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Want Ads

What exactly are want ads? Well, just what they are in the paper. Advertising something that you're selling? Looking for a keypal? Need information for a school project and wondering if anyone here knows where to find it? This is the place. Here's a couple example of some acceptable want ads.

Hi. My name is Jamie and I am looking for someone who wants to be keypals. I am 16 and like to listen to music and shop. E-mail me at if you wanna chat with me! --Jamie

Anyone looking for some friendship jewelry? I am selling some! Check out my homepage for more information!

I need some help. I am looking for a place that has lyrics to Blue's Traveler's songs. Anyone know where to look? If you have a hint, e-mail me at Thanx from Cindy!

Now, since this homepage can only be so big, after the want ads pile up, there will be a notice written that "the following addresses are going to be removed soon." Hopefully, we won't have that problem.

Another thing. I will sort through the submissions I receive and choose the ones that are appropriate for the site and my viewers. When a submission is rejected, I will notify the sender and let them know why their ad was not chosen.

So you wanna put in an ad? Simple! Just make sure it is 50 words or less and include only ONE LINK OR ADDRESS. No multiples. Click the "Want ad submission" button below to submit your ad! I'll hopefully have it up within 48 hours or will get them put in over the weekends. It all depends on how many I get! Thanks a lot!

Want Ad Submission

Hi my name's Katie and I'm looking for a nice not perverted guy to be friends with.I like shopping and listening to music and I'm totally cool not to brag.If you're interested email me at! :o)

Hi, I have a great website that I'd love you to visit! It has links to great places on the internet, an online magazine, AND a memorial for the late Princess Diana. You can there by simply going to this address!

My name is JEFF I'm 14 and looking for a nice girl to be friends with I like doing just about anything. If you need to know any more just email me at I'll tell you almost anything

Hi There My name is Pamela a.k.a. GirlyGirl a.k.a. Goddess. I am looking for a pen pal! Guy or Girl! I am VERY talkative and fun. You can catch me at I am pretty nice. Except when I am mad. I like swimming and soccer and volleyball and basketball. I am about 5,2" and I have brown hair up to my ears! Well hope to hear from YOU!

I'm looking for some new friends!! I talk a lot and know how to keep people company!! If you interested mail me at

My name is Lisa and I'm looking for a c-guy. I'm not in to c-sex. But I like the idea of c-marriage. I am 12 years old and a great person for a conversation. E-Mail me:

Hi I'm 14 fem, in Hastings, NE, in 9th grade with brown hair green eyes,pretty tall, and looking for a c-boyfriend, c-marriage (serious only!) and alot more. So if you are looking for someone to chat and in the future maybe meet.  I like computing, swimming, cross country, volleyball, and I absoululty love animals so E-mail me at  THANXS!

Hi, my name is Sandy. l am looking for GUYS to be friends with. l like to read, play, music, surf in the net, ... l will reply soon. So please email me at, See ya!

Hi. My name is cyberbebe. I am advertising my klub and am wanting members. The klubhouse is at and please go there and join. It is for girls only! My e-mail addy is if you have any questions......

Hi My name is Polina and I need people to check out my club, If UR a girl Please check out my club at my e-mail is

Hey! Wanna to make friends? Join a brand whole new club! Come to Friends Of the Internet! You'll meet lots of friends from there! - Xiaoyuan