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Holy Order of Mans, HOOM, Terrell Neuage, LOCATIONS: Australia, Canada, New York, West Virginia, Oregon, Kansas, Alabama, Illinois, Texas, Nevada, Pennsylvania, California, Oklahoma, Washington, New Mexico, New Jersey, Unknown, Georgia, Michigan, Nebraska


Last up dated:Thursday, March 04, 1999


    Greetings Terrell,

    My name is Michael Fish and I was in the Order from 1970 to 1974, methinks.

    I entered in San Francisco, 20 Steiner St, and ran Brother Junipers Coffee

    House on the Haight, then after a year was sent to open the Missionary

    station in Sioux Falls, SD. After a year there, I was sent to Nashville to

    start the station there, then back to San Francisco to become a street

    minister, and then off to Chicago. I left the Order, (if one can ever do

    that) and went back to Sioux Falls, SD. Funny thing, on the same day the

    Order House in Sioux Falls closed down. I now reside in the Black Hills of

    South Dakota, working at Rapid City Regional Hospital and running a

    gay/lesbian bed & breakfast called Camp Michael. For more info, check out I still have most of the Order's books. Have lost the

    color them yourself Tarot Cards of Mother Ruth. I think about the Order,

    quite often. It changed my life. In a way it still exists in all of us.

    Anyway, thought I would check in, and would enjoy picking up correspondence

    with other brothers and sister, and such sort. I haven't had a lot of time

    to search all the goodies on the web. I have a Mac and with 8.5 have

    Sherlock, and it give me a ton of Hoom sites. This is just the first that I

    have responded. I lost contact with several brothers, a few years ago.

    Anyway, greetings and I hope to hear from you soon.

    It still goes on, this Lent, a little voice told me to read the Apocrapha.

    I just finished the first book.

