Ceanne Moore Igarta


From: Seattle, WA

Time: 1998-12-14 00:28:06

Comments: I was Sr. Ceanne Moore in the Order. I joined the Order in SF in August 1972. While in SF, I lived at

Raphael House and all three houses on Steiner Street. I left the Order in 1976 after stints in Boston, Chicago and

St. Louis and back to SF. I am married and have two children, a son 19 (who moved out on his own recently), and

a daughter 14. I got such a late start at having children, that I don't have any grandchildren yet. But I think that being

a grandparent is probably a lot more fun than being a parent (at least being a parent to teenagers). HOOM was a

great iniation into spirituality for me. I think many of us were a little smug when we were in HOOM and thought we

were the only ones who had spiritual initiations. Now, I meet people all the time who are very spiritually evolved and

never heard of HOOM. In particular, I have met quite a few Lightworkers online and even participate in online

meditation and channeling sessions. If anyone is interested, I will be glad to send you links to some. Love and Light,


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