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I tried sending an email via the guest book twice, but don't know if I

reached it.

I am a peripheral Hoomie. Every time I come into contact with Hoom, I

am blown away by the experience. In Honolulu, the energy was extremely

powerful thru Bro Raymond, in SF, the visions of the last supper were

vivid, in Portland, during the Xmas service, an ICON of the Christ was

hurled out of the triangle at me, and at a service, the triangle

produced the trinity that entered my body.

The ancient gods contact us thru the triangle ceremony. I only got

bread during communions but I know the energy is in the juice. After

all these years, I am with those beings constantly and do not require

the ceremony for contact.

That was it. I always wondered why Hoom wanted to become orthodox when

it was more than all of orthodoxy combined. Going back to the

ancientest of times, beyond Babylon to the ancients of the stars. To

know the ancient Sophia directly is really a blessing.

I attended Steve Marshall's gnostic church in Portland when I lived

there; they also brought thru the ancients, but no where as

spectacularly as Hoom.