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Name: Elizabeth (Whittle) Perdomo


From: Stockbridge, GA

Time: 1998-11-04 18:49:34

Dear Former HOOM Folks & others, If you are interested in the Orthodox Christian side of our collective journey, and would like to either participate an ongoing discussion regarding the CSB (Christ the Savior Brotherhood) as the Orthodox continuation is now called, or if you would like to simply post a note there, either contact me via email, and I will have an invitation to you (if you want to participate in ongoing discussion forum). Or, if you'd just like to post a note of "hello" to some old friends, send it to: In His Love, Elizabeth Perdomo

Comments: Hello! An old friend recently sent me the url for this site. What fun to see folks I did and did not know, and to hear what twists and turns have occured

in our lives. My husband, (formerly Rev. Nelson Perdomo), now Father Martin Perdomo and I live about 30 minutes outside of Atlanta, GA. We have a mini- farm

and our three daughters raise dairy goats, sheep for wool, chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits, etc., and we garden, homeschool, etc. We followed the Orthodox

Christian road, although it took some years to really "grok" what that is and means. God bless each of you. I'd enjoy hearing from any of you. Elizabeth
