First off, this chat room requires Java, therefor if you don't have it, you can't chat. (Sorry!) Second, NO FOUL LANGUAGE! Only APPROPRIATE behavior is allowed in here. If we see anyone cusing their brains out or harassing another chat member, this chat room will be closed. We WILL NOT TOLERATE bad behavior, therefor, if youcan't behave yourselves, don't come here.
Now that we covered that *sigh* we can get on to bigger and better things...such as chatting! Now, wait a minute or so for the screen at the bottom of this page to load up. Don't be impatient. The loading time will vary according to your machine speed. When it comes on, type in the information that is shown, then hit the "CONNECT" button to log on. After you have successfully logged on, there will be a list to the right of the screen showing the current visitors, and there will be a "TYPE YOUR MESSAGE HERE" written in the message bar. Delete that and type in your own message. Hit enter and it will show up on the small screen where you and everyone else can see it!
Well, I think I can let you crazy girls loose! Just remember--BEHAVE! Enjoy! =)