Father Kyrill (Esposito)


From: Illinois


Time: 1998-12-11 01:51:29

Comments: Dear Ones, I was in the Order from 1970 through 1977. You probably knew me as Father

Bartholomew. I followed Randy Durand as chief cook and bottlewasher at 20 for a year and a half. After ordination

I was assigned to New Orleans, Augusta, ME, Denver and then to Cheyeene where I was a Class Master with the

Duffords and then Ben Teitelbaum for several years. I was then transferred to Forestville and became Director of

Education and Council Secretary for two years. Then I left the Order In 1980 I became a Catechumen in the

Orthodox Church, and was Chrismated into the Russian Orthodox Church. Subsequently I was tonsured a monk

and ordained to the Diaconate and then the Priesthood. After several years I discovered that a large group of the

Order, with Father Andrew, were also approaching Orthodoxy. I got back in touch with this part of the group in the

late 80's, and have remained in touch with then ever since

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