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Our Loving Home

This is our home. This is where we house our adopted pets from the mousepad orphanage. Right now there is only one child here, but later we hope to add to our collection! The reason we have an adopted child here is because Girls Etc cares about kids. Would YOU like to be cooped up in an orphanage all your life? Seriously. Think about it. No true family, no one that cared for you, people that kept you company just because that was their job...not the greatest life, eh? Well, that's what these children are here for. We at Girls Etc plan to care for them, love them, feed them, and keep them healthy as the day they were born. Please, stop in and play with our kids often. They belong to US!

Bessy is one year old, and was adopted on August 26th, 1997. She's a healthy child and loves attention, so please give her some! Below is her birth certificate, certifying that she is registered and not kid-napped. Her registration number is 123 if you want some proof.

If you would like to adopt your own child from the orphanage, check out the mousepad orphanage at and see what they have up for adoption!

Thanks for stopping by and seeing Bessy. She loves all of you and the attention she recieved! Thanks again!