanted to adopt such a pretty cat as you." "Well," I said, embarrassed, "my parents never let me be seen by prospective families. I guess they didn't want me to leave" "Oh, you poor thing," he cooed. He took my paw in his and stroked it gently. "Scarlett, listen to me," he said almost sternly. "I know we've only known each other a short time, but I know enough about you to know, in my heart, that I can't let you go back to your parents. Come with me." "Where?" "To the City. I know a group of cats there called the Jellicles. They live in a safe, secluded junkyard. You'll be so happy there! Please, Scarlett, come with me!" "I don't know, Rhett, my parents..." "We'll be long gone before they realize you're gone! Please, it's the only way you'll get out of here!" "Okay," I said, extremely frightened by the thought of what I was about to do. "Let's go. If I don't do it now, I never will." "That's what I like to hear," he said, as he lightly licked my nose. "Now let's get moving before you change your mind." We headed towards the City, him leading the way in case danger should come. About 4 miles into the trip, which was the next day, both Rhett and I were startled to hear a low, sinister laugh coming from the bushes. Not knowing what was happening, we went to side of the road and saw two cats fighting. "Who are they?" I asked, scared. "I don't know who that small one is, but the large cat is Macavity. He's evil." Rhett shuddered as he told me, and that made me even more frightened. All of a sudden, the yowling stopped. I uncovered my eyes to see Macavity coming towards us. Rhett stood in front of me, as if he could protect me from whatever was about to happen. "Hello, Rhett," sneered Macavity. "I see you've picked up a new stray. Trying to get her into the Jellicles, are you?" "As a matter of fact, yes. She'll be safe there, away from evil cats like you." Rhett immediately regretted saying that. Macavity lashed out at Rhett, and scratched him across the face with his sharp claws. "Yeeeeeoooowww!" screamed Rhett, bouncing back in pain. He and Macavity began to fight vigorously, and I watched intently, scared to leave and scared to stay. I was startled as the other cat, who's name eludes me to this day, grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the two fighting toms. This cat led me away from the fight and told me to run. "Where?" I asked. "Anywhere! If you head that way," he pointed towards the City, "one of the Jellicles will find you and take you somewhere safe. I have to go back and help Rhett." "You're going to leave me here?" I implored, feeling very small and helpless. "I have to. I'm a Jellicle, and I have to help Rhett because he needs me more than you do. Now go!" He gently pushed me towards the City. "Okay, I'll go. If Rhett and you survive, tell him that I loved him the moment I set eyes on him, and ask him to come find me someday!" "I'll do that, and will most certainly do all I can to help two lovers be together. Now run while there's still time!" "Good-bye!" I shouted over my shoulder as I ran, panting, towards the City. I didn't look back because I knew I would find the only cat I ever cared about, aside from my brothers and sisters, dead. Instead of chancing the pain that would cause, I pushed the thought out of my head and concentrated on surviving, on getting to the City and finding the Jellicles. After what seemed like days (but in reality was only a few hours) of all-out running, I finally slowed. Collapsed, actually. I had reached the center of the City, and, knowing I was finally away from Macavity, I was able to fall to the ground and sleep. I slept soundly for several long hours, and awoke groggily. When my eyes focused, I saw a gray striped queen looking at me. "Hello," she said gently. "You're a stray, aren't you?" "Y-y-es," I squeaked, still exhausted from all the running I had done. "Do you know where I can find a group of cats called the Jellicles?" I questioned, my strength coming back in one urgent flow. I had to find them because only there would I be safe. At least that's what Rhett had said. "As a matter of fact, I've just become a member of the Jellicles myself. My name is Pouncivette. Do you want to join our Family?" "Oh, yes, I do! Very much so! Thank-you so much," I whispered, grateful to have a friend. "Then come with me!" she said happily. We walked arm in arm down the sidewalk and she chattered excitedly about the who's and what's of the Tribe. Soon we were good friends, and I was ecstatic to reach the junkyard. Every one of the Jellicles received me with open arms. I felt very at home among my new friends. They filled the hole in my heart that formed when all my brothers and sisters left. After the instant popularity of being the "new cat" wore off, I was extremely content to assume a low profile, counteracting the attention forced on me at my previous home. Pouncivette and I remained friends, and I enjoyed watching (and partaking in) the crazy antics of my fellow Jellicles. I was so happy to have friends and family! The End