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James Massey, Rachel Massey, Barry Solomon, Global Span, Blythe Allen, Holy Order of Mans, HOOM, HOM, Holy Order of MANS, Terrell Neuage, A Cyborg Manifesto, On Spiritual Knowledge, St Nicetas Stethatos, Donna Haraway, complexity, complex systems, entropy, integrity, emergence, consciousness, information, information theory, topology, system behaviors, sarfatti, jack sarfatti, james rose, jamie rose, non-fractal, godel, St. Dionysios the Areopagite, Logocentrism, Byzantine hesychasts, evolution, self organization, Terrell Adsit, foreigenspace, cantor, heinlein, fuzzy logic, logic, Southern Expressways, SouthernExpressways

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email to:

Name: James & Rachel Massey


From: Hawaii and Portland, Or

Time: 1998-11-21 14:31:31

Comments: Greetings Order people.....I am Rachel and my husband is James Massey. We both studied with the Order first

in Hawaii and then in Portland Or. We were babtised by Rev Karen Sakesawa brought through the illumination by Rev Tom

and Lisa Pine and also married by the Pines. We had many wonderful years with The Order and it is so wonderful having a

means to re-connect with some of the wonderful people we met as well as meet new ones. We are currently in West Palm

Beach, Florida where we have a house but we do a lot of travelling. James is a computer programmer and does contracts

around the country so we travel and live in our 5th wheel much of the year. Please feel free to contact us at brtsprit1 or as we would love to me in contact with old Order people. Love and Light to all.....