Jennifer Coffield

From: Skamania Washington

Time: 1999-03-01 00:09:13


Hello Friends, Please write me at home, I am just borrowing someone's computer today.

My address is 2162 Duncan Creek Rd Skamania, WA Jennifer Coffield 98648

Here is my story. I was in San Francisco, seeking??

In January of 78. I had turned 18 in November. I was walking down Steiner St. All of a sudden i could not move. I looked up and there was a white cross on a bldg. A force seemed to keep me from moving. All of a sudden men in robes came out and took me inside. I remember ones name was Rev. Paul Rest (an Aquarius, I had studied astrology). They took me up to meet Father Paul and Mother Ruth. They had asked me why I had come there. I said, "to follow the Sun" like in the Beatles song. I felt

Zapped, my mind was blown. I remember Father Paul telling Mother Ruth. "She has a lot of light", Doesn't she Mother? I didn't know what they were talking about. I flashed back that we had all been in the Essene Order before in a past life. After 2 months I left. I was a novice at 910 Steiner; I couldn't take the restriction and discipline. I was a cook but I had no clue as to how to cook. I took off and went to "rock" festivals, one after another. I went back because I missed the light. I missed the spiritual upliftment. On Easter of 71, I had communion at Filmore Aid Station, from Mother Ruth and was blinded by the light; I could not find my way back to the chair. The light was inside me and out. In a few months Father Paul brought me into the illumination. I left again, (I have moon conjunct Uranus in the 11th house, square Saturn & Neptune), Although I was there at 910 Steiner for the fire. Then onto Detroit, a very dark time for me, I felt Jim Rule was on a total power trip. I ran away to Toronto, Detroit was a city of darkness. The Rules told me I was Judas Iscariot for running away. Thank God they sent to the Mary House, where I was with Master M. Then onto the brother house at Western & Fullerton. In January of 1975, I took the life vows, I had been resisting for so long. I had a lot of fun in Chicago. Then onto San Diego, I left a year later. I went to Nursing School in SF CA. I worked 15 years as a LPN and had two sons. I married to John Linneman an ex-order priest.

We are now divorced. I went through my own "dark night of the Soul" with addiction to prescription drugs and 3 yrs in a methadone clinic. I had been in bad relationships with 3 alcoholics. The drugs blocked out a lot of my psychic sensitivity, which I found hard to live with in this world. I went through hell getting off the drugs. Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine saved my life. Now I appreciate what I learned in the order and attend the spiritualist Church sometimes. I feel Father Paul's

Spirit during meditation sometimes. And I still have "order" dreams. We are all still spiritually connected. I especially am grateful that I finally learned to cook. I still have a hard time cooking only for two. Love & light


Jennifer Coffield


From: Skamania Washington

Time: 1999-01-03 22:32:49

Comments: I first join the Order in Jan of 1970 and left in 1976. I joined the Order in SanFrancisco.I was later sent to

Sebastopol, later to Detroit then Chicago then SanDeigo in 75. I'm looking for friends, Sister Diane Bilotti and Brother

Donald Beckett and anyone else who remembers me.I was a cook at 910 Steiner St. before the fire. It be fantastic if I could

hear from any of you.

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