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The Lights Go Down-Synopsis for

From the moment you walk in to the Junkyard & take your seat, you are in their world. The lights begin to dim and the music begins to play. As the orchestra play a haunting melody, *The Overture* you look to your right and are greeted by a very special surprise. The lights stay dim but the Christmas decorations in the Junkyard begin to glow as the orchestra slows down and we see a sly yet graceful cat slink across the stage. (This cat's name is Demeter) One by one the cats come out & explain that they are no ordinary breed, but that they are "Jellicle" Cats. This song is called *Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats*. Immediatley after the song they spot an audience member with perhaps a skeptical look on his or her face. Maybe he or she doesn't understand. This leads to a poem called *The Naming of Cats* in which they try to find the answer to the question, What's a Jellicle Cat?

Soon, out walks a pure white cat. Her name is Victoria. She does a short but beutiful dance whisch is turned in to a semi-Jazzy tune with the enterance of a black cat with white on his face, chest, and tail. This cat's name is The Magical Mr. Mistoffolees The rest of the cats join in once again for *The Invitation to the Jellicle Ball* In which, they explain that once ayear, Jellicle cats come together. They tell their stories and then one...only one of them gets to be reborn and come back to a different Jellicle life. The Cats scatter and one cat, known as Munkustrap stays to sing. Munkustrap is black, white & gray. He is very kind. He sings the introduction to a song that introduces Jennyanydots in the song entitled *The Gumby Cat*. Which is soon interrupted by The Rum Tum Tugger A very picky, yet very handsome male cat who makes his presence know to all of the females to all go ga-ga for the stud cat. But all of the fun & games are short lived as in enters a raggedy sad-looking cat. Grizabella> The kittens try to approach her bu are pulled away by the grown up cats. They explain a short character analysis in *Grizabella; The Glamour Cat*. She walks away and is replaced onstage by Bustopher Jones A very wealthy-looking, very stout cat. Obviously, he is loved by all. In the middle of their joy, a crash is heard. The lights go out and a siren screams through the blackness. The word "Macavity" is hastilly whispered as all of the cats exit. The silence following this is broken by playful giggling...

Two orange & black cats enter, looking very sneaky. A male and a female named Mungojerrie & Rumpelteazer The girl giggles again only to be shushed by the male. They explain that they are notoriouse "cat" Burglers & very good at what they do. Near the end of their song *Mungojerrie & Rumpeltazer" They are surrounded by the Jellicles who obviously don't approve of their mischief & kick them out. There is soon stillness as one of the cats announced the arrival of *Old Deutoronomy*. The head of the jellicles. As he arrives, he is entertaine by tales of two riveling packs of dogs in *The Pekes & The Pollicles* In which the cats dress up as the dogs and tell the comical story of *The great Rumpus cat!* As old Deuteronomy ventures to speak again, he is interrupted by abother heart-stopping crash. The word "Macavity" Is whispered once again. THe cats seem wildly disturbed as they engage in a spectacularly haunting dance & song. *The Jellicle Ball*. Griz enters once agin but is shunned once again by the other cats. While alone, she sings of her saddness. *Memory*
*This is where intermission lies*

The Jellicles are very relaxed in the second half of the show. Duteronomy sings a deep anology & afterwards one of the kittens sings out. The beutiful voice belongs to a kitten named Sillabub Soon enters an old, weak-looking cat, Gus He is followed by Skimbleshanks In *Skimbleshanks; The railroad Cat* Whicj is yet again interrupted by a scary crash. In the hysteria, 4 rats and *MACAVITY* Come out and kidnapp the Jellicle leader himself...Old Deut. They are left in the dark for Demeter senses that something's wrong. There is a brief battle between Macavity & Munkustrap Macavity runs but the Jellicles still don't have their beloved Deutoronomy. Suddenly The Rum Tum Tugger informs everyone that all they need to do is ask